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I bid you farewell a day early, tomorrow I have a different kind of blog post planned, something I think is very importany, but you will have to wait till tomorrow to read it.

A festive month you have been, filled with fun, friends and family. Thank you Decemeber for being as wonderful as I hoped you would be. Granted you have thrown a few grey areas at me but nothing too damaging, and even those I am thankful for.

This month you have taught me forgiveness, and to let things go instead of allowing them to fill my thoughts, you've taught me to love, love whole heartedly and enjoy the little moments. I will never forget all you've given me this month. I feel confident about January, thank you for being good to me.

Goodbye December

Friday 30 December 2016

Dear December,

Finally you are here, the finale of 2016. Let the festivity begin, the decorations come out, the Buble blasting and the cheer, oh the cheer. I love this time of the year, potential snow (probably not) hot chocolate all the time, and the homemade stu - yes please! I am so excited, I get time off from sixth form, a gig to go to, Leeds with the girls, and Christmas! I even plan on having a festive theme on Instagram, I am really feeling the Christmas festivity!

See you on the other side, I'll probably be a stone heavier from amazing food and/or drunk out of my senses!

Dear December

Thursday 1 December 2016


Thank you for an amazing thirty days, I am trully thankful that I walked side by side with you. You have brought me a  lot, faith, happiness, love and a bright future. I feel like you've spoilt with goodness, I believe you may have made my 2016. Thank you, and I cannot wait to see you again.

Au revoir!

Goodbye November

Wednesday 30 November 2016

To November,

I walk into you with high spirit, October has left me reeling with excitement, and I hope you will carry on to do so. It's now acceptable to bring out the Buble Christmas album, so my mornings will no doubt be more cheery. I'm hoping you will bring me sparks and explosions of happiness and goodness.
You are the penultimate month of twenty sixteen, a frightening yet warming thought. This time last year I started with aches and pains and this year? I begin with butterflies and smiles. I did rekindle my love for Sims this time last year too, which I still adore and plan on playing after I finish writing to you.
Last year I spoke of taking on any challenges you would throw at me, and this year? I think we will get along just fine. Over the years we grow and we are becoming more accustomed to one another, I'll take you step by step all whilst enjoying your company.

Until the thirtieth my friend.

To November

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Goodbye October,

A pleasant month you have been. You've shown me the true beauty of Autumn, you brought out my love for photography. This month you've shown me the leaves on the ground, the cold air that refreshes the world. This month you've made me feel blessed, blessed for the world we live in, blessed for having all my loved ones, blessed for all those who've have wrote a passage in my story. This may be the best October of my life, and all because of the little things life has to offer. I thank you for the happiness you've brought me, the shake  back to reality I trully needed.

I bid you farewell, until next time.

Goodbye October

Monday 31 October 2016

September, September.

You were a spring in my step, yet cold on my shoulders. Windy with messages but I am glad you happened.
A good month bach at sixth form, busy and hardworking but that's exactly how it should be. You brightened me up from August, I thank you for that. I am not the person I was when I greeted you thirty days ago, and I thank you again.
Until next year, my friend.

Goodbye September

Friday 30 September 2016

I'm ready to face you September, this month I'm giving it my all. I look forward to a new sixth Form year, I'm really looking forward to being reunited with my friends. I've missed my peers and teachers.
Despite my recent setbacks I refuse to let my life  go down the drain. I'm determined to put my pieces back together and move forward. September you are either with me or not, I'll make the best of you I possibly can.
A year ago I posted a 'hello September' but now it's a year later, so much changed. A year ago today I would have never of guessed I'd be where or how I am. People I was close to then I barely have a conversation with now. I've gained new friends, I've learned new things and I'm on the right track. Minus decent setbacks life is definitely better for me.

Hello September

Thursday 1 September 2016

How glad I am to be leaving you behind. What a hell of a month, good days, really good days and a disaster night. Granted the latter has left me a nervous wreck which will probably haunt me for a while. My head's messed up a little, nerves everywhere but I will not let this ruin my September. I had one bad night, I can't cast that on everything that happened previously. I had good results day, I went to Edinburgh with the girls, I spent a lot of time with my lovely niece. I cannot complain too much, even if my feelings are like a pufferfish. I guess whatever has happened, there is a lesson to be learnt even if that lesson is currently unclear.

