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Trains. Planes. Buses. And even your own two feet. One thing they all have in common? They take you places. They allow you to get from A to B. Granted,  sometimes (more than enough times) at a cost. I watch trains leave the station daily, planes lift off into the air nightly and feet taking their owners for a walk every single second of the day. 

Cameras. Pictures. Your own two eyes. All of these glorious things allow us to see the world. Witness the great things in life like birth, spring, and the sun setting and rising. From the second we wake up to the second we fall asleep we’ve witnessed concisely and subconsciously a million things taking place in a single day. And when the lights are out? Our minds take over. 

The beautiful brain. Transporting you to places in a millisecond. Showing you thousands of things in a single dream. Through the day it takes you back in time through memories. Our brains are limitless. Thinking of new places, constantly processing and storing new information. An imagination that is never ending... and it’s free. 

Sometimes we are so wrapped up in life, we forget to take a second to just stand still. Appreciate the things we have and how wonderful our bodies are and how magnificent our brains are. I suppose this is just me taking a second to just step back and appreciate simple things. 

What are you appreciative of today?


Monday 13 August 2018

I have nowhere else to go
My mind takes me to places
And I don't mind
Go your own logical way
I will go to my irrational dreams
No I don't want this to end
Any place will do
To the depths of feelings
In my head I will live forever
Oh, you think I'm crazy?
No I'm not crazy I'm  imaginative


Monday 12 September 2016

I'm living in my head
Trapped in my own thoughts
The good and the bad
And the plain ugly.

I can't stop
It won't ever stop
Thoughts are forever
I can't stand up and walk away.
I'm living in my head 

Meeting new people
And experiencing new things
All whilst in reality I'm sitting on a bus
Or walking somewhere
Or when I'm not busy
I'm living in my head.

It isn't always a bad thing
It's a good pass time
But sometimes I forget to live
Sometimes they make me catch feelings
Or sometimes set my expectations too high
I'm living in my head.

Living in my head

Monday 30 May 2016

I always get ahead of myself, I think too much and fall too fast. We started talking and things were going surprisingly well, things were new and I was so excited. I started telling my friends about you and soon enough your phrases became my phrases. Every moment I wasn't busy my thoughts were always of you, little things reminded me of you, or better yet inspires thoughts of you. Like how sometimes at night, I'd wonder what it would be like for you to be lying with me; listening to your breathing and being safely cuddled in your arms. Whenever I walked out of college alone, I'd wonder what if one day I walked out meeting you right outside. Every time your name appeared in blue at the top of my screen I swear it was like running a marathon and losing my breath instantly, anxious on what to say to you or what would happen next. We talked every day, and the more I got to know you I couldn't help but want you every day. You always had me smiling at my phone, you were charming and this feeling of being wanted felt new to me. A whole month had flurried by, and we were still just chatting and flirting. I shouldn't have been counting, I shouldn't have wanted so much from you when you only wanted one thing from me. I always get ahead of myself, think too much and crash so hard.

Ahead of myself

Wednesday 27 April 2016

I think I'm crazy, maybe even imaginative. What if I'm crazy with imagination? On the outside I appear dull, ugly even. But in my head that's not the case. In my head there is beauty, love, passion and devotion. Thoughts of things that haven't occurred  yet, or will never occur. My thoughts are in love and my heart agrees with it.  My imagination will pick up on a feeling and run with it, whilst dragging my heart behind it, letting it hit every bump in the road. I'll meet a person and my head I will know them a lifetime, we'll soon be having adventures and laying in each other's arms, the things that can only happen in my head. It doesn't matter if I have things to do, my thoughts will break through the dreary work. Spark a thought, ignite a feeling; setting my heart up into flames.  I get ahead of myself, ahead of life. Allowing myself to not see life pass before me, for I will always have my thoughts, they don't pass with life; they only broaden.

In my thoughts

Friday 15 January 2016

I am never really living in the present. Mainly because I am too busy living in my head. I'm constantly thinking, imagining and having countless thoughts about random things. So many different things that go inside of my head, it takes from the present moment, it takes away my concentration however it is entertaining. My head is my little escape, all the little scenarios and story lines I create. I live them all inside of my head.

12/10/2015  I have been in and out of two different worlds within my head, one where I'm this Youtuber. I'm quite popular, and currently in a 'relationship' with Joshuadtv (fully aware of his marital status but this is imaginary). I'm from England but moved to America to live with him, I am also about twenty two in this scenario. Currently in a three year relationship but it seems he is having some trust issues, and well it turns out he loves me but he is in love with Colleen (YES) So anyways I find out  they have been seeing each other so I leave Josh to stay with Sawyer and his girlfriend, where I'm breaking down and basically heavily drinking with Sawyer whilst doing video collabs. That's all I'm up to. I feel like this would make a really good fanfiction, maybe...

I like these little 'movies' in my head, it's great however sometimes I can stupidly get emotionally attached, yes this not real scenerios can effect my mood and emotions. It's quite bad but my imagination worth going to this extent over.

15/10/2015 - Today's thoughts have been wild, I have been the new girl who is a smartass, slightly cocky and meets her male opposite. However he spends most of his time sleeping with air head girls, but his attitude changes, and it's almost like a game between us. But there is obvious attraction and we don't bother hiding or denying it.


Living in my head

Thursday 15 October 2015