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I wish I could tell you, tell you where I've been. All the times I've been away, the excuses I've thrown your way. It hurts me it does, the guilt always lingers  but I just can't stop, no matter how hard I try I just can't seem to let him go. I love you, but I think I love him too. His arms his smile the way his fingers trace my skin, it's not fair on you but I can't let you go. If I tell you, it breaks two things. Your heart and the passion of secrecy between myself and him. As I watch you sleep next to me I wish he was entwined with me. I'm not coming home, at least not tonight. I look you in the eyes, and tell you you're all my heart desires, but I'm looking over your shoulder lusting for him. I can't keep you close but I don't want to let you go. You know, don't you? I don't mean to though, you mean a lot to me. It's a crime of passion, the kind I've only read in books and I just can't let it go. I wish I could tell you, but I won't. Neither of you I'll let go...

I wish I could tell you

Friday 9 September 2016

Today for Media I had to take out the camera, but had to get batteries first. So through town I went not really paying much attention, I knew were I was going so it was simply A to B. Once I obtained (the pokemon...) the batteries I slowly made my way back to college, but on the way I noticed something. I noticed how beautiful my home city really is. In the blur of life and being used to something you forget to see it's beauty, you take it for granted without a second thought. So my walk gradually got slower and my eyes wider. My city is pretty stunning! It inspired me, very much! For the next week so I'm going to explore my city, I'm going to photograph all the little moments and all the pretty places. I haven't done proper photography in a long time and well it's well overdue. I have the camera, and I'm inspired and that's all I really need! For the next week beginning tomorrow every blog post will have a photograph with it, one taking mine by me. As I explore my beautiful city,  you can to.


Tuesday 12 January 2016