Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

 Spring has almost sprung. 

I'm looking forward to the crisp cold air leaving and for the flowers to rebud and the sun making more of a daily appearance. I've been eager for Spring since Winter started. Granted, for me, Spring brings more than just a change of weather; it brings along with it my birthday and my second solo trip. In a few weeks, I will be turning 26 in Rome. 

I'm really hopeful for the month ahead, but before we dive into that, I want to reflect on the month just gone. 

February was... something. Highs and some really dark lows mentally, but I've come out of it very grateful for my life, the people I am surrounded by and all that comes with life. I don't want to focus too much on the doom and gloom, so I highlight some of my favourite moments.

February's highlights:

  • Dad's birthday: the old man turned 60, and we celebrated it as a whole family, siblings, kids and all, and it was so lovely. 
  • Comedy show: I went to see Chloe Petts with a good mate of mine. I hadn't been to a comedy show in years, which was really cool. Chloe is hilarious. 
  • Best friend's birthday: It was one of my best friends' birthdays; we went for sushi and had the most lush time together. In adult life, you don't see your friends as much as you want. Who would have thought, huh?
  • New skill unlocked: A minor win for some but a colossal win for me. I've finally mastered the skill of using chopsticks. It has taken me longer than I'd have liked, but I am chuffed.

Looking ahead into March! 

I'm really excited about the adventures that are waiting for me. We're only two days into the month and off to a good start. I feel like this month will be about personal growth, self-reflection, and becoming even more comfortable with myself. 

On the first, I took myself on a solo date to the cinema to see Wicked Little Letters. Great film, I have a newfound adoration for Olivia Colman. I then took myself for Dumplinga (opted for Long Bao) at my favourite spot in town and ran into wifey and her partner, which was lovely. I went for coffee and started to read a new ARC (When Love Barges In by Bryony Rosehurst). I was gifted it at my favourite coffee spot. Good start to the month.

In the month ahead, I'm looking to really challenge myself. Do more of what I love and work on habit-building. I started building some habits in February but sometimes found it hard to stay consistent. In March, I must continue showing up for myself and staying consistent.

I still love writing my witchy book, so I hope to do more in March, watch more films, and expand my film knowledge. Reading took a bit of a back seat last month, but with the gorgeous new book I'm reading, that isn't the case this month. I neglected the blog last month, but I've got some posts planned, and I'm looking forward to writing and sharing them with you.

I'm looking forward to Rome; it has been on my travel list for a while, and I'm excited to celebrate my birthday there. Kicking off Aries season in Rome, it will be firey, exciting and adventure-packed. I have been planning like crazy. There are so many incredible places and sites to see!

So, March? We're going to be friends. 

Hello March

Saturday 2 March 2024

I have recently noticed the influx of readers on my blog, and I am so happy to see my words are travelling further than I had ever imagined! I have received more comments in recent months, and people asking for ways to contact me. I have put my email address in the sidebar but I thought I'd made a post to also share all my social media platforms, so you guys can reach out to me. I do reply quite quickly depending the time of day you message!

My business email address:
My Instagram: WritingMyHeart
My Twitter: Lilmiss_lauren
My YouTube Channel: GeordieSimmer

I am so grateful for every reader, and it makes me happy seeing so many lovely comments. I am starting to get back into a routine posting back on the blog twice a week: Saturday & Wednesday. Click over into the sidebar to follow the blog and subscribe to email notifications for when I update! Thank you for reading, and I'll see you on Wednesday with a fresh new post!  

Where to find me

Saturday 9 November 2019

Top Ten: I Want To Do Down South

I have been down in Brighton for just over two years now, and I believe this will probably be my last year. I plan on moving further up North, but I want to make the most of my time down here whilst I live down here. I already checked a couple of things off my list such as see Wicked, visit Cornwall and London.
I guess this is more a reminder for myself, for me to look back on and say hey I achieved all of the things I wanted to do down here. The list is in no particular order, although number 1 is my ultimate goal.

1) Visit Harry Potter Studios in London
2)  See my first Drag Show/Performance
3) Go on the Eurostar
4) Visit Marwell Zoo
5) See Stonehenge
6) Visit the UK's biggest Primark in Birmingham
7) Go on the i360
8) Visit the Upside Down house
9) See Hamilton in London
10) Visit Shrek Adventure

If you think I have missed any cool things off, or you have recommendations please comment below so I can add them to my list!!

Top Ten Things: I Want To Do Down South

Monday 28 October 2019

It's been a hot minute since my last post, I haven't been writing as much as I'd like to. I am aiming for weekly posts again!


