Showing posts with label motivation. Show all posts
Every once in a while I feel the need for change, and this time I decided to change the layout of my blog. If you haven't noticed already... if you're on a phone you might not see the full change but I am working on phone layout too!  I just feel as though my old layout was getting a bit dull and I just wanted things a bit more lively!  I am living for my new colour scheme, and I have even changed somethings around. I just feel like a refresh really motivates me, it makes me want to write more and work harder on my blog. Instead of posting randomly whenever I feel like it. I am aiming to post weekly, sometimes my brain is just like 'naahh mate I've got nothing for you.' which isn't helpful but it's something I am working on.
I have been working on one of my other pages too.  I have added a new page Ramblings. I say new page but I edited the name and content of 'Desires' mainly because it sounded weird. I gave that page a little makeover too. I decided that it will be my rambling pages, where I get to write crap basically. Things that don't make the cut for my main blog, but is still important enough for me to want to write it. It's nothing serious. I did post a piece over on there today though, I had written it on my main blog a couple months ago but I don't think it's the right content for here, so I never posted it. I talk about clubbing and emotional comedowns, it's not a very chirpy blog post mind.
This post isn't exactly exciting but I am chuffed with my new layout.  I am aiming to try and post every Monday, mainly because I hate Monday's so I am trying this new thing out where I approach things positively. Instead of thinking 'oh fuck it's Monday' I am trying to think 'Yey blog day!!'. We will see how well this turns out!

New Layout & Ramblings

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Since coming to University a lot has changed, my workload has been heavier and my social life has gotten more active. These things I am grateful for but for a long time I haven't been able to write properly.
 Sure, poems here and there but it has been months since I sat down and worked on some fiction. At least for pleasure, sure I have had to do writing for coursework which was fun but forced. I haven't written for pleasure is such a long time.
Until today. Something has just been sparked inside me again, after a draught I decided to reread a piece I was working on 'Hug Me Kiss Me Love Me' and I felt that spark come back. The connection with characters and all I had planned for them. So far I have managed to write a new chapter, it wasn't very long but it just felt amazing to write carefree again.
I posted it on Wattpad, a website I have been writing on since I was fourteen. I am nearly twenty. It is crazy to think it has been six years. I love the Wattpad community, it's amazing for all writers. I would recommend. The stories on there that I have posted have been purely for fun.I used to love readng other people's stories too, I wish I had the time these days to fall back into it.
 I have a book I want to eventually publish, not on Wattpad but real life. But, I haven't quite found the spark for it. I know I will come back to it, I always do. Right now, today I am just writing for fun. A story that sparks my mind and makese me laugh. Something that isn't all that serious but just chill with no judgement.

I can't tell you how to get the spark it just happens. Sometimes it can take days or if you're like me months! Just know someday it will return, and until then? Just write whatever you can. I write on the blog to keep writing, or in a journal or random snippets of thoughts in notebooks.

Writing Spark

Saturday 10 March 2018

I have had so much work to get through for Sixth Form, as always I have left to the weekend before I return. Usually, it saddens me and puts a downer on my mood, but this time is different. It is different because Spotify has had my  back. Their playlist Oldies but Goodies which featured songs from 2005 to 2015, I've been lip syncing and dancing to myself whilst typing away. This playlist is perhaps my favourite one so far on Spotify, it's uplifting and the throwbacks, little journies through Memory Lane with the likes of Gwen Stafani's Holla Back Girl and The All-American Rejects Dirty Little Secret, it's like a party of your own. I don't think I've ever enjoyed writing an essay so much! So, if you're needing a pick me up or something to get your through your workload I highly recommend you grab your earphone and give it a little listen, at least one song in the playlist will make you smile!

Oldies but Goodies

Saturday 29 October 2016

Ask yourself: What is the best I can do? And then do that.
Cheryl Strayed

Quote Of The Week

Thursday 4 August 2016

Weekly Quote

Thursday 7 July 2016

"You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth."
- William W. Purkey

Quote of the Week

Thursday 23 June 2016

"I'm working on myself, for myself, by myself."  -Unknown Author 

Quote of the week

Friday 17 June 2016

"Sometimes the right path isn't the easiest one"


Thursday 3 March 2016

"Stop wishing. Start Doing"

18th February - QOTW #3

Saturday 20 February 2016

You are capable of more than you know.

Quote of the week

Thursday 4 February 2016