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Monday has arrived and today I'm taking you with me;

07:25 It's a little windy waiting for the bus, despite the harshness  I'm not allowing the gusts take a blow on my positive attitude and hopes for the day! The bus arrived, my little ears are feeling the cold very much brrrrr.

09:05 Currently loading up a computer to check my timetable for the day, I just eat breakfast (a delicious bacon and sausage sandwich NOM) and now I'm ready to make this day a good one!

09:23 I have been looking at universities and again that nagging, dreading feeling is back. Thinking of the future  and my capabilities, and if I'm good enough really plays on my mind a lot and to be fair it doesn't make me feel good. I want to succeed and go to university and I want to get the grades I need and most of be the best me I can and it starts today. I'm going to work my ass  off I'm not having rerun of last year no way.

11:27 I just finished Media Studies  which was wonderful as always, thought provoking  and generally enjoyable. Due to absence of tutor I'm on a  free and then lunch so I have my own time until half one which isn't bad at all. However, I don't really have much to do.

12:25 I have been reading articles and just catching up general things in the media from celebrity news to polotics and just the usual news and feeling informed and now I'm waiting on my friend so we can go out of college for lunch. Today is so far so good!

16:22 couple across from me can you not please. So I didn't go for lunch at half twelve I kind of wandered for a bit and decided to sit with some classmates from Media who I can gladly say are lovely and quite frankly I would like to hang out with  them more. So I had Media Studies where I laughed a lot, my group we edited the footage we filmed last Friday. The content of the lesson was fun and afterwards realization hit me. I subconsciously do things  I'm not supposed  so, and well  I think I'm soon in for a riot of feels which I'm going to try my best to prevent. I enjoyed English we were analysing texts in the anthology, I really enjoy these types of lessons the most. I'm currently on the bus home. I feel kind of deflated, I need to retreat to my room and revaluate things and of course play sims

17:29 Not long walked through the door of my house and I'm feeling crappy  to be honest. Going to have a hot bubble bath, maybe do my hair to make an effort for tomorrow and spend the rest of my night   curled up in blankets.

20:04 I've done everything that has been needed done now I'm having my Sim time. Creating the Sims in my favourite  part I spend ages on tiny details I genuinely enjoy plus it's nice to have control. Also I can't help feeling  a little lonely, especially with my predicament  earlier. It's seems everyone has their own person  and well here I am, I'm aware people date and meet people and experience  things at different times in live but I can't help wondering when is it my turn?

22:22 I've pretty much just been playing Sims since I last checked in, I feel much better now I've had my daily dose of Sims. Also tonight might and more likely is the end of McBusted I have a lot to say about this so I'm going to be posting about it tomorrow!

Thank you for spending the day with my lovelies!

Monday with Lauren

Monday 9 November 2015

So it started off reluctantly getting out of bed, drinking tea and toast getting ready grabbing my lunch and heading out of the door. Where I'm welcomed with not so warm weather. A short walk to the bus stop, boring bus journey of awkwardness. Chatting with friends whilst walking up to college, once in the building printing essay off and grabbing a Costa Hot chocolate and curren tly sat in tutorial at 09:05.
10:16 Just finished my first hour of Media, it has been good but it is kind of recap due to covering this particular topic in Film.
11:22 Just finished media and going into English.  Feeling rather ugh it seems the smallest of things are annoying me, like how one person's head always gets in the way or how that same person is annoying and that same person just naturally annoys me. Lets just say not feeling so happy, today is one of those days.
12:30 English was good, we annotated and analysised some texts which I always enjoy. Currenlyu waiting on one of my closest friends to have lunch. Also diet is going well I'm being very good and resisting temptation!
12:41 I let my anxious and nerves get the better of me so I'm sitting alone eating food outside of my classroom for the next lesson which isn't until half one. What a gripping life you so lead! However my next lessons is a room on the third floor. Not all bad I guess I've got time for some mindless self reflection.
14:40 First hour of Media is done,it is going really well. I'm excited to do my media work going to be doing Misc en Scene, very exciting!
16:48 the one where I was feeling like crap and then made to feel worse. They say strangers don't care how you look then why did I just get verbal abuse about my weight from strangers in a passing car. Thanks for that knock to my self esteem very much appreciated. Feeling like a bundle of mess, I got to my sister's boyfriends house to walk his dog after being shouted at and bawled my eyes out to myself in an empty house, because one of those days. Being told I'm going to die and that I'm fat is degrading because it was shouted as though I didn't know, like I don't know how much I weigh like he doesn't know how much I'm dieting and eager to loose weight. Like I could be home, stuffing my face no instead I'm walking up hills, watching what I eat and trying to loose weight. It's horrible how a stranger can just do that like they know nothing about that person instead they just insult without even thinking about the battle that person has with themselves.
18:01 Feeling a lot better. I've walked the puppy. Now just sitting on the floor as it plays, I'm currently listening to music whilst watching the Bosc waiting for my sister so I can grab my stuff for my interview tomorrow.
21:16 I've eat food, had a lovely bath and sorted everything out for my interview tomorrow. I'm feeling good, way better than I was feeling earlier. I shouldn't let mindless people get to me! I am going to have an early night so this is good bye, tomorrow is a new day and I shall make it a good one and give it my all at my very first interview, wish me luck!

Friday with Lauren

Friday 16 October 2015