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It was cold and eerie, like you would expect an empty metro station to be. The bright orange M's are unnerving. Machinery swiping in your right ear because you have your earphones turned down in case there's a cancellation announcement. You think you can hear the metro coming along the tracks, you jump at the cough of a new stranger, but you're settled by the voice of a little human that they're with. They stop you to ask about which side they should be on, and you can't answer because you're not even sure what side you're supposed to be on.
You panic because it turns out there is a metro coming and you decide to switch platform and ask another stranger. You're thankful when you realise you are now on the right metro, happy to be out of the dreary station but wary of the strangers.


Tuesday 27 December 2016

Why do we ask questions that we don't want the answer to? We know as soon as the words are said that predicted pang in your chest strikes you and the overthinking begins. It's like we know things will hurt us, yet we let it do so anyway. I wish I could tell myself no, allow myself to let go but I just cannot. I ask the questions, get wounded, and then feel annoyed at myself for doing so.

ask questions

Wednesday 7 December 2016

What if the moment that hurt us the most didn't happen? Would we living in consistent happiness or will fate have his way and tear us a part? Maybe in another life we were destined or maybe in another life we are better for not having met at all. I think about you, more than I care to admit. You're the one who got away, the person who can only trully hold my heart. I can't replace you with a million one night stands, I should have told you that I loved you when I had the chance, instead a blew it all away. How was I to know I had pushed you for one final last time? I have to face it now, I'm no longer your muse. We spent Summers chasing fireflies, telling our parents lies of our whereabouts. It was us against the world, hand in hand, on the road you and your guitar. The one that got away.

Your Muse

Saturday 5 November 2016

Have you ever needed someone, not emotionally but physically. You want their skin against yours, against the wall, on the coffee table, anywhere you can. Have them holding onto you, breathing in your ear. 
You see that someone and you can already see their clothes laying on your floor. From the counter to the stove, anywhere it doesn't matter. It's not just sex, it's making love. Love does this, it's much more than affection it's passion.


Friday 4 November 2016