Showing posts with label monologue. Show all posts
Do you and your partner tell each other yous love each other right? And do you mean it every since time? Do you feel love every time you say the words or type them? Surely they become meaningless? Like they're just words. Do you not just find yourself saying them for the sake of it? Because maybe you have to? I figured surely if those three words are used to commonly, surely they eventually ware off and don't have the same sentiments as they did the first time you spoke them. Actions speak louder than words, I've  always thought the small things matter. Is love different for everyone? Like do we experience it differently, do we sometimes have it and not know? When did you know you were properly in love? There's something melancholic about love, you either feel or you don't, or you pretend you do and try and mask what really isn't there.

Do you mean it?

Saturday 17 December 2016

The opposite to death is desire. It's the one thing we live for, as I quote Tennesse Williams' Streetcar Named Desire, it provokes several thoughts. What drives us forward, what makes us continue our day is Desire, if not then where are we lead to? Death.  We all have desires, and not just of the sexual kind, we want something from life, we want to achieve thing, we desire things that we do not currently have in our lives. It's a wonderful prospect. Desire is beautiful, could you say perhaps dangerous too? How far are we willing to go to reach our desired destination?


Saturday 10 December 2016

I didn't know it would feel this way, I somehow never imagined that this would feel so good. For the first time in my life I have this feeling, a feeling that is so pure and almost magical. No fairytale or young adult fiction book could ever prepare me for this. If someone told me that this would feel just like this, I would have rolled my eyes and told them no not me, never me. I don't even know if it feels the same for anyone else, but for me it feels so good. This feeling chases away loneliness and invites in excitement.

feels so good

Saturday 26 November 2016

Why did I let you in? Your charming smile and whirlwind eyes. Your ice soul and cold touch, you saw my warmth and you felt this urge to share it too. Your smashed my guards and shattered my self made barriers. I allowed you to touch me with  cold, but I am the lucky one. Before it was too late, before you froze over my heart I realized. You just want to taint good things, make them your own and  then throw them away when your needs are content.

Ice soul

Friday 18 November 2016

Do you ever catch your own reflection and you're taken back by what you see? The person looking back at you, they're somehow different. They aren't the person they were months ago, certainly not the person they were years ago, but how could they change so quick from the person they were mere weeks ago? It's almost frightening to look in the eyes of the stranger.
What has changed this human before me? Does she somehow know more than I used to? When did it click and start to work itself out? I'm not sure how I feel about her, she bothers me a little. She's not a little fool anymore, she just has more priorities and independent thoughts.
I wonder if a younger version of her ever saw this coming. If they knew the things she would be pulled through, all the steps she would take, or avoid. She's a stranger to the young girl she once was, and she's not far from a stranger to me.

Stranger to me

Sunday 13 November 2016

Am I wrong to look beyond the edges I am Given? To ignore what I'm being taught, looking beyond the box I've been placed in. Scribbling outside of the lines of the society I've been born into. I have this thirst, this desire for something more than what I can see.  I refuse to be restrained between the lines, not when I can jump the page and take hold of my pen. Design my own road and take lead. Am I wrong for trying to reach these things?


Tuesday 8 November 2016

-inspired response to Justin Bieber's Love Yourself-
I love you, but I love me more. This isn't me justifying myself I'm just letting you know. I'm confident and alone; I don't need you no more. Stay out of my texts, go on go back to your ex. I loved you, but I don't no more.  All the times you made me feel small, fool I'm not going to let you make me feel low. I'm not holding onto you, you can't get through these walls. I love you, but I love me more. I ain't crying no more, I'm stronger than the girl you used to know. Now look away and walk out that door, now I know what's right for me.

Right for me

Sunday 6 November 2016

This  thing? What do you mean you're in love? It was a little fling. I told you not to get attached, I can't go through this again. We are just hooking up, and now you're going to fuck things up? We had fun but I can't go on. Commitment just ain't my song.
Back off, stop calling my phone non stop. We happened once maybe twice, okay maybe three times. The sex was good but that's simply enough. You think we are something that we are not, mate it simply needs to stop. Feelings are something I can't do, so trust me when I'm ending this it's best for you.