Wednesday 25 September 2019

Summer is coming to an end, and I couldn't be happier!
It means I only have a couple weeks left of working full-time, and University starts again. Summer has been long, I spent most of the Summer working  which lead to lots of time at the pub. I haven't been as creative as I would have liked to be, working sucks the life out of you. I did get a few books read, and I started my Sims YouTube channel - this  is still very productive and I am super proud! Summer was the start of  a new creative outlet.
Pumpkin Spice Lattes' are back and those autumnal feels are hitting me in every direction. Conkers falling from the trees leaves on the floor and the weather is getting colder. Autumn is heading our way and I am ready to snuggle in jumpers watching Hocus Pocus.
This will be my final year in Brighton, this time next year I will be in a whole new city. One year to make the most of this seaside town. I am more than ready for a new adventure.

Hello September > Hello Autumn

Sunday 1 September 2019

A drink in my hand, my snow up against the burning sand...

No sadly, this isn't a rendition of Frozen's song 'Summer' although it is a Disney banger! I have realised between poetry and book reviews I haven't really posted 'other' content on here. This is just a catch up I guess, talking about the Summer and what I have planned, what I have been doing and what the future holds.
Since finishing the Second year of University in May, so far I have been home to Newcastle for a little while and then returned to Brighton to work full time. I don't have a holiday planned this year, but I do plan on visiting some places within the UK. Just something to look forward to. I will be spending the majority of my time in Brighton, which I am excited about. 
I set a Summer goal of reading 15 books, so far I have only managed 2 - tragic but I have just restarted Harry Potter so those numbers will rise. Reading again for pleasure feels so good again, for a while I didn't want to read. I guess when your degree is surrounded by reading books, and a lot of the time ones you don't want to read, you b
ecome reluctant to read in your spare time. So, the reason I set a Summer reading goal is to hopefully fall back in love with reading.  A new book review will be posted within the next few days, so keep an eye out for that.
So far, Summer has been quite spontaneous. I have been to the cinema a few times, I went to see Avengers End Game (twice),  Alladin, Toy Story 4 (twice) and I am seeing Spiderman soon too.  and seen quite a few of my friends. It has been great, I have really been trying this work/social balance. I have also been attending the gym, which has been helping me mentally as well as physically. I have been investing in new gym gear, and I am living for it- NIKE YOU ABSOLUTE BABE. I am really trying my best to feel good about myself, in all ways possible. I am getting there, this Summer is definitely one of self-care. A much-needed addition to my life.
I will be visiting Newcastle near the end of Summer, once I have moved into the new house. When I get back I will be seeing Danny Jones live.
The big thing I wanted to talk about was... SIMS. If you've been around on my blog a while now you will know how much I adore the Sims. And I have recently just collected all the packs for Sims 4, and let me tell you the future is bright. I will be Simming more... on more than one platform. It is early days but it is a new project I will be working on.
The blog here is a due a revamp, not sure when this will take place but soon! I have been going through my social media and just tweaking things, if you follow my Instagram you will have noticed a few changes, especially with my highlights. If you don't follow my Instagram search for me WritingMyHeart! 

What are your Summer plans?

Summer in Brighton

Friday 12 July 2019

I submitted my final deadline, of my second year at University, approximately a week or so ago.
What a relief! I did an end of year post last year and its only natural I had to this year too! I hold my hands up to this, but damn has this year been hard. Nothing on the first year of Uni. Sorry to scare all you first years out there, please enjoy first year whilst you can.
Something weird has happened this year, not entirely sure what though. I have worked 100% harder like I have put so much more effort into my work but I cannot help but feel I haven't got my shit together. I keep leaving everything to last minute, which I didn't really do last year, and it is driving me insane.
 Realistically, I know it doesn't help working whilst doing my degree but a girl has got to do what a girl has got to do. I finished the second year, I suppose that counts for something. I want to wish for a better third year, and tell you I'll get my shit together over Summer, but will I? I will try but I know I'll be just as stressed this time next year.
That aside, we have to celebrate getting through it. I am super proud of all my fellow students and friends, you guys are amazing. I hope we all have the well-deserved Summer we need!
A week into summer, and I have no clue what to do with my time. It's weird not feeling guilty about doing things, I am so used to that nagging feeling in the back of my head telling me to do work. I am currently on a two-week break from work too, I am visiting home and enjoying long baths again and naps. Oh, the naps! 
I joined the gym too, a good way to kick off Summer. I am writing this whilst a bath is running, I am using the most gorgeous yellow bath bomb. I have been using quite a few bath bombs whilst being home, I might do a blog post rating and recommending some. 
I am not sure what I am going to do when I am not working over Summer so I have created a Summer goals list, something to complete and work towards and make sure I don't just waste Summer.
Summer goals:

