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I know it's been a little while, but I wanted to tell you all about my first writing getaway from the end of June till the beginning of July. Surprise surprise, I visited Brighton on my own with full intentions to write my heart out! Spoiler: I did just that! Before we get into the details of what I've been writing, let's talk about my trip preparation. 

Prior to this trip, I hadn't spent much time writing creatively for a while. It had been months since I last sat down and wrote something for myself that wasn't work-related. Quite frankly, I was ready to get back into the swing of things and this was the perfect way to do so.

If you've been around here a while, you'll know that I went to University down in Brighton a few years ago. I loved living there and had to go back for inspiration. I booked myself a week off work and down the country I went. As much as I love Brighton, I didn't want to go down there without a plan and start writing on a blank page. So, to make sure I used my writing time wisely, I decided that I'd be writing a new story. 

I had the idea of my new story idea swimming around in my head for a while, so in the weeks leading up to my journey, I planned. By planned I mean:

  • Created a Spotify playlist capturing the stories vibe
  • Created a Pinterest board to get a feel for the story
  • Character preparation
  • Written an outline of what I wanted the story to achieve
And with these things, I packed my iPad and spent most of my time writing in different cafes across Brighton. I made a great start on the story, but most importantly, I found that spark to write again! I even found myself writing poetry whilst sitting on the pebbles watching the sea. It's amazing what a change in scenery can do for the soul.

I started writing my new project, a witchy lesbian novel, and I'm still writing it weeks later. I know writing takes time. I'm just surprised I haven't bounced to a different project yet! It feels good to have that writing spark back. So, if you're a writer and looking for a  sign to take yourself on a writing retreat, this is it! 

I created a little reel of my trip that you can check out on my Instagram. The trip itself was needed, not only to refresh my writing spark, but I found myself spending some much-needed quality time with myself. I'm already planning my next one! 

My First Writing Getaway

Wednesday 17 August 2022

This was my favourite photo from the day, this was taking at the Pyramids of Giza. Right here, I am playfully (pretending) kissing the Sphinx.
Cairo was quite far out from our hotel in Hurghada, much further than Luxor. This time for our second excursion I became prepared with motion sickness tablets. Thank god they had worked! 

The first place in Cairo that we visited was The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities. The history within this museum as insane. From royal chairs and beds to ancient statues. And even a mummy or two.  There was a bit of a culture shock (I think that's the right wording) before we entered the museum. When going to the toilets. which were located around the side and behind the museum building,  there was a lady who holds all the loo roll, and you have to pay her if you're wanting to use some. There was no toilet paper in the stalls (due to her having them all) so if you weren't prepared you best have had some money on you! Naturally, as a woman (who needs toilet roll every time they pee) and a tourist you're a captive audience for this woman. So, if you're headed to Cairo anytime soon, bring some money or some loo roll of your own. 
Back to the tour of the museum, the Egyptian artifacts were amazing to see. There was something intriguing in every corner. The one problem I had with the tour, no fault of the city or museum at all, is that I did not get to explore much at my own accord. In fact, this was true of the entire day. Our guide pretty much just showed us a bunch of stuff that he personally thought was the most important. Which looked to be the 'generic' type of things to show people as there were many other guides showing the exact same artifacts. Granted, the things were intriguing and important- he wasn't wrong. I personally prefer to do my own thing in museums. Look at things that catch my eye and learn about them myself at my own accord.

The day seemed very short overall, the most fun was had at the second and final place visited. I suppose the things that Egypt is famous for...

It was very surreal, a place I had heard so much about and then finally visiting. I still cannot get my head around it. The Pyramids were beautiful, and it was such a lovely visit. There was a chance to go inside of a few, I didn't due to my anxiety and panic attacks but I sure as hell enjoyed looking at the outside of them.
We took a carriage ride to a beautiful spot in the desert, where you can all of the Pyramids together. Despite the anxious bumpy ride, it was close to being one of my favourite parts of the day. I adore the funny photos that were taken. 

In the above photo, the man who took us to the spot insisted we wore the headwear. He was a lovely bloke and it was a pleasant way to end the day, sort of. After this we visited Sphinx, where we all took funny photos and had a laugh, like you can see in the very first photo I posted at the beginning of this post. 
 It seemed we spent most of our time traveling than anything else, but it was all worth it.  Memories were made and my Instagram looks snazzy because of it. A
The final blog post about my holiday will be posted either tomorrow night or Sunday night. Things have been hectic with moving back to Brighton... expect a blog post on this too!