Thursday 3 November 2016

-monologue inspired by McFly's Bubble Wrap-

How could you just move on like that? Quick and easy like I was nothing, like we didn't happen. You hurt me, you hurt us. You pushed me away like you always do, but I'm the one feeling guilty, but it was you! I am broken, and you? You're smiling with her! Whoever she is, she'll be added to the pile, like me she'll be just another ghost in your bed!

How could you manipulate me like that? Make me belief I was the one who kept fucking up, you monster. Did I mean nothing to you at all? Even after you torn my heart to shreds you kept pushing, painting the city with rumours about me.  You cowardly liar! 

How could you make it about you? Make it out as if you can relate to every sad song. "Don't get all emotional baby" That's what you always told me, you're the one who was so unable to communicate.
This is the last time I let you hurt me. Have fun with her, I so hope to God she doesn't have to go through the shit I did, no person deserves your crap. I want nothing to do with the things you're going through!

How could you?

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Things happen and people change. We cannot control everything in our lives, even we try so damn hard. Things happen and people change. We can only control what we ourselves do, how other people react and act we have no say in that matter. Things happen and people change. People will leave you life, and you will leave theirs, and even if you try to hold on to them, upkeep a relationship sometimes it just doesn't go to plan. People change and things happen. Despite not being in contact with the people you drift from, the people who once knew everything about you and now appear to be strangers, you don't have to throw you memories with them aside.  Things happen and people change. The memories don't change, the feelings and pure joy you felt with those people don't just disappear, you don't have to be rude or hate them. People change and things happen. You can still be happy for them; and have that some old platonic love for them, even if they aren't a part of your everyday life anymore. Things happen and we all go through change.

things happen and people change

Sunday 30 October 2016

- fiction monologue- 
I was raging, furious and damn well in need of a sweet drink of revenge. The signs were there, lipstick on his sheets, I don't wear peach! The perfume scented car, it was too sour for my liking. He was forever busy, or at work. Mate, you work in an office,  you can't be that overworked, you're a millionaire! I gave him everything, I put my all into the relationship, the cheating bastard. I wanted to call him, or worse her, or them. It took me a few glasses of Whiskey to talk myself down, I let it lay for a couple of days, and then I pounced.
He had taken a holiday from work so I dropped by the office, everyone at his work was oblivious of the situation so naturally, they welcomed me with open arms to pick up some things from his desk. I slide his little black book into  my bag, ruffled through his desk for  a bit as a fake attempt to be looking for something, but I knew exactly what I wanted. Let me tell you, I wanted to hit him where it hurts. I went onto his computer, he's not a very smart guy so naturally, I logged into his system with the password he uses for everything; Harley Sasuki - he has a love for Motorbikes as you can tell, his password was a combination of the two bikes he's adored from being a little boy, how touching. I logged straight in, entering the password a couple more times I gained access to his banking accounts, and well let me tell you I am now sipping cocktails in the Bahamas, need I say more?
That's not all I did, god no. I went back to his place, and I took one of his tools from the shed, not sure what it was it just looked like the biggest and heaviest and god damn I was right. I didn't flinch once when it made contact with his Mercedes, or even his lamborgini. The windows were shattered I even went through the wheels, naturally, only three of each car to make sure he can't claim insurance.
I did not stop there, that pretty little black book was not wasted. The girls he had been fucking behind my back were only the wives, and some daughters of some very high paying investors.
So my revenge? It entailed taking him for every penny, which I put into an ofshore account which wouldn't be traced back to me, I ruined his cars but more importantly I ruined his legacy.