  • Read at least 15 books
  • Socialise more (this is important because I have a habit of playing sims all day)
  • Gym 3-4 times a week
  • Cook more (pot noodles don't count)
  • Finish Glee
  • Finish writing memoir
I didn't want to set too many, but I feel like I have created a chilled list. Nothing in the list is unrealistic, it includes everything I enjoy doing. I am really looking forward to spending my first Summer in Brighton. I am hoping to start reading the books for the third year, but we will see...
What are some of your Summer goals?


Thursday 6 June 2019

Okay, so is this clickbait? Did I buy this coffee for 10p? Not clickbait (ish) and yes I did.
I’ve always been aware of O2 priorities, and I’ve never been on O2. Sucks. However, I’ve recently learned that Vodafone (the company I’m with) have a sort of similar thing. It’s not as big as O2 priorities and there isn’t as much on it. But this weekend (and last) there has been a code on for a free Costa under the price £2.47/£2.67. Which gets you a small latte, the next size up is only 10p extra. So, I got a coffee for 10p. I think this is pretty cool, especially if you’re on the go. Who doesn’t love free stuff? I’ve previously seen offers for Millie’s cookies, you can also get discount on gyms and things. I just wanted to share this information, maybe everyone already knows and I’m just behind.  But if you’re out and about, grab your free (or 10p) coffee from the My Vodafone app!
If you are  Vodafone user or even O2 there is always something free on there. I feel like a student free is the best word you can hear! 

10p Medium Costa Latte

Monday 7 January 2019

I have been wondering how or what to write for my annual post about bidding the year farewell. Looking at previous years, 2016 I went for the things I am blessed for. 2017 was more 20of it's been a tough one but I pulled through kind of post. I feel like the past few years have been big years for me and this year was just... random aftermath of those years.
I sit on my bed, full of cold with a glass of wine and a pack of hobnobs. It is always good to reflect back, I didn't exactly know where to start but let's begin with my #bestnine on Instagram.

The grid above is the posts that my Instagram followers liked the most, and even though these pictures do not sum up the whole year they do highlight some of the best bits.  2018? The year for trying to be more body confident, the goal I set every year, and I am getting there. The year of a cool new tattoo (or two or three), it seems my Slytherin one was quite the hit! This was the year I actually experimented with makeup, and I can happily say I am getting better! This was the year I changed my hair a lot, blonde to blue, to even green to blonde and then back to Brunette! I need to stop making impulsive hair decisions. I had the most amazing holiday to Egypt with the people I love. That was a huge highlight! I feel like this year has been overall, alright. I am learning the ins and outs of adulthood, money managing and living, trying to cook and look after myself, all whilst working and attending Uni. It's hard. This year I learned that in 2019 I need to get my shit together.

This isn't a whole new year new me, because I am actually starting to like myself. I see the upcoming year as a way of improving myself, big things are ahead- I can feel it! My braces come off, after 5 years, and I am excited to see the end result- especially since I have always been self-conscious about my teeth. I plan on getting healthy, this sounds cliche as fuck. But I don't mean just my body, I mean my mental health. I will be joining the gym though, in February. I would do the whole joining in January thing but I am not in Brighton long enough to dedicate January to the gym. I want to start eating better, so more homecooked meals, I enjoy cooking but half the time I just can't be bothered. In March I turn 21, a proper adult, which is scary but also exciting. I haven't decided on what shenanigans we will get up to for that! I hope to do a little more travelling this year, some cities around the UK like Glasgow and Manchester, as well as maybe a cheeky holiday before year 3 starts at Uni.  
I have decided to get my shit together financially. Something I have been crap with since before I started earning money. I just need to manage everything, become more organised. I bought this little gem to help me. I guess something to motivate me really. I have always wanted to be one of those women who keep a diary, write important crap down and just take control of their shit. I am also aiming to read at least 40 books next year, I only managed 24 this year. 

I just feel like this year is going to be my year, focusing on myself and just being happy. Happiness is all any of can really ask for. And if I haven't achieved any of the above this time next year then sod it, I know I'll probably have memories to look back on!

So, 2018! You have been weird, just plain weird. I feel blessed having made another year on this earth, to this one and the next! I wish all my lovely readers the best 2019 possible,   god knows you all deserve it! 

