Your Muse
Saturday, 5 November 2016
You see that someone and you can already see their clothes laying on your floor. From the counter to the stove, anywhere it doesn't matter. It's not just sex, it's making love. Love does this, it's much more than affection it's passion.
Friday, 4 November 2016
Back off, stop calling my phone non stop. We happened once maybe twice, okay maybe three times. The sex was good but that's simply enough. You think we are something that we are not, mate it simply needs to stop. Feelings are something I can't do, so trust me when I'm ending this it's best for you.
Thursday, 3 November 2016
Thursday, 22 September 2016
"I'm working on myself, for myself, by myself." -Unknown Author
Quote of the week
Friday, 17 June 2016
-Inspired by a poem I read a couple of year back, I forgot the author but the words always stuck with me-
Whenever any problem occurs she would retreat to the bathroom, this time ahe washed in her thoughts. As she waited for her hair mask she sat with the razor as if it was a long lost friend, she watched its shadow cast over where they used to play, She was so tempted, and it sounds stupid it does. She's second best in everything that she did, everything and it fucking sucks. She feels numb, and it's stupid because she shouldn't feel like this. She didn't cut, but she wanted to. She knows not to cut, ahe already feels numb the same way she would if she had cut. She's tired of being second best, with relationships, in work and just everything. At least to the razor it was always her skin that came first, the pain second and then the blood first. Numb, she feels numb. Constantly, sometimes it's prominent other time it hides in between her laugh. Numbness.
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
Also, I have something quite exciting to share, I have a new idea for a story, I am really passionate about this idea. In English we are studying Charles' Dickens Great Expectations, (spoiler if you haven't read the novel) there are convicts in the novel who play a very important role. With obviously studying the text we have to study the society at the time the novel is set and written. We looked more into convicts and how they were shipped off to Australia and weren't allowed to return, well this sparked my inspiration. I want to work on a convict novel, set in the times of shipping prisoners off, maybe even have an old school pirate kind of thing going on. I am playing around with titles and so far maybe calling it 'Captured'. This will obviously take time, I have to carry out research and not dive in this with eyes closed! Since this is my blog and my favourite place to write I want to make it exclusive here. So after I've written a chapter (and edited it) I want to post it here or at least post it somewhere else and link it here. Due to the nature of how long chapters take and what not, I am hoping maybe posting once a month. I think it's a good idea, again this is inspired by Dickens. He used to release his stories in parts in newspapers and people would have to wait for the next part, I find this quite lovely.
As you may have noticed I have been doing quote of the week, which is pulled from my weekly planner. I wrote those quotes in my weekly planner for each week and well I want to share the motivational positivity.
I am having nine days off, admittedly I have to spend some time work to do but I will definitely be writing more and reading more! I aim to check off at least one of my books from my reading wishlist as well as update at least one of my stories on Wattpad!
P.S Hello to new readers who may recently found my blog; it's really appreciated!
Half term
Friday, 12 February 2016
Inspiration Music
Monday, 3 August 2015
Welcome to my bookish ramblings and creative writing.
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