Showing posts with label lust. Show all posts
I keep having this reoccurring dream...
it plays over and over in my head through the day
like a spinning record, the needle dragging itself along the lines
your heart close to mine 
and I wake up with butterflies in my face and fire in my stomach -

I do not know if it is love or just lust or love
but when I see your face the pandemonium inside swells
scaring me, making me frightened that my heart will burst -
like a pin prick stabbed into a child's balloon

I think about your smile and laughter
and how your eyes are an intensified beauty
and I think about my own boring brown windows
and just do not see how they could ever meet

I want to tell the world
just how much of a good person you are
but; like a harsh wind, I push my feelings into a cage of silence
closing the curtains on them to block out the outside world.
how could anyone simply understand?

I have this desire to pour my heart to you
but this ghost behind me taunts me you will only get hurt, again
like every other person I touch falls apart
taking pieces of me with them because... I am no longer whole

I want to ignore the clouds of dread that hang above me
but that ghost keeps yelling you will never love me
and as I feel this need to repel from the lost spirit
I am simply pulled back to it like a magnet

I am encouraged to speak my mind by my friends
and that should be enough, but that voice whispers you will never be enough
and I curl these feelings for you into a hot fiery ball
and I will take them with me wherever I will go...

wherever I will go

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Give me a kiss, make it quick.
One hit, breathe
Second hit, tongue
My eyes roll back 
To my forearms
Coursing through my blood
Your love, your adrenaline.

Your whispers to my ear 
Ecstacy of lusting
I'm losing my breath
You're making me high

Give me a kiss

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Have you ever needed someone, not emotionally but physically. You want their skin against yours, against the wall, on the coffee table, anywhere you can. Have them holding onto you, breathing in your ear. 
You see that someone and you can already see their clothes laying on your floor. From the counter to the stove, anywhere it doesn't matter. It's not just sex, it's making love. Love does this, it's much more than affection it's passion.


Friday 4 November 2016

I want you
Your arms wrapped around me
Your lips pushing against mine
I want you

I want you
Your husky whispers
Your long fingers entwined with mine
I want you

I want you
Your contagious laugh
Your lad ways
I want you

I want you
Your soft smile
Your captivating eyes
I want you
Only you.


Wednesday 11 November 2015