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Individual, as a individual I have noticed each of us hold an individuality. No two people are exactly the same, no two situations are identical, and certainly each person's relationships differs from one another, to make a comparison is kind of unfair, circumstances are different. 
Being an individual it's easy to say that my thoughts are different from yours, we don't have the same thought track and what might be going on in the back of your mind isn't necessarily what is going on in the back of mine. Sure we might have some minor similarities, and yeah maybe what I am saying is relative but each word is different, if you were to write about the same topic would it be anything like this one? Sure we use the same alphabet and words from the same dictionary but how we order and use those words and place the letters is delivered uniquely.
We all have individual thoughts, and that is what is amazing about humans. We choose not to follow the crowd, each of us follow different beliefs, we each have different hobbies and we all act differently. That is the point of being individual.
As individuals we should all be able to act for ourselves, and stay solely involved within our own business. Surely that is the only right to do so? Unless you willingly allowed people in your business and as an individual you have the freedom to do so. We control what happens next to us, we decide the outtake we have on life.
What happens when someone takes that away from us? Someone intrudes trying to make your decision for you, getting all up in your business and you didn't ask them too. They come along comparing and intervening, that is wrong. What right do they have?
As an individual we need to do what is best for us, maybe it is selfish but in the end we only really have ourselves to depend on int he end. Do what makes you happy, take control and don't allow anyone to even try and steer the wheel of your journey. Having said that, don't try and steer wheels that aren't your own, it won't work in your favour.

Here is the google definition of the word Individual;

  1. 1.
    single; separate.
    "individual tiny flowers"
  2. 2.
    of or for a particular person.
    "the individual needs of the children"
  1. 1.
    a single human being as distinct from a group.
    "boat trips for parties and individuals"



Friday 13 November 2015