Showing posts with label moody. Show all posts
I have been quite moody today, I just feel it has been one problem after another. It's frustrating and well today I feel as though a black cloud has pretty much followed my every step today. This morning I felt good, positive but as the day progressed my mood regressed! I got my Mock results and I am pleased. I know where I need to improve so I shall be working on that. I have been having trouble with software but I got it sorted, and I'm more prepared for Media and Film. I am also considering making short films, for my blog and even maybe post on Youtube. I am pretty much a beginner with editing software but I will eventually get the hang of it. So maybe for a future project I can post video content, I suppose that would be cool and just something new to try!
I have been very college based lately and it saddens me I haven't had time to write properly, I know I write poems here and there but that isn't my main writing focus, but education is important. However in Febraury it is half term. I  break a couple of days before Valentines day. I may even do a valentines week theme or something, who knows! But the week off means I will have more time for writing, and hopefully I can put more attention into these blog posts! Thank you as always, and I hope you had a much better Monday than I have!

Moody Monday

Monday 25 January 2016