One last note, I do hope to expand my blog more, and my writing. This year is ours!


Monday 31 December 2018

Trains. Planes. Buses. And even your own two feet. One thing they all have in common? They take you places. They allow you to get from A to B. Granted,  sometimes (more than enough times) at a cost. I watch trains leave the station daily, planes lift off into the air nightly and feet taking their owners for a walk every single second of the day. 

Cameras. Pictures. Your own two eyes. All of these glorious things allow us to see the world. Witness the great things in life like birth, spring, and the sun setting and rising. From the second we wake up to the second we fall asleep we’ve witnessed concisely and subconsciously a million things taking place in a single day. And when the lights are out? Our minds take over. 

The beautiful brain. Transporting you to places in a millisecond. Showing you thousands of things in a single dream. Through the day it takes you back in time through memories. Our brains are limitless. Thinking of new places, constantly processing and storing new information. An imagination that is never ending... and it’s free. 

Sometimes we are so wrapped up in life, we forget to take a second to just stand still. Appreciate the things we have and how wonderful our bodies are and how magnificent our brains are. I suppose this is just me taking a second to just step back and appreciate simple things. 

What are you appreciative of today?


Monday 13 August 2018

I have been thinking about this for a while now, becoming a vegetarian. I tried it years ago back in 2012 and succeeded for about a year. It wasn't easy but it did come with a few perks: like losing weight and no one would attempt to steal my quorn food. The problem that I came across the most was I was never really a big fan of vegetables, which proves difficult if you're a vegetarian because the majority of your diet is filled up with vegetables. In more recent years I have expanded my taste buds and found that there a quite a few vegetables that I do enjoy.
This isn't me giving up meat or becoming a full-time vegetarian. From time to time I get the guilt of eating meat, but clearly not enough since I continue to do so. I feel as though for a while I haven't been in the right situation (financial as well as life really) and as I become to enter my second year at University I have decided to give it a go. Realistically, I'll never be able to cut meat completely out of my diet because a girl loves her some chicken. My aim is to have a couple of days out of my week where I don't eat meat. Nothing too drastic just enough to change up my diet and save a few more animals.
 I'll be cooking for myself for the next two years so I won't be limited by being catered for, I will also be working alongside my degree so I can enjoy a few finer things in life. My finer things I mean actually buying fresh fruit and veg on a daily basis.
 I am excited, try some new things and just try and get my shit together. My eating habits aren't the best, and for a while now I have really begun to notice that. I want to make a change. It's all dandy attending gym and working out at home but that will only go to waste if I don't fix up my eating habits too. It's just to feel better and to be honest, I enjoy cooking when I get the chance, this allows me to explore and experiment with new recipes.
By the way, just so you know I am not going to be one of those people who push vegetarianism in your face, I am not going to announce it at every meal. Technically I'll not even be a real vegetarian, I'll be a part-timer.

Part Time Veggie?

Monday 6 August 2018

Fully aware I have yet to do a 'normal' my favourites post yet but we will get to that jazz later. I asked last week over on my Instagram if for last week I should post 'Plus Size' or this post. Plus size won but I always intended to make this post at some point so I thought I'd just post it this week. Which may defeat the whole point of the poll but I like to give my readers a choice, if you want to take part in my polls (I've only just recently started doing them) then go and follow my Instagram: WritingMyHeart or click any word that says Instagram on this post and it will (or should) take you straight to my page. Get a vote in what my content for next week should be!

Let's begin!!

Favourite Hogwarts House:
I feel like I really don't need to say it... but I will. My own house of course Slytherin. Fully aware we are cast as the bad house 'There's not a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin' this is somewhat true. I mean our house animal is a snake... jokes aside. It is the house with a reputation for being bad, which isn't wrong it did produce Voldemort, Snape, Lucious Malfoy, the rest of the death eaters (with the exception of Wormtail but he was pathetic anyway) Bellatrix Lestrange... even the founder what a muggle hating prick. The list goes. Granted it doesn't look good. But all the houses have produced bad witches or wizards. We do have some good witches and wizards from our house: Regulus Black, Tonk's mother Andromeda and well sort of Horace Slughorn, he's a bit iffy but unintentionally. Draco too, I know this is debatable but fight me. Merlin is from Slytherin too. Plus the common room is pretty sick. I could talk all day and say how much I adore Slytherin but I won't. I show house pride, plus at least I'm not a Hufflepuff right?

