Showing posts with label march. Show all posts

 Spring has almost sprung. 

I'm looking forward to the crisp cold air leaving and for the flowers to rebud and the sun making more of a daily appearance. I've been eager for Spring since Winter started. Granted, for me, Spring brings more than just a change of weather; it brings along with it my birthday and my second solo trip. In a few weeks, I will be turning 26 in Rome. 

I'm really hopeful for the month ahead, but before we dive into that, I want to reflect on the month just gone. 

February was... something. Highs and some really dark lows mentally, but I've come out of it very grateful for my life, the people I am surrounded by and all that comes with life. I don't want to focus too much on the doom and gloom, so I highlight some of my favourite moments.

February's highlights:

  • Dad's birthday: the old man turned 60, and we celebrated it as a whole family, siblings, kids and all, and it was so lovely. 
  • Comedy show: I went to see Chloe Petts with a good mate of mine. I hadn't been to a comedy show in years, which was really cool. Chloe is hilarious. 
  • Best friend's birthday: It was one of my best friends' birthdays; we went for sushi and had the most lush time together. In adult life, you don't see your friends as much as you want. Who would have thought, huh?
  • New skill unlocked: A minor win for some but a colossal win for me. I've finally mastered the skill of using chopsticks. It has taken me longer than I'd have liked, but I am chuffed.

Looking ahead into March! 

I'm really excited about the adventures that are waiting for me. We're only two days into the month and off to a good start. I feel like this month will be about personal growth, self-reflection, and becoming even more comfortable with myself. 

On the first, I took myself on a solo date to the cinema to see Wicked Little Letters. Great film, I have a newfound adoration for Olivia Colman. I then took myself for Dumplinga (opted for Long Bao) at my favourite spot in town and ran into wifey and her partner, which was lovely. I went for coffee and started to read a new ARC (When Love Barges In by Bryony Rosehurst). I was gifted it at my favourite coffee spot. Good start to the month.

In the month ahead, I'm looking to really challenge myself. Do more of what I love and work on habit-building. I started building some habits in February but sometimes found it hard to stay consistent. In March, I must continue showing up for myself and staying consistent.

I still love writing my witchy book, so I hope to do more in March, watch more films, and expand my film knowledge. Reading took a bit of a back seat last month, but with the gorgeous new book I'm reading, that isn't the case this month. I neglected the blog last month, but I've got some posts planned, and I'm looking forward to writing and sharing them with you.

I'm looking forward to Rome; it has been on my travel list for a while, and I'm excited to celebrate my birthday there. Kicking off Aries season in Rome, it will be firey, exciting and adventure-packed. I have been planning like crazy. There are so many incredible places and sites to see!

So, March? We're going to be friends. 

Hello March

Saturday 2 March 2024

Hello, lovelies!

March has been and gone, if you didn’t know already it's my favourite month of the year. Yes, it was because my birthday was in March. On the 23rd I turned 24! Oh, how glorious ageing is. 

This isn’t a post about me but about the fictional characters whose birthdays are also in March! I love it when writers share every detail with us about their characters, it definitely gives them more depth. It's interesting seeing when they're born, their star signs, and their general attitude surrounding their birthday. 

I've compiled a list of fictional characters who were born in March: 

  • Ron Weasley (Harry Potter): 1st March
  • Aragorn (Lord of the Rings): 1st March
  • Sybil Trelawney (Harry Potter): 9th March
  • Remus Lupin (Harry Potter): 10th March
  • Wonder Woman: 22nd March
  • Hannah Marin (Pretty Little Liars): 7th March
Do you think I’m missing anyone?  There are quite a few interesting fictional characters who were born in April and have upcoming birthdays, to name a few Jenny Humphrey from Gossip Girl, Chandler Bing from Friends, and Lisbeth Salander from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

When I am creating characters for my writing, I plan out their birthdays and star signs accordingly. I think it's a brilliant way to explore character dynamics and personalities, especially if their birthday happens between the pages of the novel. A character's birthday can play a big part in the story, in YA novels usually when it's a young person's birthday they become legal to do something, for example, become old enough to learn to drive or be able to drink alcohol. A birthday can be a great driver for a narrative.  

