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Hello lovelies,

I'm back with a book review! I've recently enjoyed reading Hayley Kiyoko's Girls Like Girls. It's definitely a book to shout about! Before we dive in, you should know this review may contain spoilers!

I've been waiting for this book to release forever. And when it finally came out, I decided to keep it for the right moment, which happened to be earlier this week on my holiday- yes, I managed to wait that long! I've been all up in my queer feelings recently, so a lesbian romance was exactly what I needed.

Girls Like Girls is a YA sapphic romance novel about a summer shared between two girls: Coley & Sonya. Coley moves to Oregon after her mother's death to live with her father, who left her at the age of three. She meets Sonya, an upper-class popular girl who
s only ever dated a bad boy until she meets Coley, who changes her world. We witness the pair fall in love and deal with the trials and tribulations of loss, teenage angst, family pressures, and first love.

This book was addictive. I read it all within hours and couldn't put it down! I stopped reading YA a while ago, mainly because I can no longer relate to teens in school, but this book felt different. It's because the story is set in the summer and not about school or if I liked it so much. After all, it was about queer love- something I can relate to. I really liked the main character Coley, she's pretty cool, and I like her angsty teenager vibes wearing chokers and her mam's old jackets. That's how I'd love to have dressed myself as a teenager if I had more style and could pull it off!

I didn't really like Sonya, I did at first, but I couldn't stand the way she is quite an unreliable person. She treats her relationship with Coley like a yo-yo, with not much regard for Coley's feelings. She surrounds herself with terrible people and doesn't take much accountability for her actions. We saw her point of view through online journal posts, which was an exciting addition to the storytelling. Mostly, you know the story through Coley's point of view.

I really liked the building of the relationship between Coley and her dad; seeing them work things out towards the end made me quite teary. Their relationship is one of my favourites from the story. I think because Sonya treated Coley so shitty, it allowed room for Coley to let her dad closer to her. The character development of Coley throughout this book is emotional and beautiful, going from a closed-off teenager who lost the most important person in life to finding love and beginning to work on a relationship with her father. 

My one gripe about this story is the ending. It ended abruptly for me, and I didn't think Coley & Sonya shouldn't have ended up together. Coley was a mess after their last bust-up, and to top it off, Sonya's crappy friend hurts Coley (the friend Coley has been warning her about since she met him). I liked how Coley was healing, especially after her mother's death and now her first heartbreaking I wasn't really into the whole get back together thing with Sonya- I know Sonya struggled with pressure from her mother and having a split household. Still, she didn't come off as likeable all that much. However, it did make my heart all tingly when Soneya chose Coley. She finally gives up the crappy friend (albeit AFTER he got all violent), and I suppose that's something. It was very dramatic and life or death vibes, the kinda love you expect from teenagers- I remember feeling the same way about my first love!

I did enjoy the book a lot. It was such an easy read! One minute I was on chapter five; the next, I had finished it. I read it on Kindle, but I'll purchase a physical copy for my bookshelf! So, if you're looking for something an easy-to-read up in your feels (but only a little), I'd recommend this sapphic romance! If this book existed as a teenager, it would have meant everything to me. 

Girls Like Girls

Friday 21 July 2023


It's been a little while. I know, I haven't been writing as much outside of work as I'd have liked to, but I write when I can. I'm actually taking myself away at the end of the month for a bit of a writing getaway. I've booked time off work and I hope to get lots of writing done!

I felt inspired to come to the blog and write today because of an amazing experience I had yesterday in the Metro Centre Waterstones shop. I had been out with a really good friend of mine and we popped into the shop. I was after some new queer books! 

I had a little walk around the shop and I found a teen pride section, thought this was really cool, but I was in search of adult queer books. I found a bookseller that almost reduced me to tears.

I approached her and asked if she could show me the adult queer section. I tell her that I'm after some woman-loving women's books,  and could she please point me in the right direction. She turned to me and goes, due to Waterstones policy (I was expecting the worst at this point) we don't believe in segregating queer fiction or queer writers from other writers and books. She explained to me the pride stand was part of a promotion around teen queer fiction with the recent popularity of Heartstopper. She was so lovely, and I rightly so agreed with her, that queer fiction shouldn't be separate, and I felt so seen.

I've always found queer sections in other bookstores and hadn't put much thought into it, but it made me happy that queer writers are among other writers. That is exactly how it should be. I know it was such a small interaction, but as a lesbian and queer writer myself, it was so wholesome and just made my heart warm! 

