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I attended my second group session of Slimming World today. My weight loss is small but within the last two weeks I have lost 5lbs. I am finding it a little challenging mainly because of college and the fact I spend most of my time at my sister's house due to babysitting. I find it difficult to like find things to eat through college but I have been just eating fruit through my college days, it's delicious and I'm not spending hours pondering on about what I can possibly eat. I have been doing some packed lunches with homemade cooking which I do like once a week, surprisingly helpful. Plus at my sister's I basically have a lot of eggs (which is good for you) but I lack veg. At my house it isn't difficult because family members there are also doing Slimming World so it's easier to have meals.
Since starting Slimming World, even though my progress is slow (at least it is better than gaining) I feel good for it. My skin is clearer because of all the fruit I eat (Who knew fruit could taste so damn good and be extra beneficial for your health and skin!) I have more energy, plus I am more open to try out new things. Veg, I was practically a stranger to now I eat it. Maybe not as much as I should, and sometimes I find it emotionally draining but I know if I stick to it, it will get better with time. In the Summer after my exams I will be adding Gym to my program so I can work out as well as optimize my food.  It is interesting the Slimming World diet, it's not restricted even though sometimes I need to use all my might to stop myself from overindulging.
I will get back to you with progress maybe in the next 2-3 weeks!

SW Progress

Monday 9 May 2016

This week has been filled with fruit, healthiness and all round goodness. If you're interested in any of my weekly Favourites or wish to know more about any productions just comment I'd be happy to tell you all about them!

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 1 May 2016

Hey guys.
Today I had the best lie in ever, 12 o clock (midday) it cannot get better than that! I think I slept a good ten hours! Obviously the drawback is I slept most of the day away but I do feel so much better for it, as lately I have been feel exhausted.
For the past few hours I have been editing film footage, as you guys know I do Film Studies and for my coursework I have decided to do a film. Mine is basically about toddlers, and how they're happy and basically how they aren't influenced like we adults are. I'm not even nearly finished, I have the first minute sort of edited, it has to be two minutes long, but I haven't even finished cropping bits, adding text and of course the audio, which I fear the audio may take the longest!
I am putting in the work though, it will be my first ever film I've made. I'm not expecting a masterpiece of course but I hope it isn't my last film I make. In the future when I get better and become more accustomed to the whole thing I think I will make more short films in the future. I've been watching many short films lately and they're so meaningful and well put together. I want to try more out, so I think when the Summer comes along I plan on filming a lot!
Due to this current film I'm making being coursework I'm not sure if or when I will be able to post it for you guys.
So yeah today for me completely film based, hopefully I can get everything or at least the majority of it done today and then maybe read several chapters of Great Expectations!
Also quickly, since one of my resolutions was to be healthier,  today I made the first step, I am decided to only drink water, unless I'm really cold and I am allowing myself one cup of tea with sweeteners instead of sugar!
I think I will be posting more recycle poetry within the next couple of days too, so look for them!


Saturday 2 January 2016

It's the first of January 2016. It looks as though we have survived another year! I'm going to have a quick reflection on 2015 and then say my piece about 2016.
2015, I believe you were good to me. You sorted my head out at least, pointed me in the right direction and have opened many doors for me. I don't believe it was a bad year, maybe stressful at times but as always good always shines through the bad. I didn't really complete any of my new years resolutions I was too busy living I guess, which I can't really complain about really. Despite every year being more or less the same length I feel as though 2015 has been very short.
2016 - I have decided that I won't make a huge list of resolutions and goals because in a months time I will have forgotten them. I do have two in mind though;
1) I aim to be healthier, loose some weight, change my diet around, and have a healthy mindset. I just want to be the very the best I can be!
2) I want to write more, much more than ever to be honest. I want to write every day, which means every day I shall post on this blog, as well as contribute to my stories and all my writing pieces.

I had my first inspiration of the year, it came to me in the bath about half hour ago, whilst listening to music and well I thought what if each day I contribute to the idea, essentially write the story. Each day I write something then the last day of the year I share it on here. It's my first writing inspiration of the year so why not use the year to bring it to life?

I was going to write 2016 be good to me but that really depends on myself. It is up to me to make sure I make this year a good one! So I wish you all a happy new year, and may 2016 be ever in your favour!


Friday 1 January 2016