Favourite Harry Potter Book:
This was a tough one to think about, all of the books have an aspect that I adore. I am always stuck between Prisoner of Azkaban and Order of the Phoenix. Both books are hilarious, and I love them for different reasons but I made the decision of picking Prisoner of Azkaban.  POA I like because you see more of Peeves, and for once see him in a serious manner when he helps Dumbledore locate the fat lady in the portraits. I also loved that Harry got to meet Lupin and Sirius, and finally have more of a real family. Even if one is on the run from escape Azkaban he still makes a better family member than the Dursleys.

Favourite Harry Potter Film:
Prisoner of Azkaban by far! I find the film hilarious, my favourite scene is on the night bus ‘take it away, Earl!!’ It’s just such a good film. I never have a bad word against this film, mainly the missing of Peeves but I’m mad about that in general with the whole series of films. This is also the film where Draco no longer looks like a child: Hallelujah!! I feel like my reasons for liking this film is similar to my reasons for the book. I just feel like things get better for Harry when it comes to his family life, which is always delightful. 

Favourite Hogwarts Haunted:
I couldn’t word this correctly because obviously Hogwarts is haunted by ghosts and as well as a Poltergeist. Peeves is my favourite though. He’s a mischievous character who is a complete dick, and I love it. He is one of the (many) reasons I enjoy the books much more, he’s entertaining and is constantly fucking things up. He’s loveable and annoying. If Peeves had went to screen he would have been played by the late Rick Mail, who I think would have aced it, I loved him in Bottom and Drop Dead Fred. Apparently, they filmed scenes of him playing Peeves but they cut them all... tragic I know. 

Favourite from the Golden Trio:

This is simple: Hermione. An intellegient bad ass woman who loves books? Yes, Queen!

Favourite Hogwarts Headmaster:

Dumbedlore, always Dumbledore. He did endanger a child's life for several years and basically taught the Dark Lord how to control his magic but sure he is still a hell of a guy!

Favourite Couple:

I don't really have one, I think the couples who became a couple were great but there were none I was completely OH MY GOD over. I liked the idea of a gay relationship between Draco and Harry but that is the most commitment I've put into couples as far as they go. 

Favourite Wand:

I currently own Draco's wand but I think next I want to purchase  Hermione's wand. Her wand is stunning!

My favourite Character:

I feel like this is so blatantly obvious. My favourite character is none other than Draco Malfoy. He's been my favourite for as long as I can remember. I know he's an arsehole but I just feel this whole hearted adoration for him. He is troubled, and is ends up getting into things that he doesn't want to. All to impress his father, who I absolutely despise. He is that guy you just want to help!

This was short and sweet, I think. I enjoyed writing about Harry Potter, as always. I will jump at any chance to even discuss Harry Potter, so if you have anything to comment on or agree/disagree with comment below and we can have a chat!  Thank you for reading, and keep an eye on my Instagram to see what I could possibly be posting next Monday!

My Favourites - Harry Potter Edition

Monday 25 June 2018

I am at that awkward body size. I just manage to fit into straight size clothes but too small to properly fit into plus size clothing. A little information about myself and my body, I don’t usually freely share this information but I figure it gives context on what I’m dealing with. My chest is 36/38 B/C, a comfortable size. It changes depending on the time of the month and where I’m buying underwear from.  I usually dress between the sizes 16 and 18 (UK size, in the US this would size 14 and size 16 I think) depending on the store. Unless it’s tshirts then I buy a couple sizes bigger just for that baggy look.

 By technical term I am plus size (which I don’t mind) but it’s hard to shop plus size because in a lot of shops plus size starts at the size or two above mine.  For example Forever 21 online in straight size go to th  size unde  mine but thei  plus size starts the size above... a girl just can’t win. I call my size the awkward size, it’s not a bad thing it just means when I find a shop that has my sizes I usually stick to it. Stick to what you know right? 
I am fully aware I can change my size, if you have a problem fix it etc. But that takes time, you know this I know this. I won’t be this size forever. It’s a working progress but right now I have to dress the body I have and not for the body that I want. 