As a reader, I like reading about a character's birthday. Witnessing how they do or don't celebrate ageing. I am a sucker for knowledge, the more I know about a character the better! I like to fully immerse myself into their world as I possibly can. 

Who do you share your birthday month with?

Fictional Characters I Share the Same Birth Month with

Monday 11 April 2022

-Due to being drunk and whatnot I could not post this on the 23rd but here it is-

I had an amazing birthday Wednesday, I got spoilt, and it was lovely. I had college but even that was quite successful. I got to wear my new jacket, I have had my eyes on the type of jacket for a long time so I saw my 18th as a chance to get one, and well I wear it everywhere. (Picture to the side)
My first lesson Film Studies they even sang to me, which was cute and awkward, I really wanted to join in but I'm sure the birthday person isn't supposed to! Film is always good, the people are great and the vibes are just phenomenal so it was good to have lesson on my birthday. I had english next, but I felt sick. An hour of nearly falling asleep and not being able to pay attention, it was a shame really because I genuinely enjoy my English lessons.
Afterwards I was going for lunch with the lovely Jane, she is a friend from Film she has saved my ass over the last couple of months,  she is amazing!! We went for... pizza and a pint, well I had a pint due to being the only eighteen year old, I cannot wait until she is eighteen,then we can drink together. Anyways so of course I had to take my I.D, which I used my passport, the woman who served me had to get second approval due to my dying my hair, currently a blonde but was a brunette in passport photo. So I got my first pint, which was Stella, I am told that's a good choice. The pizza was amazing too, pollo - I'm not usually a fan of sweetcorn but I liked it. So, by one in the afternoon I was drunk. please hold judgement, it was my 18th after all.
A drunk Lauren made her way to her sisters, I may or may not have serenaded the bus and the driver with music from my earphones. I bumped into an old college friend, lovely as ever and then arrived at my sisters. My niece was lovely, she is just a bundle of joy and I love being around her, she is my little partner in crime. My family came over and brought me roses and lilies with champagne, I was close to tears, it was so lovely and I have never had a bouqet of flowers before so it was definitely something. Forgot to mention I got given at least three wine glasses from different people - are they trying to predict my future?
 I continued to drink at my sisters, I also had a cake which looked like a pizza, it was so cool. I will do a whole picture thing on Saturday! I also got a new Sims Expansion pack - University life - Kara was more excited than I was. When I told her I got new Sims she was screaming and running around me and my laptop "NEW SIMS NEW SIMS" I recently showed her the Sims and whenever she sees me she wants to play, so naturally I know play Sims with my two year old niece whenever I am at my sisters. I stayed over that night, and we got a Chinese. It was so good, my birthday was amazing, also I didn't even get a hangover on Thursday!!


Friday 25 March 2016

Well hello there, it feels like a long time eh March?
My favourite month of course, slightly biased due to it being my birth month! This month I will be 18. Justin's birthday is today and my high school English teachers. My Nanna's birthday is on the 5th, Mother's day on the 6th. Danny's and my gay's is on the 10th, and mine the 23rd, as well whose every it is on Facebook when I'm reminded.  Eventful month indeed. I aim for March to spend more time revising as well as writing at least one poem per day. I have channeling my inner poem quite a lot lately, last week especially.
I feel as though March is the month I need to get my shit together, I need to start being serious and just getting myself working properly.
I didn't do a Goodbye February due to the fantastic Leap Year. So well last month was a mess, like an actual emotional mess. Every seemed to go wrong for me, so this month is definitely in need of getting my act together.
March we are in this together, three months into the year and it's about time we come together and got ourselves sorted. So together we will stand and conquer.
March please be on my side.

Hello March!

Tuesday 1 March 2016