His Legacy

Monday 24 October 2016

I run away with my thoughts, become lost in the situations it creates for me. My heart follows the maps it makes me fall through. Any second I'm not in focus, like Alice it wanders into its own wonderland. A potion of reality crushed with make belief. All whilst on the outside I'm still and straight faced, the world moving around me but in my head the world moves with me.

Like Alice

Wednesday 19 October 2016

We do things and sometimes we don't know the reason why. These things almost come natural to us, they become a part of our daily needs. We go out we try and fit it into our schedule like it's a necessity. Harmless things, until you take too much and they become very much harmful. We abuse our bodies with the things we claim to love but why? Surely our bodies would be just as fine without them?

We do things

Monday 17 October 2016

I feel melancholic, it sometimes makes me come across as an alcohlic. I take comfort in things that aren't all that good for me, my consumerism hasn't had the best track record, between you and I it's aways been a little 'too much' I guess I just don't know when to stop. One more pint, turns into one more pub. Just one more shot, turns into one more bottle. One last dance, turns into passed out for the night. Too much is better than too little... right?


Saturday 17 September 2016

I wish I could tell you, tell you where I've been. All the times I've been away, the excuses I've thrown your way. It hurts me it does, the guilt always lingers  but I just can't stop, no matter how hard I try I just can't seem to let him go. I love you, but I think I love him too. His arms his smile the way his fingers trace my skin, it's not fair on you but I can't let you go. If I tell you, it breaks two things. Your heart and the passion of secrecy between myself and him. As I watch you sleep next to me I wish he was entwined with me. I'm not coming home, at least not tonight. I look you in the eyes, and tell you you're all my heart desires, but I'm looking over your shoulder lusting for him. I can't keep you close but I don't want to let you go. You know, don't you? I don't mean to though, you mean a lot to me. It's a crime of passion, the kind I've only read in books and I just can't let it go. I wish I could tell you, but I won't. Neither of you I'll let go...

I wish I could tell you

Friday 9 September 2016

I don't need somebody, I don't want somebody. What good can a somebody do to me? To spend hours in and out talking, learning new things about each other by the second, for only to remember the little details and for their words to keep you awake at night when it is all over. Having a somebody to feel their lips against yours, their hands over your tummy feeling every inch of skin they possibly can, pulling you close to feel them, their touch you will crave much longer and much more intense when they don't want you anymore. Their whispers of lust, so electric in the moment, but long after you will be reeling with the shock. Staying up late to talk to that somebody, eager to give up sleep just to spend more time with them, when that somebody isn't there anymore you're still losing sleep, only you're eager to give up your every memory of that somebody desperate to finally fall asleep, because it doesn't hurt when you're sleeping. When things are going well you want to tell anyone who will listen, pour your heart out about the somebody, but then what when they leave? You're left with questions, and the disappointment of telling people it didn't work out; when really you were tossed aside, unwanted and the somebody just wasn't as into it as you were. I don't want another somebody, I am fine with my own body.


Friday 12 August 2016

What would you know? Standing there glaring at me, with god knows what bullshit going through your stupid head. Sure whisper to your friend there, it's not like you have anything better to do. Yes my tights are laddered, and this dress has stains, and yes it came from a man, but what do you know? For all you know I could be a victim. a victim of crime and punishment, a victim of the bottomless pit we redeem as society. I am not as stupid as these red rags make me look, I have a degree, yeah bet you think I'm lying, three years studying bleeding photography, and what a pretty picture I am now. You will go places they told me, places yeah on the corner and under the gutter on a flashy Friday night. Education, it means nothing. Sure I have a degree but where has it gotten me? No jobs straight outta uni, and here I am back to square one. What I have learned though, it's not what you know; it's who you know. Some weeks I can be dined and shown off, from a good word from a past client. other's a quickie in some stingy two-star hotel, I suppose it's a bed really just be thankful, some clients want it weird places, but hey what would you know? Of course I don't enjoy it, most of the time. Sometimes there is a nice fella from time to time, gentle and those are the times I imagine that I'm not lonely, and for a night I pretend like he's the love of my life and then the morning comes and those pretend thoughts and feelings are flushed down the toilet with my vomit. So yeah, laugh it up and stare, I am surviving and what are you doing? Holding your twenty pound coffee in one hand and gawping at me like I am the freak. You don't care about me or my struggles, you just want something to talk about, something to turn your nose up. Well here I am, take a good hard luck because between you and me I don't think I am gonna last much longer.

