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Like every other Tattoo I have done I blog about it! Naturally, here they are.  Today I got two tattoos, at the North Road Tattoo parlour in Brighton. I highly recommend, the studio is clean and looks pretty cool. The tattooist was such a lovely gentleman. And the other colloeague who did my friend's tattoo was also just as lovely! As you know if you've got a tattoo the experience is always much more pleasant if the people who work there are talkative and just genuinely people, which these people were.

A friend and I booked our tattoos together and we were both so excited about getting our tattoos today. So if you haven't seen already on my Instagram here is one of my new tattoos. My second Harry Potter tattoo. The Slytherin tie mine and the Gryffindor tie is my friend Tiana's tattoo. Both of us absolutely adore Harry Potter!

My second Tattoo is a little one.  I didn't share this one on my Instagram so it is an exclusive I guess for my blog. It's something fun, a memory. This being my first year in University, and my first time moving away from home. I got the number 4. The flat I live in for Univerity is Flat 4.  I know it's silly but why not? Next year it happens that we move into a house that is number 44. So Next year I will be adding another 4 but in pink because it's an all-girls house. Plus, it would look pretty cool.

Two Tattoos!

Wednesday 18 April 2018