Showing posts with label motivations. Show all posts
Being off for easter I had planned to spend most days revising, working through exam questions and trying my best to not mess this year up. I go back to sixth form tomorrow and I have done none of the above. I have been baby sitting for the majority of the easter holidays, so I haven't spent much time at home. And Saturday my sister surprised me with three Sims Expansion packs, I may as well kiss goodbye to my education right now.
I have zero motivation and I hate it. English isn't too bad because it's linear and we have to do this year's exams again at the end of next year. Film I feel fairly confident with I just think it's Media I am lacking with. Today is a new day, I am eating healthier and setting my head straight.
Tomorrow I will use my free time more productively, I will study in my free lessons and do at least an hour out of sixth form hours. I refuse to muck up another year!
It is so tempting to go with the 'Wing it' attitude. I know it doesn't work. I go on study leave May 14th, and it's frightening! I am still going to attend those lessons at least the ones where my teachers will be doing. I need to not mess this year up.
I am aiming to go to Brighton University in 2017, to study English Literature and Creative Writing - the entry requirements are BCC. I need to get the grades I refuse to put Uni off for another year!

Zero Motivation

Saturday 9 April 2016