what would you know? (Monologue)

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Written  Teenage Monologue
Welcome, teachers, students, anyone who will listen. I would like to address a situation. A situation so cruel, heartbreaking and wrong. Something people don't understand, they think it's a small issue, unimportant. But little do people know it could the end of a teenagers life. Bullying. Not just any bullying, cyber-bullying. I want you to understand, make your own mind up and maybe think twice when you hear rumours of a victim.
First of all, I will start with telling you what cyber-bullying is. Cyber Bullying is a form of teenage violence, bullying somewhat online, not face to face but through messages and pictures and even videos. It can happen anywhere. Most of the time no one knows about it or know that it's happening, not until it's too late. It can happen on social networking sites. Insults, remark, threats, and curses sent to innocent people. Someone hiding behind a screen and keyboard making someone else's life hell. Don't you think that it's wrong? Cyber Bullying. It;s cruel, unfair and uncalled for! The internet should be a safe place aren't I right? But it isn't safe, not at all! It's packed with cruel violent trolls of socities perfection army.
How is any of this allowed? How could someone laugh over someone else's flaws and vunerabilities? Cold hearted monsters, that's exactly what cyber bullies are! And the worst thing is they don't think about consequences, the dangerous powerful trecherous consequences. But having said that we will stress about the consequences later.
What do you think the reason behind cyber bullying is? Maybe it is societies fault? Maybe all of those models, thin and taned, you know the look a like perfects, maybe they're the cause? Perhaps. Or perhaps it is the pressure to be perfect being pushed into people's faces; giving the ideal perfect way of how people should look and act. But even so, is it right to point out people's flaws and use them against them? Judging them because they're not 'pretty'. It's wrong and you know it is.
But in realisation it's not just the pressure to be perfect, it's the fact that in today's society being different is wrong. I wish it wasn't like this but it is. Being gay is frowned upon, having your own style is too and of course your inteligence is being judged. So when society pushes  people away, almost so they are not themselves. So where can they, us be ourselves if not in real life? The internet.
The internet. A place to turn to Sometimes it's people's escape from the real world. Somewhere they can be themselves and be accepted. But then it starts to linger. Hiding in the shadows ready to pounce, attacking what confidence you have. Ripping your feelings a part. No matter where, you will find them. A troll I mean. Someone who mocks and threatens someone's misfortune. These trolls lurk, waiting for their next victim, ready to take another life.
You're probably think I am exaggerating right? I wish I was but I am honestly not. I don't think you understand being a victim. A victim of never ending flaws, victim of cyber bullying. A victim of society.  Well if this isn't enough I guess you don't understand.
Cyber bullying, and even face to face bullying, they all have the same nasty negative effect. Did you know bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide then non victims, shocking isn't it? But it doesn't end here.  Do you know in Britain studies found that at least of suicides amongst young people are related to cyber bullying, now if that doesn't make you listen or even give a thought then you will never really understand. Do you ever wonder who those victims could be or will be? There are signs, so many signs that you are unaware of, signs caused by cyber bullying.
Depression. On going sadness, withdrawel from others. Loosing interst in favourite activities, pushing everyone away, feeling more alone than ever before. Your world crumbling around you, saying goodbye to people; letting them go. Feeling like you're never good enough. Feeling like the world and everything else would be much better without you. Pushing everything away even the things and people you love. Giving up, physically, emotionally and mentally. Not being able to handle or face anything. But how would you know? Do you understand? You don't know what it's like, you can only imagine it unless you've been through it. You don't know what it's like; threats and people who you've never met telling you to go slit your wrists. You wouldn't understand victims; people like me.
Yes me. The girl that smiles and swears she's alright. No I am not alright. I am a victim of cyber bullying. I can tell you facts and figures but that would mean nothing, not until I tell you exactly how it feels and the consquences. I will tell you how it started, my cyber bully story;