A day in Cairo

Friday 28 September 2018

On the 10th of September, we flew from Manchester airport to Hurghada, Egypt. I say we I mean my best friend and I. My sister and her fiancé. For an 11 day all inclusive holiday. We did not stay in the hotel for the entire 11 days, we went out on excursions and saw a lot of cool things. I hope to post three blog posts, due to very poor WiFi I have had to wait until I have arrived back home. I could have done one massive one, but I figure long posts can be annoying and different things happened on the trips and many photos were captured. In this post, I will be sharing pictures and anecdotes from our first trip. Also, the title is NOT clickbait. Let's get started...

We spent the first two days adjusting to the hotel and the climate, during this time I got heat stroke and badly burnt despite being the person who had least contact with the sun and the most lathered in sun cream. Our first excursion was to Luxor. We visited the  Valley of Kings, Karnak Temple and the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut. As well a lovely boat trip along the Nile to a plantation where we eat freshly picked fruit. 

The journey was a couple hours, and we made a stop at a little market/cafe place. Here I had a panic attack due to a man hassling me in a shop, and he and the owner started fighting. So the day did not start off well. I did learn that you have to be stern with the men in the markets, they will hassle you and you just need to say no. Don’t be sucked in, I made that mistake. During a vulnerable moment after having a panic attack I was persuaded into buying stuff I didn't want. I just wanted to leave and it was the only way the man would leave me alone. Despite the journey ahead I was eager to get on the bus.

 After this we started travelling again, the roads in Egypt are something else. The speed bumps and pot holes, the lack of (none that I saw) traffic lights. It was a bumpy ride... which made me sick. Twice. I haven’t been travel sick since I was a young child, but this rough journey sure brought it back. Naturally, after this journey I bought travel tablets for the next Excursion. I also discovered that you don’t really need a driver’s licensee in Egypt, which is terrifying. Thankfully, our driver did.  

We first visited the Valley of Kings, an impressive sight. Our guide Ash was more than informative, he shared Egyptian stories with us and the myths keeping us entertained the whole time. We went into three temples, the insides of were stunning. 

You aren’t supposed to take pictures inside the tombs but my sister’s fiancé did. He foolishly got caught and had to pay a bribe to a guard. In English money, it was only £2.50. Turns out Egypt you can get away with pretty much most things if you bribe. That’s norm which I found a little shocking. The tombs were so impressive, I had never seen anything like it before. 

Karnak Temple was next on the list, this is the place I probably took the best pictures. It was big and beautiful. I loved exploring the temple of my own accord. Also, whilst talking to the tour guide we discovered that our favourite Mummy films were not actually filmed in Egypt. It was in fact filmed in Morrocco. The Egyptian government doesn't really allow filming in the country (with the exception of geographical), mainly because there is rarely an accurate portrayal of the history being shown. They would not allow the producers of the Mummy film in Egypt because of the amount of inaccuracy the films portrayed... plus it is very expensive to film if you're allowed to.

Looking back onto my holiday, I feel as though this was one of my favourite sites to see. It was impressive and just historically stunning. I took some of my best pictures here too, this place was so calming compared to everywhere else we had been. Not many people were around and we were not rushed for time. The freedom to explore was needed, on the other trips, we did not really have much time to do our own thing.

Before our next stop, we visited an Alabaster factory, men who worked there chiseling stone, gems, and statues as such by hand. It was a beautiful shop. Here was where I met a man named Ramon II (yes like the king) he had taken a liken to me. First, he followed around the shop and then insisted on getting a photograph with me on both our phones. 
Quality is awful- I do apologise!

Olivia was present through this, he didn’t really bother with her. Not until he asked her if we looked good together, which then he told me he was single... and then he asked her how many camels she would sell me for...  All and all I was almost sold for a camel or two, she even contemplated taking him up on the offer.
 I ended up getting discount on a cool marble swan and we left. Not all bad then.  Never to see my potential husband again... he was lovely but I just don’t think marriage is my thing. 

Last but not least we visited the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut. Here, I befriended a cat and saw the ancient ruins of the temple. The cat made me miss my own little Willow back home... This site was very picturesque. One woman stopped me to take a photo of her, and then continued to make me do it whilst almost lying on the floor so she could be captured from a low angle... I suppose it's for the gram so I completely understand.

I had learned briefly about the Egyptian period back in GCSE history when we did Medicine Through Time. I was intrigued then and more so now actually being in the city and seeing history before me. It was crazy seeing how perfectly things were made, and yet we still have no fixed explanation on how they were made or how they were moved. The Egyptians were definitely ahead of their time.  This lead up to the end of the day, thankfully I was fine on the way home. Eager to sleep and spend the following day near the pool with a book!

