Showing posts with label high school. Show all posts
Hey there let's be friends
Into friendship groups we go
Gosh I hate her
Heck no I fancy him

So you talk shit about me?
Cool I don't care
Have you been here long?
Oh just get me out of here
Only one real friend
Look at all these snakes

High School

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Me and my Geek - WritingMyHeart

Falling For The Geek; The Sequel! In the first book;Falling For The Geek, the two unlikely lovers Bad-Ass Ethan Blake and Geek Bella Edmonds, fight through a battle of hate, ex's and drama to find what they never knew existed between them; Love! After everything surprisingly they were happy, ran away together and living the life they both dreamt of together! It comes to their dream life but what happens when their past comes back to taunt them? Ethan and Bella are happily together living the dream, new place, new friends, new jobs what more can you ask for? Everything is finally going great, and things are starting to settle, but how long will this really last? What happens when trouble bubbles in the new life, people turning back to their old ways and feelings are corrupted. Do you think they will finally live the happily ever after they always dreamed of or will it will shattered and ruined by their not so kind past? Will the drama, cheating and lies finally break them, even sun sets in the city...

Me and my Geek

Monday 20 July 2015

I wrote this story three years ago! On wattpad it is currently at 140k reads, it is my biggest success on wattpad. Even though now that I read it I cringe a little, I even question what was going through my fourteen year old self's head!

Falling For The Geek -WritingMyHeart
Welcome to the life of teen fiction and teen romance be prepared to meet the mind of the younger generation... Well the extreme side anyways ;)

Cool guy, Geek girl. Is this real? Uh oh here is another one of those stories... well I wouldn't go down that lane just yet.

Seventeen year old Ethan Blake, popular? Yes. Bad boy of the school? Obviously. No flaws? well so everyone thinks, there is always more to than what meets the eye. There is something in him, something that is dying to be released, a side that no one has ever seen before. Fifteen year old Bella Edmond. Unpopular? Always. Freaky geek of the school? Most definitely.  You probably hear this all the time but she is honestly not your usual geek, she wants to beat that cliche label she is given. There is always something hidden beyond the brains. 

Ethan is surrounded by hot chicks and bad boys you know the usual, sex drugs and constant partying, whereas Bella is surrounded with one friend and a world full of knowledge. He gets what he wants; always! She's comfortable with life, and that is how she likes it, taking risks definitely isn't her thing. 

Ethan is forced to improve his grades by his parents and they are determined for him to start pulling his life together, will his plans of life come together or once again will his world rest in the hands of another. What will happen when Ethan gets Bella mixed up in his crazy world, what will she get out of helping him? It could shatter his reputation and it could ruin her life.

Will things go the way they want it? Well telling you now would be no fun at all. Read as the pair rumble and rock as change stretches across them both, will change be for the better or for the worst?


Falling For The Geek

Sunday 19 July 2015

After much recommendation from a close friend of mine, I finally decided to watch GBF (Gay Best Friend) I usually avoid the whole high school teen thing, but nonetheless I got past that and clicked play.
G.B.F. (2013) Poster

Imdb details;
What happens after Tanner is outed by his classmates and becomes the title "gay best friend" for three high school queen bees?





So I watched it and unexpectedly I fell in love with it from the very beginning, it is funny sassy and well it is good to say I already have my gay best friend ;)

I loved the casting, it was pretty spot on. Also the storyline, it was interesting and the whole coming out thing is revolutionary. There really isn't that many movies that surround the gay community and the struggles they may face, so it was good to see that shown in a movie.

I loved it all, there wasn't a part that I disliked. GBF quite possibly may have been moved into my favourites! I recommend 

GBF (Movie Review)

Wednesday 15 July 2015

A more recent Movie review for you guys! The Duff, the trailer captured me instantly but I never really got round to watching it until the other night!
The DUFF (2015) Poster
Movie Picture - I don't own this image
As usual the Imdb details;

 A high school senior instigates a social pecking order revolution after finding out that she has been labeled the DUFF - Designated Ugly Fat Friend - by her prettier, more popular counterparts.




  (screenplay), (novel)

Well I was kind of disappointed by this movie. It was hilarious no doubt about that, I did enjoy watching it. It is good entertainment, at certain parts I did cringe and want to walk away but I stuck through. It is a well done movie don't get me wrong. 

However, it was a little cliche. It was predictable, by the time I was nearly half way through I made predictions and well they all happened. Obviously somethings cannot be helped, I get that but there weren't really any plot twists. And personally I like to hope the predictions I make are wrong, mainly because it leaves a better impression on me. I did enjoy watching it, it was funny, more than funny even. Having said this the whole 'Duff' idea is whole new concept, or at least I think it is. Kudos for that! It is good teen fiction I have to say, certain aspects you can relate to.

I feel like perhaps the story type has been overdone so many times, obviously that isn't the writers' fault. I understand of course in this day and age it is perhaps becoming harder to be completely original, and that there is huge legacy of movies and stories you have to make your way through in order to get yours being the best it possibly can be of its kind. It was obvious she was going to do the whole 'lets go from looking normal to looking hot' that is overdone, and there was just a lot things you could see coming.

I did gain a little something from the movie though, that if you're invisible (not literally) or not one of those constantly in your face people, you can pretty much wear and do whatever you want without anyone caring. It kind of got me thinking about the whole 'not caring what others think, they don't really care or notice'.

It was good, I will be purchasing the book. And who knows I may do a comparison :)

The Duff (Movie Review)

Sunday 12 July 2015