I was happy, real life was good. I got a new phone, which meant unlimited internet access. So as you can imagine I soon enough had an online life too, It was going great at first. Until the first message came 'You're stupid' It hurt that someone I didn't know said that but I shrugged it off thinking nothing of it. I was wrong to think that, soon enough I recieved another one from anonymous person, once again I left it thinking it would go away.
I was wrong. Everytime I updated a status or sent a tweet I would recieve a comment or a reply saying 'simple girl, good for nothing' more messages came, the next one worse than the last. I tried to ignore them, I stopped posting as much as I had been but it seemed to provoke the person more and the things they were saying got worse 'You're worthless, fat, useless for society' messages this like this over and over again.
You can only ignore these things so much until they eat away at you.
'You should die!' 'Slit your wrists!' 'Kill yourself don't worry you won't be missed!' these were the most common ones, it wasn't once a week or once every month it was 5-10 times a day! This time it wasn't one person but many people, ganging up on me.
I couldn't do a thing but cry, letting every single word get to me. Breaking me piece by piece. I couldn't tell anyone, who would listen? They would tell me I was being stupid or making things up for attention.
It got worse. I was being harrassed; letters, emails, texts, comments, tweets everywhere. As they kept coming I kept falling, falling into the deep dark arms of depression. I still didn't tell anyone. It got worse as you can imagine. There was one thing that got to me bad, you could even say it was the tip of the ice berg that pushed me over the edge.
I had posted a picture of me and my family. I wish I hadn't. The comments and the threats ' You're ugly like your family' 'You should kill yourself they would be so much happier without you' 'Kill yourself finaly make them proud' 'Watch if you don't kill yourself I will kill you,' This cyber bullying went on for two months.
They say a picture paints a thousand words, but some words should just be left unspoken. It got to me, so much I couldn't control myself. That's when I started to paint a picture of my own. My body was the canvas, my razor was the paint burhs and my blood was the red paint that told my story.
Cyber-bullying? Call it nothing but I beg to differ. The thing that put me on the verge of ending it all, all it would have taken would have been a couple more swishes of the brush. I could have been dead. Suicide? I contemplated it for months, instead I turned to the next best thing; self harming.
I became inscure, I was lost. I was a different person, people didn't know me, most of all I didn't know myself. Cyber bullies ruined me, I tried to not look but I couldn't help it. There was once a careless happy girl... You see in the papers girls and boys, young the same age as you and I, taking their own lives because of the same reasons of my own, it makes me vunerable, saddened and broken. That could have been me. I could be the dead one, instead I decided to cut away my life, slowly and frequently.
I wanted the hate to stop, and the only way I could think of was to vanquish the flaws. I stopped eating, starved myself. I was desperate to be accepted. I wanted to be 'perfect'. I wanted people's approval. It didn't help, god no it made it worse.
That's when cyber bullying pushed me on the edge, falling into the end.
The last message I saw 'You're nothing, and you will always stay that way, you can't change you will forever be a beast, you're ugly, and pathetic! You should die now before we're forced to take action. You're not welcome in society, there are flaws in everyone but you have the most you worthless good for nothing fool!' that's when I painted too much, roughly and viscously. I blacked out.
And today here I stand. Scars everywhere, the constant reminder of what I was forced to do. Cyber bullying. It makes you frightened, forever insecure...
Tell me, how do you feel now? You've heard my story and I am only one of thousands if not millions of cyber bully victims. Have you made your mind up? It makes you think doesn't it? What is out there? Things you can't control? Cyber Bullies. They're viscous and will get to you at no cost. They leave you scarred and forever wounded, physically, mentally and emotionally.
Did you ever consider any of this before I started talking to you? Thanks to cyber bullies I don't think I will ever be the same again. Everyday there are new victims, new suicide stories.
To conclude my talk, I will leave you with a few questions; how would you feel if you were a victim? How would you feel if you were the bully and you found out the consequences? You never know who is a victim do you? If you knew a victim what would you say or do? How has this speech affected you?

