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I have been trying to broaden my horizons on what I am reading but there is this one book that I always go back to. I read it at least once a year and the other night I finished reading it again. The Great Gatsby by author F.Scott Fitzgerald, infamous for his jazz novellas. I found Gatsby the year before college, and I remembered falling in love with the imagery and the characters. Fitzgerald has a way with words.  I had the pleasure of being in able to study Gatsby during my first year of the sixth form. I try to read different editions of the book and this year was an edition on Kindle and I found myself reading parts that I hadn't read before. Little excerpts that I was eager to read. I found a new quote that I have falling in love with.

I would like to pay close attention to some of my favourite quotes:
“ No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart.
“ So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.

“ I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life.
 These are only a few of many quotes that have stood out to me over the years! 

If I had to name my favourite character I do think it would be Gatsby, he worked so hard to find his love and his death was tragic. He did everything for the love of his life (not necessary the right thing but good intentions were there) and I respect him for that. My least favourite character (let's be real I hate this one) Tom Buchanan. The absolute brute and horrible bloke. Daisy isn't far off this. My second favourite is Jordan Baker. She is absolutely everything, I love that she appears quite aloof and alluring to Nick.  She is very different from Daisy, she is more independent and owns herself. She doesn't chase after Nick and just understands that things are just the way they are. She has quite a sense of humour and is a close second favourite character. I have an odd opinion on Nick, I like the fella but he doesn't really add much to the story. I know he is the narrator and I respect he was the only one left at the end for Gatsby but I just don't have much love or hate for the character. He's just there if that makes sense? 

My favourite setting in the novel I have to say is The Valley of Ashes. I like the rawness of it compared the West and East Egg. The underbelly of the American dream. I particularly love Fitzgerald's imagery of the all-seeing eyes of Doctor TJ Eckleburg. The scenes in this setting are some of my favourites. Home of Wilson and Myrtle, I really like these characters. They are a prodigy of their times, wanting better for themselves but not quite able to grasp it. 

I can't end the blog post without briefly discussing the film adaptation. One of which I absolutely adore, I love how director Baz Luhrmann manages to capture Fitzgerald's bright world and parties. I love the modern soundtrack too, it really gives it a vibrant feel to the film. I cannot fault the casting at all, especially Toby Maguire as Nick Carraway. I like how the film alters the start and end by having Nick attending therapy, I thought that was quite a nice way to start the story but also is quite realistic after all Nick had been through that Summer in a short period time it would do serious damage to a person's mental health. Kudos to the film! Naturally, the book will always be better but the film is pretty decent.

I cannot believe in all five years of my blog this is my first Gatsby blog post, Gatsby has also yet to appear on my book sleeve! Is there a book you find yourself coming back to?

Gatsby? Gatsby.

Monday 5 October 2020

After much contemplation, I decided to stick with the word 'females' in the blog title because I liked the sound of the fricatives. However, I do believe I sound like Martin Goodman- not entirely sure if this is a good thing or bad thing?

Recently I have been thinking about how wonderful women are, and it leads me down the path of considering the character's from the books I have read and how the women in these stories have impacted my life and my own view on the world. Having read quite a bit over the years it was hard to narrow down but I have managed to pick five! 

It was quite the task but I had to consider all of my favourite books and go from there! Some may come to your surprise but others probably not! I hope my list allows you to think of your favourite fictional females! Is there any of mine you agree or disagree with?

1) Katniss Everdeen - The Mockingjay, the absolute gem and my favourite fictional lady of all time. I first read The Hunger Games in my early teens, maybe before, and as one book closed and another opened I remember myself thinking 'What a badass!' A true heroine who I wanted to grow up like. She refused to follow rules and lead a rebellion, we see many women in the media today letting their inner Everdeen roar.

2) Molly Weasley - The mother to all! Admittedly I am not so keen on the writer due to her transphobia but I have always separated the writer from the work. Harry Potter has given me so much light through the years and is still one of my favourite universes in the world, I am not condoning the writer's opinions or actions- I am just ignoring her existence as I don't want her tarnishing the HP Universe. Had to a disclaimer that but back to Molly. I love her caring nature, she doesn't think twice about taking another son underwing, even if he isn't blood-related. I also have kudos to her for dealing with such a big family, especially with jokers like Fred & George. I have mad respect for this lady. 

