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 Is February the new January? I ponder as I check my goals from last month, and I have yet to make much of a dent in making them a reality. 

I did have a positive start to the new year; I've seen my best friend for dumplings, watched many new films, read a couple of books, and even made some progress on my witchy novel. I also decided that I will be publishing an e-book version of The Moon is a Lesbian once I figure out how to do that, and I need to write some more poems to add to it, too. So keep an eye out for that.

January was good to me; I had a life-changing epiphany and decided I couldn't wait for things to happen; I needed to be more proactive in getting things done. It sounds obvious, but I had let myself fall into a two-doom hole, and my sister's snap back to reality allowed me to pull myself out of that hole. So, I had the January blues, but I am better for it and have been sorting myself out. 

My January stats:

  • Films watched: 31, my top three being But I'm a Cheerleader, Last Night in Soho and Quiz Lady. I have a Letterboxed account if you fancy seeing what I watch. 
  • Books read: 3.
  • Days journaled: 16 days in total.
  • Words written (witchy novel): 2,000. Total word count so far: 13,000.
  • Meltdowns: The limit does not exist.

I am grateful for the month ahead; we are one month closer to spring. I am over Winter. I need flowers to come back, the sun to be around more and just tolerable outside temperatures. I've set some small goals for the upcoming month, such as reading 3 books, writing 10,000 words for my witchy novel, and writing a few more poems for the new version of The Moon is a Lesbian! 

This post was supposed to go live last week, but I got sick. Thankfully, after much sleep, many films, and lots of Lemsip, I'm back on my feet. I'm writing the first week of February off and starting on my goals on Monday!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend! See you next week with a poem I've been working on!

January... No February

Friday 9 February 2024

Yesterday should have been my first day back at college but turns out when I got my ear checked out I have an ear infection. It was killing yesterday so Monday night sleep was practically non existent. Today has been good so far, it is only midday. I had my first mock exam which I dreaded but actually it was pretty good I feel confident.
Also today was first outing as a blonde. Yes I am now blonde, I like it more and more as the day goes on. Several people have told me it suits but its  dramatic change. I have wanted this colour for a while now and well I love it.
I just bought my lunch, keeping healthy. I also finish early today, half one instead of half three due to enrichment not be ready, and well I aint complaining.
I am also spending another night at my sister's house, I love it there. It's literally my second home. I will be home tomorrow of course.
My ear hurts but I am taking meds and things for it, it's kind of my first ear infection I know I had problems with my ears when I was younger but it's different.
Despite the ear ache I am feeling emotionally good, motivated and very creative. Despite my lack of internet access it hasn't stopped me from writing at all. So much creativity, I am actually loving this year. It turns out this college term is quite short, half term is on the 15th of February, that is so close it's weird. I love being at college, and I love that I love being here. This college is definitely a huge step up from the last.
Tomorrow I shall either post another recyle poem or talk about my first time watching Tangled! SPOILER; IM IN LOVE!

Thank you for reading and be back tomorrow!

First Day Back

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Tuesday was a very busy day, I barely had any time to myself. I am aware of this day late post but it covers the 5th and obviously later I’ll be posting 6th Blog post.
So the 5th of January is in fact my lovely nieces birthday, the small bundle of joy turned two. I cannot believe it at all, she has literally grown up right before my eyes. Two years it really isn’t a very long time even though sometimes it kind of feels like it is. I stayed the night before so I could help prepare for the day, by prepare I mean practically losing my breath and capturing my laughter inside of balloons. We put banners up and brought all her birthday presents through.
So yesterday morning, I heard them awaken so I opened the curtains to allow the banners to show, we all also slept in until nine (bonus) and as expected she wasn’t really interested in the huge presents (which all had matching Minnie mouse wrapping paper, yeah my sister is one of those people) but instead she played for a good twenty minutes or so with the balloons, which were blown up quite big if I do say so myself.
She was lovely opening everything, we had breakfast cereal rice crispies (her favourite) and we chilled as she played with some of her toys. Her big present got delivered, which she adores. A child size car, it’s a masa roti it obviously has parental control. She has been playing with it nonstop, it took a while to put together and charged but still it was worth it. We prepared food and family came over and together we all had a blast, we basically had a family sized game of don’t-let-the-balloon-touch-the-floor which is always exciting.
She adored her Pepper Pig Birthday cake (she picked it herself) and it was such a lovely day. As the hours unfolded and the later it got, she didn’t really settle for bed so instead we cuddled on the sofa watching Tangled (which will be mentioned either in the next post or a later one).
I cannot believe she is two though, I remember when I first met her. I was super nervous and afraid to pick her up, and now well she jumps and climbs all over me, I pick her up and swoop her into the air and we crawl around and I toss her on the bed (safely obviously) and well I have come to the conclusion that she is my  little best friend. We adore each other, we make each other laugh, she is sarcastic and she isn’t two faced. I mean for a two year old she can be a little harsh. I love being an auntie I mean I have taught her some pretty useless things, for example;
-          My mother brought her a knitted clown the other week, and well I’ve taught my niece to honk its nose (with the sound also honk honk) every time she sees it.
-           In the early days I taught her to say potato
-          Another sound I’ve taught her ‘dun dun dun’
-          The popular Charlie Sheen phrase ‘Winning’
-          I accidently taught her a swear word ‘Oh shit’ yeah I got in trouble for that one, word of warning toddlers pick up on everything!
There are more but those pretty much the post pointless maybe, because I mean a two year old really needs to know that? NO of course not but hey at least she’s learning.

Yeah so that’s how my 5th January went, it was wonderful!

5th January

It's the first of January 2016. It looks as though we have survived another year! I'm going to have a quick reflection on 2015 and then say my piece about 2016.
2015, I believe you were good to me. You sorted my head out at least, pointed me in the right direction and have opened many doors for me. I don't believe it was a bad year, maybe stressful at times but as always good always shines through the bad. I didn't really complete any of my new years resolutions I was too busy living I guess, which I can't really complain about really. Despite every year being more or less the same length I feel as though 2015 has been very short.
2016 - I have decided that I won't make a huge list of resolutions and goals because in a months time I will have forgotten them. I do have two in mind though;
1) I aim to be healthier, loose some weight, change my diet around, and have a healthy mindset. I just want to be the very the best I can be!
2) I want to write more, much more than ever to be honest. I want to write every day, which means every day I shall post on this blog, as well as contribute to my stories and all my writing pieces.

I had my first inspiration of the year, it came to me in the bath about half hour ago, whilst listening to music and well I thought what if each day I contribute to the idea, essentially write the story. Each day I write something then the last day of the year I share it on here. It's my first writing inspiration of the year so why not use the year to bring it to life?

I was going to write 2016 be good to me but that really depends on myself. It is up to me to make sure I make this year a good one! So I wish you all a happy new year, and may 2016 be ever in your favour!


Friday 1 January 2016