Once you've taken a few punches and realize you're not made of glass, you don't feel alive unless you're pushing yourself as far as you can go.
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I think I know why they say falling in love hurts. When you fall in love, it's like you're falling, literally, falling; falling off a cliff. But, falling off a cliff isn't a good thing; because once you hit the bottom, it hurts, a lot. You're broken.
The Carrie Diaries
Sunday, 23 August 2015
Do you know when you are having one of those days where you need a little pick me up? Feeling a little blue and all, I decided to watch the Cinderella movie that was released this year, I am a sucker for fairy tales!
IMDB Details;
When her father unexpectedly passes away, young Ella finds herself at the mercy of her cruel stepmother and her daughters. Never one to give up hope, Ella's fortunes begin to change after meeting a dashing stranger.
Kenneth BranaghWriter:
Chris Weitz (screenplay)
I really enjoyed watching the movie, I love Disney so it was nice to see this kind of thing. I also loved that Richard Madden was in it, I adored him in Game of Thrones.
Cinderella was lighthearted, and quite lovely. It was sort of funny, it was nice. I loved the fairy godmother scene, it was so magical and just you know, I won't go all hazy eyed on yous.
It was warm hearted, and left definitely feeling better than I had been before hand.
Cinderella (Movie Review)
Saturday, 25 July 2015
A desk-bound CIA analyst volunteers to go undercover to infiltrate the world of a deadly arms dealer, and prevent diabolical global disaster.
Paul FeigWriter:
Paul Feig
If you are feeling down, or just want to laugh so hard you have to squeeze your sides, this is the movie for you. It was pure brilliance, I enjoyed watching it to so much. It was brilliant, like I cannot get over how funny, entertaining and different it was.
Spy (Movie Review)
Friday, 24 July 2015
Movie Picture - I don't own this image |
IMDB Details;
Beatrice Prior must confront her inner demons and continue her fight against a powerful alliance which threatens to tear her society apart with the help from others on her side.
Robert Schwentke
The movie took a different turn from the book, events were changed yet it sort of stuck to the book at the same time. I loved that it was different though, as having read the book before hand I obviously knew what to expect, however with the insurgent film it wasn't what I was expecting. It was perhaps better!
I enjoyed watching it, very emotional and again exciting. Usually when it comes to trilogy's and them becoming movies, usually the first is the best and then afterwards the films don't really get as good. However, this wasn't the case. The brilliance, excitement and everything you love about Divergent carries onto Insurgent.
Casting again was good, not one was out of step. Again it was faultless! I think next year Allegiant part one will be released, like the books I'm hoping it will be incredible and emotional. I prepared to sob my heart out!
SPOILER - If you haven't seen or read Insurgent well this is a spoiler but I have to discuss it, my favourite character was killed. Eric, he did deserve it but I am slightly gutted that Jai Courtney won't be making an appearance in the Allegiant movies!
I am thinking about doing book reviews for the divergent trilogy, and four of course. Look out for that:)
Insurgent (Movie Review)
Friday, 17 July 2015
Movie Picture - I don't own this image |
Imdb details;
In a world divided by factions based on virtues, Tris learns she's Divergent and won't fit in. When she discovers a plot to destroy Divergents, Tris and the mysterious Four must find out what makes Divergents dangerous before it's too late.
Director:Neil Burger
I adored the movie, usually when books are made into movies they don't come out the same, or the movie doesn't do the book the justice it deserves. However, with the Divergent film that not the case. The book is better however the movie isn't far off!
The movie made me fall in love with Eric (Jai Courtney) the whole bad ass instructor thing is so appealing to me and the actor is definite eye candy!
The whole story line, characters and just everything is faultless! I thoroughly enjoy watching Divergent, I haven't met someone who hasn't! It is exciting, you can't take your eyes from the screen!
I love the whole concept of that we cannot be categorized, we will always fall into more than one label. The way it is portrayed in the film is incredible.
AMAZING CASTING! The cast is so on point, and fit the roles they are playing so well. Kudos for the perfect casting roles, Eric however isn't how he is portayed in the book as in looks, but I am so glad of that because damn Jai!!
I shall be watching Insurgent next to keep an eye out for the review for that!
Divergent (Movie Review)
Thursday, 16 July 2015
After much recommendation from a close friend of mine, I finally decided to watch GBF (Gay Best Friend) I usually avoid the whole high school teen thing, but nonetheless I got past that and clicked play.
Imdb details;
What happens after Tanner is outed by his classmates and becomes the title "gay best friend" for three high school queen bees?
Darren SteinWriter:
George Northy
So I watched it and unexpectedly I fell in love with it from the very beginning, it is funny sassy and well it is good to say I already have my gay best friend ;)
I loved the casting, it was pretty spot on. Also the storyline, it was interesting and the whole coming out thing is revolutionary. There really isn't that many movies that surround the gay community and the struggles they may face, so it was good to see that shown in a movie.
I loved it all, there wasn't a part that I disliked. GBF quite possibly may have been moved into my favourites! I recommend
GBF (Movie Review)
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
Movie Picture - I don't own this image |
After young Riley is uprooted from her Midwest life and moved to San Francisco, her emotions - Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness - conflict on how best to navigate a new city, house, and school.
It was so good. Faultless to say at the least. Watching the journey of emotions was quite the visual adventure! I have to say that it made me cry, yeah I sob a lot!