3) Tris - We had to see this one coming, I love Tris. She is a character I hold very dear to my heart. The resilence of her character and sheer determination puts me at awe. In the first book, we see her almost fail her training for Dauntless, she refuses to let this happen. I think another reason Tris made number 3 is her unjustly death, I have still yet to recover and it just plain angers me. Her brother is a traitor back and forth, and yet she sacrifices herself- you have to respect that but it was heartbreaking. I remember reading the ending of Allegiant and sobbing out loud. My chest hurt and it was hard. I was so angry at Caleb and so heartbroken for Four. Even now when I reread the trilogy I still cry and all those feelings coming back just like they did when I first read them.

4) Mrs Havisham - yes that spinster from Dicken's Great Expectations. An odd one I know, but I cannot help but admire her for how long she can keep a grudge. She is jolted as a young bride which leads to her decay. I love that she just decides to let everything rot, she was done with the world. Refuses to seep back into reality. There is just something so beautiful about her. There was something wicked about her forming Estella into a heartbreaker, it was a very odd dynamic but she wanted Estella to hurt men the way a man hurt her. Not a great thing but lowkey love it and I know I shouldn't.

5) Rosalind - from Shakespeare's As You Like It. If I am completely honest, there aren't many female characters in Shakespeare's plays that I am overly thrilled by. Some are bores or just too soppy. Rosalind is the exception, she is such a wonderful character. It is very rare you see a female character so prominent in a Shakespeare play. She is such a strong character with the ability to subvert the limitations that society imposes on her as a woman. She disguises herself as a young man in order to tutor and woo the man she loves teaching him ways to love and show passion. It's such a fun play and plays with gender is such a farcical manner. 

Favourite Fictional Females (Books)

Saturday 22 August 2020

In celebration of father's day, I thought it would be cool to celebrate some of the best fathers in literature! I’ve spent the day with my own father, which has been wonderful! A little appreciation photo of us to the side! Thanks for being amazing dad!!

Today, I couldn’t help but think of the cool dads that I have met in the books I’ve read.
Arthur Weasley, one of my favourite fictional fathers! Arthur belongs to the Harry Potter series. He is such a loving dad with an exquisite mind. One of my favourite things about this wonderful man is he is a dad to all of the golden trio. Not just his own flesh and blood but Harry too, he didn’t think twice about protecting him. Arthur, this one is for you. Being a decent bloke to all!
Atticus Finch, from Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. A very wise man in the literature world, I particularly like his quote from the novel “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it” the whole novel is smashing but Atticus is a marvellous father figure.
Sometimes you can have a man in your life that isn't exactly your father by blood but is as good as. A perfect example of this Joe Gargery from Dicken's Great Expectations. Joe is such a loving man towards Pip, he is the father Pip never had. He loves Pip even when he is acting out of character, he bails him out and loves him as his own. Joe is such a lovely character, he truly deserves the best. This one is for the non-biological dads.
Another example of men who step up is Uncle Ben from the much loved Spiderman comics and films. Uncle Ben cares a lot about Peter and would go to the world's end for him. His death is a tragic one which I cry at every single time.
There are many fictional father figures, these are just a few of my favourites! Do you know and love any that you think should make the list?

Fictional Father Figures

Sunday 21 June 2020

Just over a week ago I travelled down South to Alton for a week. It was to celebrate a friend’s birthday, it was such a lovely week! My favourite day has to be when we visited Jane Austen’s house. Naturally, as an English student it was must I visited her childhood house when I got the chance. Truth be told I have not read as many of Jane Austen novel’s as I would have liked to but I have faith my degree will soon change that.
It was such a lovely experience to visit the house Austen grew up in.  The house itself was quite lovely.  We got the chance to dress up too, which was a blast!  We didn’t take the visit all too serious, otherwise, I don’t think it would have been as enjoyable. On the day we visited there were quite a few tourists (including myself) we figured this would be because the day we visited was close the anniversary of Austen’s death. I was pleasantly surprised to find that a few of the other tourists were American.
Myself and Tiana

It was lovely to see the house kept well and museum like. The house is in Chawton if you ever feel inspired to visit, I understand it can be a required interest. The garden was my favourite part, so beautiful kept.

We also got to make little lavender bags and I tried writing with a quill. Much harder than I had anticipated. There was this notice board, which I regret not taking a picture of. People wrote little notes (like mine above) an attached it the board, it was so lovely to read and look at. 

I adored how walking into her house felt like I was walking back in time. Things looked and felt so different to the current society we live in.

There were lots of really cool things to look at and learn about, like the desk Jane Austen used to write at. I liked how spread across the site you would find different copies of her books that you were able to read if you wanted to.