Hidden Talents

Saturday 1 August 2015

hmmm maybe not.
Hello, humans I come in peace?
The Weather? Such an interesting topic, doesn't it just tickle your fancy. No. WHO EVEN TALKS ABOUT THE WEATHER I MEAN WHATT?? Well apart from weathen men or women then I s'pose that is acceptable.
Seriously is there anyone who has ever had a full on convo about the weather? I MEAN WHAT IS THERE TO TALK ABOUTT EXACTLY?
Norman (idk first name in my head); the weather is lovely!
Brenda (shush is this roleplay); Oh I know it's just luvely, the weather is finaly looking up!
Norman; I know it's been rather grumpy lately, with all that rain!
Brenda; I know it's been terribly honestly I haven't been able to hang my knickers up on the line!
AWKWARD. Where can a weather conversation really go? Norman and Brenda know exactly what I am talking about, their convo is lasting long they will probs end up talking about food nexts and then puppies, the weather won't come up again.
I s'pose when ya really think about it when the weather is concerned it's only ever in small talk, probably because there is small to talk about it.
Now I'm thinkin why on earth have I written an entry on weather? I AM INSANE OR NOT RIGHT IN THE HEAD? Shush don't even think aboout answering it, cheeky sod. I mean writing about weather who even? ONE THING IS TALKIGN ABOUT IT BUT ACTUALLY WRITING, I'm crazy. This isn't even healthy.
What even is weather, I don't think I have stepped out the house since 1990. I WASNT BORN THEN BUT NEVER MIND. I should really go out and enjoy the 'weather' cause I mean NOTHING sounds more appealing than breathing in poisoned polluted air, I mean dream come true right there.
This isn't really a post, but it's something. SOMETHING ON MY MIND, woo you are inside my hollow head mwahahha. You should leave before you're trapped in here forever, trust me pal you wouldn't want that. If there was a possible escape route I WOULD BE GONE!
Yeah so hows the weather?

Reality; The Weather?