It was really good to watch, fun and educational. Being seventeen years old I can say that it doesn't matter what age you will love it! It was a good movie, not what I was expecting. It's quite deep if you think about it, certain aspects really open your eyes and you really get thinking about certain emotions and different stages you go through.
I recommend the movie as always, plus I hope there is another one!!
Inside Out (Movie Review)
Monday, 13 July 2015
A more recent Movie review for you guys! The Duff, the trailer captured me instantly but I never really got round to watching it until the other night!
As usual the Imdb details;
A high school senior instigates a social pecking order revolution after finding out that she has been labeled the DUFF - Designated Ugly Fat Friend - by her prettier, more popular counterparts.
Ari Sandel
Well I was kind of disappointed by this movie. It was hilarious no doubt about that, I did enjoy watching it. It is good entertainment, at certain parts I did cringe and want to walk away but I stuck through. It is a well done movie don't get me wrong.
However, it was a little cliche. It was predictable, by the time I was nearly half way through I made predictions and well they all happened. Obviously somethings cannot be helped, I get that but there weren't really any plot twists. And personally I like to hope the predictions I make are wrong, mainly because it leaves a better impression on me. I did enjoy watching it, it was funny, more than funny even. Having said this the whole 'Duff' idea is whole new concept, or at least I think it is. Kudos for that! It is good teen fiction I have to say, certain aspects you can relate to.
I feel like perhaps the story type has been overdone so many times, obviously that isn't the writers' fault. I understand of course in this day and age it is perhaps becoming harder to be completely original, and that there is huge legacy of movies and stories you have to make your way through in order to get yours being the best it possibly can be of its kind. It was obvious she was going to do the whole 'lets go from looking normal to looking hot' that is overdone, and there was just a lot things you could see coming.
I did gain a little something from the movie though, that if you're invisible (not literally) or not one of those constantly in your face people, you can pretty much wear and do whatever you want without anyone caring. It kind of got me thinking about the whole 'not caring what others think, they don't really care or notice'.
It was good, I will be purchasing the book. And who knows I may do a comparison :)
The Duff (Movie Review)
Sunday, 12 July 2015
Movie Picture - I don't own this image |
Don, a nineteen-year-old sophomore at a Texas junior college, tries to escape his Bible Belt upbringing for life in the Pacific Northwest at the most godless campus in America.
Steve TaylorThis was definitely different from what I usually watch. I usually stay away from the religious type of movies, however my love of Jazz (and Marshall) drew me in. I loved the whole story aspect, like he was writing, I loved that authentic feel it had. It was quite a funny movie, it was crazy. It wasn't predictable which of course is always a bonus!
I find that it's light hearted and serious and the same time. Seeing him go through this doubt in belief, questioning things he wouldn't really usually think about. We see this character move from his norm into this whole new concept of kind of finding himself, we go on this little self discovery journey with him. It is entertaining yet you often feel like you can relate, first of all I think I can pretty much relate to Don with the whole awkward thing he has going on. It is humorous, I laughed pretty much throughout the whole thing.
All of the characters are unique, my favourite besides Don would be Lauryn (Tania Raymonde) she was funny, down to earth, and she is just incredible! I love the friendship between her and Don it's funny and just different I guess.
It is one of those movies, that if you're feeling down or just you need a good laugh then Blue Like Jazz would be the first film I personally would go straight to. Again I don't want to go into too much detail, but the movie pretty good.
Blue Like Jazz (Movie Review)
Saturday, 11 July 2015
I watched Sugar for the first time the other week, it was released in 2013. I have been meaning to watch it for a long time, but due to living outside of the US I haven't been able to until recently. Before I get into what I think about it, and the effect of the film I will tell you a little about it first.
From the IMDB SITE;
A 20-year-old homeless girl is suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome on the streets of Hollywood and Venice beach.
Movie Picture - I don't own this image |
From the IMDB SITE;
A 20-year-old homeless girl is suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome on the streets of Hollywood and Venice beach.
Rotimi Rainwater
Okay so to some it in my own words, it is a film about homeless young adults, and the struggles they go through on the street and the build up and reasoning why they are there. I saw the promotions of the movie at the time of release on one of the main actor's twitter pages; Marshall Allman. Being a fan of his I was automatically intrigued. Obviously there wasn't just the movie release, and the point of it wasn't to make money. It was to show awareness, show us what it is really like. There are so many things we are oblivious too because it may not "concern" us, Sugar and the campaigning behind it really opens your eyes to things. It is obviously so good of these people to produce something that can have an impact, and also showing support for the homeless youth.
Being a teenager myself, I admit I do take things for granted. I am ignorant to certain things, and I shouldn't be. When I watched Sugar, my eyes were opened. Even a week later, and several movies later, I am still in this aftermath of thoughts. Sugar's story was unique, and the whole film was beautiful, emotional and real. The best thing was that it was real, it didn't come across as exggerarated or Sugar coated, it was real and in your face. It hits your heart because, as a teen myself with a loving family and a roof over my head, it made me reflect on a lot of things, and even feel guilty that perhaps I should be a lot more open minded and less selfish.
I adored watching it, it was emotional and personal. I liked how it was from Sugar's point of view, we got to be in her thoughts. Also I admit I had a good cry, it may just be my favourite film yet.
I don't want to give it all away if you haven't seen it before, but I highly recommend you to watch it! It is life changing, and not only are you becoming aware of homeless youth you are getting entertained.
I'm watching A LOT of movies these days due to time off so I will be posting more Movie reviews!
Sugar (Movie Review)
Friday, 10 July 2015
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