Call me a basic but my favourite clothing store is Primark.  The prices are good and even the quality has been stepped up in recent years. I know some people get a bit judgemental about Primark but I know how their sizes work. What fits my body and what doesn’t. I have to say that my favourite thing about Primark is that the clothes are available for all sizes. You can get the same top in sizes 6 up to 22. The same top! I know this seems dumb but when it comes to plus size clothes companies change the type of clothing, usually floral print (don’t get me started on this, a rant for a later date) they  create new items which is cool but really what we plus size girls want is the same clothes you offer for straight sizes! We  just want the same cute designs and things but just our sizes, surely that’s not too much to ask?? Primark is a gem for this plus their Harry Potter merch is life, I’ve put so much money into buying merchandise from their it’s unbelievable!As much as I adore Primark, I’ve been wanting to broaden my horizons. I am becoming more confident with my body and quite frankly just want more clothes. For a while now I’ve been watching YouTubers do Plus size hauls, I just love seeing people’s clothing choices and seeing different items fit different sizes. I love seeing women of all shapes and sizes looking cute and rocking all kinds of outfits without a care in the world. You girls are my inspiration! 

Watching these types of videos allow me to find clothing inspiration, new things to possibly try out. Only being an awkward size I’ve been struggling to find YouTubers with a similar body type to my own. I’m aware every body is different and that’s great, it’s just I have no clue what these clothes would look like on me. Which is a struggle when online shopping to begin with. A lot of the plus size clothing stores are online, which is great but fittings can be strange.
Different shops run different sizes. For example, in Primark  I usually fit into a large whereas I recently discovered I fit into an H&M medium. Naturally, I was over the moon with this discovery. Confident level boost +10.
I am looking for some recommendations, on YouTubersnas well as clothing brands.  I am maybe contemplating trying to do a ‘will it fit?’ series. Maybe here on my blog, write it up or video it or something. Just to perhaps help other girls like myself who are also at that ‘awkward’ size.  Would a ‘Will it fit?’ series be a good idea? I’m also broadening my horizons on jeans, so please comment some places I can try and types of jeans you would personally recommend!! 

Plus size?

Monday 18 June 2018

As a student almost everything is expensive. Food, travel and just basic living. My hometown is over 300 miles up the country and my University is the bottom of the country. To get to A to B I use the not so classy transportation of Megabus. It’s a  long ass journey but it’s cheap and usually a pretty easy journey. Unless there is a few individuals on board that just piss you off immediately! This is a list of people you may come across on your journey on a megabus!

1) The one having a phone call out loud! Not only are they shouting down the phone, before 10am may I add, but also has their conversation on loud speaker. So two people shouting and one isn’t even on the bus! Did I mention it usually goes on for the majority of the journey?

2) Can’t type their conversation person, similar to the one before but only they sit beside you at Wake Field and voice notes all of their friends until Sheffield! 

3) Constant Pee Person, I always make the stupid mistake of sitting near the door in the middle which is also where the toilet is located but also one of the few charging ports on board. On a long journey you can’t help but notice people going to the toilet, or one person going at least 9 times during the one journey. Not judging just worried for you hun.

4) The idiot. On my last journey home the driver was forced to stop the bus and couldn’t continue the journey for a while... all because some idiot decided it would be a good idea to smoke in the toilet. Brilliant, it’s not as if the bus was already two hours behind on this journey already. Thanks for that. 

5) Music for all. I’m not talking loud earphones or the driving having the radio on because that’s chill. You blast those earphones but please don’t play the music on your phone out loud. We aren’t thirteen nor are we in a local park. We are adults on a bus, please remember that. You’re not the megabus DJ and and quite frankly your music taste is a little crap and disturbing. I kind of want to sleep through the journey not rave with a headache. 

6) Smelly food person. I understand you need to eat trust me I wanted to bring a McDonalds on board too but I decided to have consideration for all of the other passengers on board. After all, no one wants to be on a stinky bus for 9 hours. Clearly I’m the only person with this consideration, great.  I also feel like if I tried to do this  the one time, everyone would probably hate me. 

7) Clueless person. This person I guess is somewhat helpless but you’re also helpless and can’t actually help this person. Yet the clueless person continues to ask you when the bus is coming or how long until we get to this place and the thing is I’m not the driver of the bus I have no clue what is going on either. I don’t know why the drivers have been switched, I don’t know when we are going to Leeds. I’ve never stopped in Leeds my stop is Newcastle, the last stop. Please leave me alone and ask the driver who has more of a clue that the both of us. 

Fully aware this was more of a rant type of post but trust me it was needed! I meet all of these type of people every time I get on a long journey. There are probably a lot more, and I’m sure I’ll come across many more people who annoy me. I will be getting another Megabus coach in July and then again in September. Maybe there will be a Coach People 2.0.  Have you come across any annoying people on a coach? Should I do more of these? For example ‘The types of people you find in an airport?’ I work in an airport and have been for a week and trust me I can go on forever about those types of people! 