Adieu August!

Adieu August

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Dear Fuck Boy,
What on earth do you think you're doing? Messing with a girls head, alluring her into a false security and then getting what you want and just vanish like nothing happened. First, you find a girl, and you tell her your intention, not your true intentions of course, and you get her to like you, you go on several dates and you get to first base, even second and then when third comes into the game? You hit it and then leave. This is  not okay. You can't just tell a girl you want to be with her, that you like her and then only use her for sex and end the game. It's cruel, but you know what you're doing and you don't care, that's the worst part. You do this to one girl, and then another and then not long you've got a line of girls behind you who feel used and are hurt, but why would you care? You have yet another notch on your bedpost. Well not this time, she caught you out. She didn't believe a word you said, allowed you to barely hit second base before she caught your ass out. How stupid do you feel now? She escaped before you could even hit the ball.  Fuck boy, you didn't get to fuck this one, I just hope no other girls get stuck in your game.

Dear Fuck Boy,

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Dear August,

We have had a slight last minute swerve to get to you, hopeful of you yesterday I was, then a slight bump in the road but hopeful again I am today. You're taking me on the road to results day, and also the road into other cities, as well as god knows what surprises you shall direct me in. My last month of Summer, and how I plan to make the most of it. This month I believe will be about learning some life lessons and self-improvement but also living in the moment without the need to assess every situation.
This month I hope for good results, good times with my friends but also get all the stuff I need to do. So, make a start on all of my coursework, read a couple of books I've been trying to read forever, and begin working out. I am ready to be the best me, and the prepared me. I refuse to allow my last year of Sixth Form to challenge me into stress and havoc, I Lauren pledge my dedication to college, to stay positive and be the best version of myself.

See you again in 30 days!

Dear August

Monday 1 August 2016

Goodbye July,

A month has practically passed in a flash. You came, I saw and we conquered. I witnessed some of the best moments in life with you, and maybe just maybe I will remember you in the long run. What an exciting adventure you've been, I've tackled demons and climbed emotional mountains. I've laughed and felt so much within your thirty-one days. You've been ever so good to me, thank you for this, I really needed it. I can only hope August will be at least half as good to me as you!

Bring on August!

Goodbye July

Sunday 31 July 2016

Hello July,

Good friend, we meet again!  Perhaps one of my most eventful months in the year every year. You bless me with Summer, the end of college, and present me with pure happiness. Pride strides through your days, parading happiness and equality. Reunions take place in your presence, and good ole celebrations are on your agenda. Oh, how I have been looking forward to you.
You my friend, are the 7th month into this year. You finalized the thoughts that already more than half a year has passed us since the new year. July, how have you been? I hope we do stay close during this month, you're the only thing that's kept me going through these past few weeks.
June was good, creatively inspiring and hard working, but now I am ready to ease into alarmless relaxation. Admittedly I  do have work to whilst we are together, but I suspect it to all run smoothly!
Let's walk hand in hand to August delightfully!

Hello July

Friday 1 July 2016

Dear June,
Well hello there. I'd welcome you with open arms but I have a feeling we are going to have a roller coaster ahead of us! You're going to upset me and I'll hate you, we will make up with some sunshine and then by the end of the month I'll swear I love you.
Let's cut to the chase, don't be a dick like straight up. I can handle some obstacles but please don't be anything like May, I wave of problems is something I don't need.
I think this month I really need to get my shit together, sort my head out and be selfish. I need some me time, some time where I'm not worrying about others or stressing about pointless things.  This month I'm going to going set my diet straight, it has been messy for the past week or so. By the end of this month I want to have lost at least 7lbs.
So I've kept this short and sweet, hopefully you will do the same. See you on the other side.

Hello June!

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Another May gone,
A special month I think. It was last year this month I made this blog, and it was a good decision. Since I've found a place I can write whatever I want, somewhere to put my voice even if I'm the only one reading it.
This month has been tough nonetheless. I've shed tears and I've broken down, I've stressed for hours and lost myseld a little. But I also picked myself up, and moved forward. Haven't quite got the hang over being an emotional mess but I'm sure I'll find a way somehow.
Exams are almost over, giving the first one was definitely testing. I feel glad I only have one left, I'm depending on June to bring me some goodness for that.
A weird month definitely, but I don't think I'd change anything at least not much.
May has been a mixture of feelings, a balance between good and bad. Tears of stress and tears of god damn laughter. Thank you May, see you next year.

