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This week I will be talking about the places I plan on taking a book or two with me now lockdown is easing. Sure, I have enjoyed and will always enjoy reading in the comfort of my own bedroom but having been indoors for the past year or so I really want to be outside more. 

Coffee shops, I love going in for a coffee with a good book. I even take a notebook because for some reason I always get a spark of inspiration when I am in this sort of environment. I usually find a seat not too in the way but also that is quite bright with a little table to myself. I feel so at peace with myself when I am drinking coffee and reading a good book. I cannot wait to be doing this again! I shall not take coffee shops for granted, I shall not take coffee shops for granted!

Library, this may be obvious but I haven't stepped inside of a library to just read for pleasure in years! Sure I used them during my time at University but I really like the one in the town centre at home. It is conveniently near my favourite coffee shop too.

Public Transport, I love reading on trains. Not only does it make the travel time go much faster but it keeps you distracted. More often than not I find myself scrolling the whole time or people-watching, whereas when I have a book my energy is more focused and I enjoy the journey much more. 

It is not a lot of places I have suggested, if you have any more recommendations please feel free to share them below!

Reading Out of Lockdown

Tuesday 6 April 2021

Hello, back this week with a post about none other than the Nintendo Switch game Animal Crossing New Horizons. This game was released back in March 2020, 3 days before lockdown to be precise. I was gifted the game for my birthday from my parents on March 23rd, weirdly the first day of lockdown, and to be honest I didn’t know at the time how helpful the game would be for my mental health during the lockdown.  It may sound a little dumb but it helped me, it gave me something to put my time and attention into. I played that game every single day of lockdown, until I had to work again. Admittedly I didn’t play as much between that time and now. I’ve rekindled back into the game with the winter season and falling in love with it all over again. 

As my little character roams over Flo (my island) I see the snow falling on all my creations. In lockdown I wasn’t able to visit my favourite places like bookshops or cafes so I reinvented those into my game. My bookish area is my favourite thing on my island:

I started off with this library at first, still my favourite area on Island Flo. My villagers never really use it or care for it but like any other Animal Crossing player and/or creator we create this things for ourselves more than anything else. I decided to get creative with tiki bars and camping corners. Needless to say, I have spent many hours on the game.

I love creating  reading nooks around my island, a little book world of my own. I think the thing I love the most about my island is I’ve made so other people can visit, I had friends visit me virtually and we tour each other’s creations. I created my own Starbucks, a personal favourite of many of my visitors. I liked that game allowed me to be creative because truth be told I didn’t do a lot of writing but was able to be creative through the game. Lockdown was mentally draining but without this came I fear it would have been even more so. Below my little cage:

I have to say the best thing I have ever created (as is very on brand for me) is my Shrek area. I tried to hard to recreate one of my favourite films. It’s not exact but you can see the vibe I was going for. I think Hippeux is the only villager with his own special area:

Is there a game you’ve been playing that has helped you through this year?

A quick screenshot of seeing the New Year through on the game! Happy new year! Nintendo has kept up thoroughly entertained with countdown day, toy day, fishing tournaments and bug catching tournaments. If you wish to visit my island via dream code here it is: DA-4598-3101-8015.

Island Flo - My Bookish Island

Monday 4 January 2021

In the middle

In the middle of a pandemic,

it's normal to panic and worry.

We are told these are unprecedented times,

uncertainty is the new normality.

In the middle of a pandemic,

I miss the little things.

Like sitting at the front of the bus,

smiling at strangers,

but you cannot see smiles behind a mask.

In the middle of a pandemic,

I miss human contact.

Hugging my best friend, tightly and publicly.

Now we wave at a two-metre distance.

In the middle of a pandemic,

we have these things called bubbles.

A support network to help you mentally.

They used to be called friend groups,

they now feel more like a lifeline keeping us sane.

I long for the days:

we are safe to be outside again

when covid isn't plastered all over our screens.

I long for when we are no longer in the middle of the pandemic.

(Photo is not my own, I got it from Google)

In the middle

Tuesday 20 October 2020

Like many others during lockdown I have been loving a bit of online shopping! The mere joy of receiving a parcel and seeing a face that isn’t inside of my own household. I’ve been buying a range of cool things, if you follow my instagram you will see that I’ve been buying art and pop vinyls.
I have been loving the world of Etsy I have come across this amazing seller BookBestiesUK (you can find them on Instagram with the same tag) and they make book sleeves and covers. 
I always carry a book with me no matter where I am going, and sometimes my books get scuffed and even pages bent (horrifying) and I’m forever wishing I could keep them clean all of the time. Until I found the page I never really considered a sleeve or cover but figured that it is such a smart idea. I decided to purchase three sleeves, pictured below: 

I absolutely adore all of them! Two hard back sleeves for my bigger books and a paperback for my usual books! I fell in love with the Hocus Pocus one immediately! It’s my favourite of the three!
I don’t own a lot of Gatsby inspired things, which is odd because it is one of my absolute favourite books. I saw this on the Etsy page and had to add it to my basket. I was going to click purchase when I decided to have a quick neb on their insta page. This is where I saw the bright Harry Potter design that I just had to buy! 
I’ve tested some books inside each and they feel safe and cosy! I can’t wait to be out and about on my way to a cafe knowing my book will be safe.  The quality of the sleeves are exceptional and you get your money’s worth. Each was £12 but I used a code for 10% off from one of the reps. I will definitely be buying some more in the future, next I’ll be purchasing a jacket I think. They do a range of designs from Disney to Literature. 
I’ve been resisting buying more books, my to be read pile is stacked super high, but I wanted to buy something bookish and these sleeves are perfect! I’d highly recommend buying a sleeve, especially if you’re super clumsy like me! Or even getting one as a gift for a book lover. They would be just as chuffed as me! 
What have you been buying online? I’ve seen people clothes shopping and other buying art like myself. Comment below and we have a natter! 

BookBestieUK Book Sleeves

Wednesday 20 May 2020