Coach People

Monday 11 June 2018


I come to you with an... update I guess. I have been dealing with writer's block lately, and Uni has been stressful so I haven't really been able to put time into my blog. Which is sad because I love my blog, being able to write whatever and share things with you guys. It is fun and quite cathartic for me.
I have recently invested in The Blogger's Companion. It is basically a blogging journal with prompts. It is fun and so useful for when I want to write but don't know what to write. I want to work on my blog this Summer, make it more active and just for me to write more! As a writer I don't write as much as I would like to, so I am hoping this little book will help with this.

I will still be posting my usual content, such a book reviews, Sims posts, my own poetry and things. This is just so I can get in the groove of writing more frequently. I am hoping to make Monday my weekly blog post day. I am crap with trying to follow a schedule but hopefully, I can stick to this one, at least see how long I can go.  Also if you are also a blogger, you can order this little gem of a book online. Click the image and it will take you to the Amazon page where you can purchase it.

I have had a quick neb at the book, some of the weekly prompts look promising. Not all of them, as they don't really cater to the vibe I am trying with my blog. I am hopeful though if anything it is a bit of fun. My blog won't change much, I am just hoping to write more.

My blog has recently well this year been updated, the layout and all that jazz. Which means the follow button has moved too, I would appreciate it if you would give the blog a little follow. It would mean the world. At the top of the page is three little lines and if you click that and scroll you will see the little follow button!

What content do you as a reader want to read and see on here? As I look at my most popular posts, it seems you guys enjoy my Sims Posts, as well as little lifestyle ones. If you have any suggestions, please comment them below. I am open minded :)

The Blogger's Companion

Tuesday 15 May 2018

My first Semester in University: daaammnn. Today as I handed in my Narrative Journal semester one came to a close. Excitement and relief are the emotions that flooded me instantly.  I survived semester one. 

Challenging times, many books that I perhaps didn't like all too much, but with a Literature degree, you have to bite the dust and plough through it. Out of the many books and various texts, you have to read you're pretty much  more or less guaranteed to like at least one text. Fortunately, this was the case for me. I enjoy reading books I would never usually read, so that aspect has been great.
I feel as though semester one has been a creative semester. I have been trying out new writing techniques, written my first script and now due to an entry I submitted in my journal I am quite inspired to start writing a novel. Due to the semester end we have a two week break before starting semester two, I am excited to put this to use and get started on the novel as well as catch up on reading. I have been buying new books and I have not had the time to sit down and indulge in the pages.
 The semester started with an unsure vibe, adjusting to the University life as well as struggling with the jump from A Level to University level. First semester I've been finding my feet, breakdown central but I wouldn't change a second of it. I feel as though now that the semester has come to a close the past few weeks I’ve had my shit together, like properly. Minimal breakdowns, I’ve been focusied on my goals. Uni and just improving myself in general. I beat two of my deadlines as well as handing in today, and left nothing to last minute. To celebrate and refresh my mind I went to the gym after hand in. Third time this week, I’m really feeling motivated for self improvement. 

I am very excited for Semster two, my modules change which is exciting and refreshing. I feel a change is needed. Something new to set my mind on, excited for the creative writing aspect too. Semester one has been insane for writing, I’m hoping Semester two will be just as good! 

Now it’s time to treat myself to some Wine and a new book!! 

Expect a book review for Louise Pentland’s Wilde Like Me either this weekend or early next week! I’ve been looking forward to reading this gem! 

Semester 1 - Completed it Mate!!

Friday 19 January 2018


As promised here is my Uni post! However, due to there being a lot of content and things to write about I have decided to section things. This way you aren't scrolling down forever plus I have limited free time due to studying. So this post will be about moving to University, how I'm coping and meeting my flatmates and what not- the basics and the beginning. I shall be doing a few Uni posts in the future about different topics such as: Making my room my own, Night Life, Lectures and Seminar tips and just how I am dealing with everything. I may even make Uni posts a weekly thing and my other content just whenever I feel like it. So, let's begin.

Newcastle Central Station
23rd of September I moved to Brighton. At 04:45AM I sobbed farewells to my family and set off down South. After 6 and a half hours of traveling,  a change over in London I arrived at Brighton station, feeling overwhelmed and excited to the core. This was the first time being in the city on my own. I had previously been here with my mother so it was bizarre to be lugging a case figuring out my next step.

I say lugging a case because that's all I came up with, a huge heavy ass case and a bulging backpack. I did this journey alone because for a long time I have had this need to be independent. I was sobbing on the train but decided to spend the majority of my train journey between small naps, drinking hot chocolate and reading a book.