If you wish to see more photographs from my Egyptian holiday follow my Instagram WritingMyHeart. You’ll see them first there before I post them here. As there is a delay with the blog posts. I'll try not to post them too close together or too far apart! Keep an eye out for my next post about visiting Cairo. 

I was almost sold for a Camel

Sunday 23 September 2018

Had quite a few of these!

I loved these, they are so artistic.
I am aware that this post a little overdue but here it is. Talking and sharing photos from my lovely holiday in Spain from earlier this month 29th August- 14th September.

This holiday was an amazing break for me before I left home for University. It was such a brilliant two and a bit weeks.

I think the absolute highlight of my holiday was visiting the Zoo Selwo and Gibraltar. Both were adventures I adored. Selwo I fell in love with Otters and got to see various different kinds of animals. I also conquered one of my biggest fears- I crossed a rope bridge. From a young age, I have had nightmares about rickety bridges, the ones where there is something below and the bridge swings as you walk across. I faced the fear and did it- I did almost have a panic attack midway but nonetheless, I made it across.
Beautiful big cat!!

 It was amazing being close to cheetahs and Red Pandas. We got to interact with animals such as goats - which I fed by hand with my niece, that was pretty cool.
Clearly not impressed by me

 I really liked the flamingos, they were so chilled looking pretty minding their own business.

Below is a video of these crazy monkeys, I think we caught on mid-breakdown.

The noise is the monkeys! It was unbelievably amusing yet so strange.

I particularly like this little snapshot because
it almost like an evolutionary progression.

Khaki shorts made me feel like an explorer

This was the fierce bridge. 

I fell in love with these Otters, even bought
a stuffed teddy  Otter.
 I have always loved water animals, I kind of seek them out in Zoos. Penguins are easily my favourite animal but I think since this trip Otters are a very close second.

At Selwo we got to see Elephants, this was exciting. Until this point, I had never really seen an Elephant in person so I really enjoyed seeing them and even attending a tour where we got to learn a lot about them.

 Another Otter photo, this is the last of the Selwo photos! Hang on though, I am showing more of Gibraltar, the place I stayed and much more.

Gibraltar was incredible. The two above photos are from Saint Micheals Cave, it was beautiful. I also found that they host concerts there, and I feel like it would be an amazing to attend a concert in an incredible cave - naturally, this has been added to my bucket list.

The monkeys on the rock were so incredible, they literally did not care that there were people around. One of them shoulder barged my sister's fiance- this was hilarious to witness. It was such an incredible experience to see these creatures up close. When we were visiting the souvenir shop as you enter the cave, we witnessed a monkey come in and take a packet of crisps from the shelf and then knick off with it up the mountain- I couldn't get a snapshot due to the uncontrollable laughter.

The views from Gibraltr rock were unbelievable. Absolutely stunning, it didn't feel real. It was the type of thing you see in films and it was insane seeing it all before me.

One of many selfies with my beautiful sister, this one was for her birthday

 The architecture and layout of Spain is so unbelievably different to what am I used to in England, I found it all so pretty. I just wanted to capture it all, I didn't sadly because there were moments where I was so lost in the moment that I just lived and enjoyed myself.

Until this point, I had never seen a Banana tree in my life.

I loved spending time with my niece, she was lovely and adored Spain -
we both did!

I fell in love with all of the views, sunsets with palm trees may be my new  favourite setting.

What I like about the photo to the left is that this photo was taken before we all decided for a night swim. The water was warm and I hadn't been in the pool all day due to severe sunburn on my shoulders. We took many night swims- it was beautiful.
Last monkey picture- I promise.

The villa we stayed in was so lovely, to the left, our neighbours were friendly and fun. Kara made some friends, and it was just lovely.

I didn't picture any but there are sooo many wild cats in Spain.  I was so happy, they were beautiful!
 There is definitely more wildlife in Spain that is visible. We saw huge toads, little geckos, we even collected some little frogs from the pool in which we made a home for in the garden.

So many dog owners too!
 This was an incredible piece a man made on the beach, it was so beautiful and detailed- very very impressed.
Came across this little fella!
 I loved walking down the street to be on the beach. I visited the beach a few times, some with the family and more so on my own. It is so calming watching waves, it felt as though time was frozen somehow and everything seemed to be alright.

I think what I loved most about my trip was that I got to spend time with my sister and niece before I left for University. It was an amazing trip, I had so much fun and thus being one of the best holidays I have ever been on!

Thank you for reading (or even looking at) this long ass post! I had intended writing about this sooner but just never got the chance! Keep an eye out for my next post on my move to Brighton and my first week of University - should be posted either Saturday or Sunday!

Spain! 2017

Wednesday 27 September 2017