It was just a really cool day, finished off with a pint and a burger in a pub across the road! If you want to check out more images and things from my trip down south follow me on my Instagram!

Jane Austen’s House!!

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Last night I went to see Brighton Rock performed at the Theatre Royal in Brighton. A lecturer offered us free tickets a week or so before, and at this point, I was really eager to go see a performance in Brighton. This seemed like a good opportunity, it's free and a productive way to spend my evening. Plus, I could enjoy it with my peers who also love theatre. It was the most English Student thing ever, but it was a blast.

Before the performance I pretty much went not knowing what to expect, I had seen that there was a film version on Netflix but I have yet to watch that. Afterward, I found out that Brighton Rock is also a book, which I am very looking forward to reading soon!

Immediately I was engaged, the actors and actresses were amazing. Their roles were so strong and enticing. There was never a second where my mind wandered elsewhere. The characters were complex and very intriguing. No two characters were the same, they were individual. I'm not exactly sure of what I was expecting but I was not expecting it to be about crime and gangs.

I think my favourite part of the play was the stage layout. It was made up of this metal frame that could be moved, like stairs and like an arch that was represented as Brighton Pier. It was insane, the use of the stairs was brilliant, especially to signify the passion between two characters. The stage layout allowed the production to show several things happening at once. I loved this, from the beginning we have a character talking out and what looks like from above, the character Pinky answering her almost. She introducing her thoughts about what makes good and bad and he explaining what will unfold. I loved this, it was just brilliant to watch. I was hooked immediately.

Another element of the performance I enjoyed was that is was somewhat. Like it wasn't a musical but there were parts that were sung and I was living for it. It wasn't full-on musical but it was amazing to see that there was a song or two performed.

The storyline was interesting and complex. I found it easy to follow but it also had my thoughts racing too, on the edge of my seat. The performance was 2 and a half hours, which by the end I did feel a little restless but that is probably because I had been in Uni since half 10 and had been seating down working for the majority of the day.

I feel like you know a play is good when you come away wanting more, like wanting to read the book and watch the film and see just how the theatre production was adapted from the original. I think that will be interesting to explore when I read the novel. I will leave the post here, I don't want to give too much away but I would recommend watching!

Brighton Rock

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Huge Blaze they were coughing
This huge blaze
Building a trophy fire
Fuel this smiling lad
The wind’s taking up an immense flame
“it was supposed to be us”
Euphoria up in flames
Rioting a-alight restrain him

(Breathe) ‘It weren’t supposed to be like this’
Ash raining down, an immense, flame, children there.
 ‘It weren’t supposed to be like this?’
Coughing, they couldn’t get out, throwing tires into
The fires to make it fuel even more.
‘It was supposed to be us and the police and the government’
But this is not Aldis, this is not McDonalds, this is not JD Sports.

Huge Blaze! Immense Flame
Ash being blown; raining down
Cover our mouths; They’re ash clouds
Throwing tyres in the fire
The shop was ablaze

On Tottenham Road.

University of Brighton, English Literature and Creative Writing, Group Work; Myself (Lauren McDonald) Stanley Westbrook and Lauren Bott. This piece is about London Riots 2011.


Friday 29 September 2017

“I see at intervals the glance of a curious sort of bird through the close set bars of a cage: a vivid, restless, resolute captive is there; were it but free, it would soar cloud-high.” 

Jane Eyre

Thursday 28 July 2016

i liked you from the start
i waited years a part
i wanted you more than anything
you were my king

all i could do is hope
to this did i wonder how did i cope
one day lifted the veil
soon after love spread his trail

it was all embraces and kisses
long due after many wishes
you were finally mine
everything was going fine

i could happily say I love you
you once told me that you even loved me too
life seemed to be going great
it seemed like the pieces joined creating fate

i gave you my all
and you twisted torn and crumbled it into a ball
now here i sit in tears
drowning in my fears

you hurt me
can you not hear my plea
i did not think you were capable of this
i know i would do anything for one last kiss

into your life she sauntered came back
only for me to find you both in the sack
i did not want to believe it
but instantly in my heart the pain had hit

oh curse your past lover
the reason for me to discover
you will always love her
she was always going to be the one you would prefer

so here i stand
holding nothing but my own hand
you hurt me bad
i gave you all the love i had

now i am done
for me there will be no once upon
i hope you are proud
i will fade back into being the face in the crowd

i would wish you good luck
but my heart no longer gives a fuck
now i am broken
all that has happened will be left unspoken

my king my king
you destroyed my anything
again we are a part
but we will never be back at the start

my king my king

Sunday 5 July 2015