I couldn't pack my entire 19 years of life into a single case so back home I packed everything and got everything I had missed delivered down to me- which has been mighty convenient. Plus I love that feeling of knowing you have a delivery on its way- extremely satisfying. My family is the best! Being so supportive and patient with me- thanks parents for sending my belongings down and surprises!

London was busy, like always. I love London but it's just so rushed. You never get the chance to absorb your surroundings. I was worried when I arrived in London, I had no clue where I was or where to go next. Google Maps- always the answer. To be fair, I was only at Kingross and needed to get to St Pancras International- it is literally around the corner. It was definitely a dumb moment on my part.

From Brighton station, I got into a taxi to my accommodation campus Varley Park. The driver was lovely and advised me on taxi services and student nights out. He essentially was the first person I talked to upon my arrival.

As soon as I had arrived I got my keys, this was very exciting. Into the flat I moved, I met my housemates one by one at various times through the day. I was worried about this-  but I really shouldn't have been. Almost two weeks later and I feel like I have known my 4 flatmates my entire life- they're funny, crazy, slightly alcoholic but most of all the best flatmates  I could have ever asked for. However, we do have some communication issues. Mainly because I am a northerner. There has been a couple of times where what I've said has been mistaken for something else. Last week I offered a flatmate a can of dark fruits- they thought I said dog food. I still laugh at this. The other day, I got a delivery with my hulk (teddy) and I've been excited about it the whole week. I showed him to my flatmates in our group chat, and well. For the entire week, they thought I'd been saying 'hug' they just assumed I named a stuffed animal hug.

I love my room, I am excited to show you guys the transformation.

The first week was crazy, nights out, attending introductory lectures. I think the first week was hard on me, by the weekend I had homesickness swelling in my heart. Every time I FaceTime a family member I come off the phone almost sobbing. I miss Kara, my niece, especially. I miss taking her to nursery, and picking her up. Reading her books before sleeping, and having lazy days watching Moana and Trollz on repeat. I miss her waking me up every morning, just because she wanted to see me. It's strange going from seeing someone every day to literally not being able to see them until December.

I am not as homesick now, but little things make me miss home. Like the other night, we had crumble for pudding, and it instantly made me miss my dad. He makes the best homemade rhubarb crumble known to mankind. Sleeping is still uneasy on me, the first night I slept so much but that was due to exhaustion of traveling and since it's been a few hours here and there. I sleep better through the day than at night. My wonderful mother has sent up my hulk, you will probably see him in the photographs on the next Uni post. He smells of home and he's good to cuddle. My mother also sent up a huge wool blanket she knitted, especially for Uni. I love it so much, I think I would be a mess and even more homesick without it. A little piece of home with me.

I have always known I wanted to move away from home, and I have always anticipated it as this great big adventure, which it is, I just didn't give it a thought about how much I'd actually miss home. I don't regret my decisions, I am excited about the future and I love University. I just think it will take some time to get used to.

Until next week!

The Move ((University))

Saturday 7 October 2017

Two nights ago  I went to my best friend's gig at the 02 Academy, he is the guitarist of a band called Holding Out. The show was the best night of my life. The opening bands were joyous, I danced with my best friends and got drunk.
First, I met with Olivia. We went for food and then went for drinks in the Dog and Parrot. Naturally, as pint was in order before the gig.
I had been hyped for the gig for months, last week I met with the guitarist Jason to pick them up. He is in incredible, such a talented guy who I am proud to call my best friend.
The show was so personal and it was amazing watching my best friend do his thing.

It was last year when I went to one of his first gigs in Jumpin Jacks, a little space above a bar. And this week I got to see him and his band perform at the O2 Academy - this is surreal and insane.

The vibes were incredible, good guests and the crowd was so alive. It was such a positive energy bouncing between bodies, it was a night I definitely needed. Naturally, a lot of my college friends attended. The band is quite known in my sixth form, so it was good to see some friendly faces I hadn't seen since exams.

Holding Out have their EP on Spotify, please check it out. My personal favourite songs from the EP are Swing for the Fences and Plain Sailing, it was surreal singing along in the crowd. Jason, he has worked so hard on the EP. He himself produced the entire thing, and he did an amazing job. I am so proud of him. His bandmates were incredible too, on their top form. Ellis' vocals impressive as always, Charlie and his energetic vibes on bass, the concentration from Ryan the drummer and Jason smashed it with his incredible guitar solos!

Holding Out

Sunday 2 July 2017

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 5 June 2016