Goodbye May

Tuesday 31 May 2016

Hello May,
I am a little late in writing to you. I am welcoming you with open arms, this first week has been emotionally challenging but it's just obstacles testing my strength. You're wooshing exams my way, and my time is being heavily consumed but all that aside, I think you will be kind to me. You've brought along beautiful British weather, and I thank you and hope for you to keep it coming.
This month I aim to kick ass on the three exams I have this month, fourth is in June, and loose the right amount of weight and be happy. Happiness is my overall goal, not just for this month but every month.
I get the sense of that this month is going to be about me, I am going to be independent (if I like it or not!) and being completely selfish. I need to spend more time with myself, loving  myself and doing what is best for me.
This month, we are going to tag team and boss it!

Hello May

Saturday 7 May 2016

So as it seems the Summer has been whisked away and we are starting out in September! A busy month for most if not all! Realization is beginning dawn in that perhaps the summer was slightly wasted and that preparation should be done for another year in sixth form.

I have been taking some time away from writing and the blog, but I am back and ready to type till my hearts content. I kind of noticed that my blog doesn't really have a theme, I just post things from my daily life, my thoughts and whatever I write or ideas. So what this blog is about well, I'm not sure how to categorize it to be honest!

If you are reading my blog, at some random chance, please share as it would help a lot!

Hello September,

September you have arrived again, usually I dread you and wish there was someway to delay you. However, I have come quite accustomed to your arrival over the years.This time I am quite thrilled by your occurance, I am ready to begin a new term in my life. Turn over a leaf if you will, plus I have become quite in love with Autumn and the beauty it brings with it.

I will make this a good September, I welcome you with open arms and ready to take on any challenge you face me with!

Hello September!

Friday 4 September 2015

Dear me,
I hate you, I hate you for so many reasons but I love you.
You cause such pain, emotional and physical. You're the worst person I know. You do nothing but judge me and point out my flaws, is there any need? I know what I'm like so why point it out every second you can.
You make me unhappy, you should smile more then maybe I will smile more.
You need to chill, stop worrying everything will be alright. Stop overthinking everything, seriously everything isn't as bad as you think and another thing stop over thinking, like bitch you're creating problems that weren't even there in the first place!
Yes you have problems, but so does everyone, stop thinking about your flaws no one cares, those around you love you for you, I tell you this but you don't believe me, you don't believe yourself.
Problems, you think of them all the time, it only messes with your feelings. Just think you haven't got all the problems in the world, you need to suck it up talk to someone and think of how lucky you really are! You are ungrateful, you take things for granted, you have amazing family and friends, and you need to concentrate on what makes you happy and what you love the most.
You fall for people you shouldn't, you've been standing in the background of a guys life for five years, five years of tears and being emotional, let go he loves her and you're not relevant to him. Move on, you will feel better once you do, I promise.
For the guy who got away, girl if you mattered to him he would have done something to prove it, you missed that chance? Girl be proud you stood by a rule; Chicks before dicks. You have to realise friends and family are more important.
Life is filled with negatives, but they aren't important you need to concentrate on the positive. Chill don't let shit get to you as easily, talk to friends about it, they really care.
Yes I push the negatives in your face like everybody else, but I do it because I love you. You're body fights the disease, they heal your wounds and keep your heart beating, you should love your body not hate it. 
You're your own worst enemy, I am me, you're awkward, you have dreams you can fulfill them you have to stop fussing over little things because there is so much more you can be doing. 
Stop hating you. Love yourself, love your body you are you, don't change a thing you can't change who you are, don't change instead embrace!
Sometimes life feels like hell, but trust me it could get be worse, after a storm there is sunshine, stay strong you, believe and dream big!
You need to love me, you're stuck with me forever, you need to learn to live with me happily.
I think you should really take your own advice, it may make everything easier.
Love from me, if I could be someone but be me giving a letter to myself of advice and tips this is it.
P.S Also never give up your passion for writing and food they're life!
I am the person I love and hate.

A Letter To Myself

Monday 10 August 2015