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My first year at University has almost come to an end. Three days away from my last presentation and then that's it until October. I have to say, University is not what I thought it was going to be. If I had to describe my overall experience so far in one word,  it would have to be; bizarre. Truth be told it was not what I thought it would be like. It is such weird but wonderful place. I've been a drunken mess on several occasions, I've lost count of the number of times I've embarrassed myself. I survived, not just the social side but the educational side too. Despite being told the majority of the things you've learned up until this point is useless... Like any institution, you get the good lecturers, the great lecturers and the ones where you may as well teach yourself the course. I've found that majority of the modules have been pretty good, and enjoyable. Others, not soo much but what can you do? You win some you lose some. Granted this took me a while to grasp, tried to stop hating a certain module and just gave up completely and did everything myself. 

My first year? Honestly, it's been emotional, many kitchen floor dramas my own and my friends'. It's been a good year, I don't regret a thing. You get used to the homesickness, it hits you here and there but if you're busy (or mask your feelings by naps) you will be fine. I feel like this year has been a mess, like a complete mess of wtf is going on? 
I am looking forward to the year ahead, moving into a proper house with the girls. Doing modules I am actually interested in. I feel like Uni gets better with time, I can't imagine what mad things will occur in the upcoming years.
University has introduced me to so many amazing people, granted I think I met a lot of them drunk and now I can't even remember their names. I met the four girls I will be living with next year, they're crazy and unique, I can't wait to spend the next couple years with you weirdos.  The people on my course are gold, such creative people who are just wonderful.
I have to say the thing I am most proud of with Uni (besides passing) is that despite being offered ket a few times I haven't given in. I am not judging those who do, like have a blast (be careful) I just didn't want to get into that, and I haven't! HOORAY TO SAFE STUDYING! This time next week I'll be back home in Newcastle, ready to spend Summer working and reading!

Almost Done

Monday 28 May 2018

Hey guys, so most exams begin this week for A Level as well as GCSE. It's stressful I know this and you know. Sometimes when I'm tired of highlighting pages and creating endless mindmaps I just need something fresh to look,  a new approach. I like to use the internet and be on my laptop a lot, so at the beginning of the year I found a little website that I wish I told you guys about sooner.

This little gem of a website allows you to search for your subjects, your exam board and specific aspects to the course, and that isn't even the best part. You can see mindmaps, revision cards, powerpoints and my favourite Crosswords! It makes revision a little less tedious, plus you can create your own resources so that is always a bonus! It has endless amounts of subjects, plus most of the content is from fellow students who have previously done the subject who are currently. This isn't a sponsered post or anything, I am just trying to help out fellow students. Good luck with your exams!!

Revision Website

Monday 16 May 2016

Since starting college it seems that I wasn't well accustomed or prepared to start with and well I wish I'd known before hand, because no wants to turn up to college looking like a fool unless that is your aim then go right ahead. So for anyone that is interested I am going to write a weekly college guide, it's nothing heavy or even that lengthy just a few tips on a Friday!

Tip 1; A3 Notebook every time, I turned up with a smaller note book not realizing how many notes I'd be taking in that one day alone never mind that whole week. I do suggest you buy a A3 notebook as they are bigger, give you more room, and you can buy them almost anywhere.

Tip 2; Pencil Case. this sounds basic and you may feel like you're back in primary school however it is helpful, and you avoid the awkward hand raise of asking the teacher for a pen which leads to at least a five minute rant. Pencil Case and plenty of pens, you're welcome.

Tip 3; Earphones, not so much helpful for your lessons but definitely helpful for your sanity. When I'm revising, doing out of class work, writing and even travelling I always have my earphones in. Music helps a lot, plus it beats silence or annoying surrounding noise and conversations.

That is all I have this week for college tips, look for next weeks tips!

College Guide

Friday 25 September 2015

As many know today was the A level results day. Today I got my AS results, and I didn't get anything near what I hoped for. C in photography, D in Media Studies and E in English Literature. I am completely disappointed in myself. Photography I expected, and pleased with. Media that was a shocker, however next year I plan on doing A2 as well as As, which means I will be fixing my AS coursework up and resitting that exam, as well as doing A2 Coursework and Exam. English, wow from being of my best lessons and result at GCSE has turned to my worst at AS Level. Next year I will retaking AS and staying another year to do A2!

I am not disheartened, from this I have a lesson to take. It's obvious I clearly hadn't put enough work in, I let a lot get on top of me so instead of feeling so down about my results it has taught me that this is what happens when you don't put the work in like you should. The first of college admittedly has been quite difficult, but I will be going into my second year hopefully I am more accustomed to things. Determined to make this year better, so next results day I won't be sulking and eating my emotions instead I will be over the moon and celebrating. I plan on so much better this up coming year, I shall get the results I need and I SHALL BE GOING TO UNI!!


Results Day

Thursday 13 August 2015

A little quote that took my fancy

Wednesday 22 July 2015