The lovely bookkeeper recommended me One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston and Delilah Green Doesn't Care by Ashely Herring Blake, and I bought them! I was super happy when she handed me Blake's book. I had been wanting to read it since I heard of its publication at the beginning of the year.

I'm really looking forward to reading both books, and I guess I just wanted to share this little wholesome experience on here because it was just lovely!

 I will be sharing book reviews for these books when I've finished reading them, so keep an eye out and HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!

My Recent Waterstones Experience

Sunday 12 June 2022

This week I bring you a book review of Next Exit Home by Dena Blake. A lesbian romance novel told from two different points of views: Harper and Addison. Harper leaves her life in Denver to move back to her hometown with her daughter Eden to help look after her father's veterinary clinic. She runs into Addison, a teenage crush who is closeted to most people, Addison has her own daughter Brooke.
The story takes us through their lives of working together, Addison's mother is dating Harper's father. Harper is still reeling from her mother's death. There is a lot going on in terms of an ex, vet clinics and being somewhere she hates.
Addison is studying, covering the clinic although she isn't fully licenced yet. She seems to have commitment issues as she dates a woman out of time once a week, it seems she still seeks approval from her friends in terms of her relationships and life.
Both of the character's worlds change as they find comfort in one another.
The story was a little slow at first, I didn't really gel with Harper's life in Denver (neither did she really) I loved the tension and interactions between her and Addison.
Truthbetold, I never used to be into romance novels. I just didn't enjoy them, but this is the first lesbian romance novel I have ever read. I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I guess I can relate to this much more than I could hetero romance novels. The way this story was told is amazing, I liked the switching of point of views, or at least seeing things from the two character's perspective. This story was so refreshing to read.
It was such an emotional rollercoaster at times, especially when Daisy has to switch owners it broke my heart. There was a scene in the book that really struck out to me that I had to write down part of the conversation between Harper and Addison: 
"I would've gone if you asked' 'If you'd asked I would have stayed"
I had to put down my Ipad and cry a little, it was such an intense moment. 
The story was just so enjoyable to read, at times I got a little frustrated with the characters because they just wouldn't communicate with each other about things in their life, but they worked it out and I am so glad I got the chance to read this on NetGalley. It made my heart swoon and I was so pleased to see that they both got their happy fairytale ending. It was such a heartwarming easy read, I highly recommend it especially if you need a little pick-me-up! 

Next Exit Home

Sunday 21 March 2021

We weren't even together. We weren't in a "relationship". We just happened to cross paths and spend a lot of time together, time we didn't really have a choice about. Times where I looked into your green eyes, and stared at your glossed lips. Why does it hurt? To know what ever the heck you said was temporary. Why when I was getting used to your smile it begin to fade into a frown, and soon enough fade away all together. Until now, where I'm sitting in my thoughts of your long hair, pretty eyes and your curves. Your god damn curves. The way you would set off butterflies I never knew existed, the way you got me thinking about things I didn't think was possible. I let you build up my confidence and see more in myself,  and now what? Does it just all go away? I couldn't even call you mine, and I still can't.  Maybe it was fantasised in my head, maybe the long talks were just wishful thinking on my behalf. Boys have broke my heart but you? A fellow woman I didn't think it were possible. I was wrong, so damn wrong.  Turns out the same sex can do just as much damage. I can't even say it's the break up that's got me feeling, because we were never together to be a part. It's so dumb, and I don't think I will ever understand.

We Weren't Together

Saturday 5 March 2016

She's Just Like Satan, But Sexier

Looks can be ever so deceiving... Jackie is not your usual girl, she has a habit of running into trouble, a lot! She's a tomboy and is interested in both genders. She has been taken in by her group of friends, who are all overly protective about her, and they are all male. Her eye catches this one girl and she wants to get to know her but looks can be so deceiving. A girl who is determined, sexy, and most definitely unforgettable. Will she ever realize how much trouble this chick has been involved in and will cause her?? Who knows what a bit of harmless fun can turn into? An amazing love life but as what expense? Tragedy, sorrow and even death. Perhaps there is more to it than meeting a hot girl in the local club. (GIRLxGIRL,VAMPIRE)

She's Just Like Satan, But Sexier! - WritingMyHeart

Tuesday 21 July 2015