Thursday 23 July 2015

Boys Boys Boys...
Hallooooooo, hey, whatss uppp, I will eventually get better at this.
Yep. It's me. I izz back. YOU MISSED ME RIGHT? OF COURSE YOU DID!! I missed you too, kinda.  I did tell you I would be first talking about girls but you know, change of heart -do you get it?- -me neither-.
Boys are full of %^*£ yep they are.
Well they are when you're me.
First of all I need to put one thing out there, are you listening well reading? BOYS AREN'T LIKE THEY ARE IN BOOKS AND IN  MOVIES!
Shocker? Not really. Trust me some guy isn't going to appear outside of your bedroom window whilst he vows his undying love for you, if that did happen call the police stalker/creep alert! Some guy isn't going to come running when you're being bullied, he isn't going to lift your chin up and wipe away the tears, get real! If anything he will join in. Also if you're at a football game or even a basketball game of just some social event (what is one of them???) he won't stop what he's doing just to point you out in the crowd, he won't shout to the world or the audience he loves he, not going to happen. He probably doesn't even know you exist.
I could stress and go on at you for all the shizz movies and books plaster into your minds but that's for another time.
Boys. Well they are the opposite sex of me and maybe even you, I don't know who you are; don't complain. There is so much crap you need to know about boys, because honey they aren't what you think.
1) If you expect a guy to open up and show true feelings the moment you meet him - get that stupid ass thought out of your head. They are complicated, yeah just like us they have insecurities and problems.  THEY NEED TIME. LIKE US WELL GIRLS OR WHOEVER PULLS GUYS OKAY, NEED TIME. Rome wasn't built in  a day no it took a god damn while, a good comparison which takes me onto the next point' guys and brick walls, not much difference.
2) Guys don't read between the lines, not like us. YOU HAVE TO BE BLUNT, HINTS WON'T WORK! You can't expect a guy to read your mind or notice your hair or those new shoes, you need to just be straight up. Don't expect him to read into your kisses, guys are from a whole new planet. What three kisses to you means he likes you, three kisses to him means you want the D (WHAT IS THIS?) Yeah see the difference?
3) GUYS DON'T GO FOR GIRLS LIKE ME! Girls who aren't feminine, girls who aren't perfect. Girls who don't have perfect boobs or bodies. girls who love food more than anything. Girls who can't be bothered 95% of the time. Do you want to know why? The first thing a guy notices is looks, honestly. I tried the whole try and impressive shizz but guess what? NEVER GOOD ENOUGH. Hey that's fine with me. Guys want someone to show their friends too, someone who will fit on his arm perfectly. Someone who has more make up on than brains in her skull. GOOD LOOKING GUYS DON'T GO FOR GIRLS WHO AREN'T GOOD LOOKING. And when if they do, UNLIKELY, when does it really ever work out?
You're all probably thinking I'm just bitching and dissing well no honey, darling, human, I am being honest. How horrible it is people generally don't see the personality first. I've probably offended a whole bunch of people but hey can't please everyone.
4) BOYS AREN'T TOYS YOU CAN'T FIX THEM! That bad boy that's a complete arse to everyone, no he doesn't want you to be a hero. It's his choice to be an ass, and you bending over backwards to his please to 'fix' him will only cause you pain, come on  get real keep being like that you will be his doormat his own personal skivy.
5) WHY ARE THEY SO IMPORTAiNT ANYWAY? Because they have a dangly bit? Because you can hold hands, kiss and just be mushy. Well who cares? So what. Hold your own hand. There is only one person perfect for you and that's yourself.
I don't even know why I bother. Boys are just stressing, you never know what they are thinking, but girls can be just the same, so don't get up in my face and be like WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWWOWOWOWO STOP RIGHT THERE CLASH YOU'RE BEING SEXIST! Sit down sunshine and shut up, got it? Girls can be just as fucked up.
6) Don't expect romance. Come on this is Modern Day not the shakesperian times, he's not going to give you roses and take you to a mountain to have a romantic meal under the stars and make out - no reality he is taking you to McDonald's people will watching as you both scoff a McDonald's, you will hold his sweaty hand and there will be pretty much no conversation and at the end of the night... guess what? He will stick is tongue down your throat and say bye and will probably not be back in contact.
I bet after this rant or lecture of whatever you please, there will be air headed girls thinking it will be different and that she can change a guy, romance and crap.It's okay, I don't care I'm just trying to prevent your silly little heart from being broken, but don't mind me. What would I know about boys?
Well I found that refreshing, well maybeee. What am I even talking about? It was a load of bull, all this coming from a pathetic single monster - NOM NOM BOYS HERE I COME TO EAT YOU WHOLE AND THROW AWAY ALL THOSE MAKE UP PLASTER SWIGS TH-EEE THY FOR THUMB - you get it.
I should be going, I mean I've got like a line of boys queing up for ten block gotta keep pleasing - HA I AM SO FUNNY, YOU LAUGHED RIGHT? OF COURSE YOU DID.
Not really that funny.
you're not even laughing.
No really, I should be going to like you know... Powder my noise? HAHAHA THERE I GO AGAIN IM FUNNY.
asta lavistaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa baby...
no why do I bother. BAHHH-BYEEEEEEEEE

Reality; Boys Boys Boys

Monday 6 July 2015