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You're my worst distraction
my biggest heart ache.
You're the centre of all my best thoughts
my main problem.

You're the reason
my smile is so wide.
You're the trigger
that releases the bullet of feelings.

You're like a cigarette
addictive and bad for me.
You're like my favourite perfume
I'm frightened to use you in case you run out.

You're a song I play on repeat
a lyric that calls out to me every time.
You're a place I like to visit
but don't see often enough.

You're you
and that's what I like the most.


Tuesday 26 January 2016

Why can't thing just happens and we take notes and we move onto the next thing life presents us with. Instead we are left of the reminder in our hearts, a constantly weight on our hearts. It's demanding, in the background noise you can hear  it screaming out "I'm I'm pain help me" "I'm breaking hold me together" "I'm broken heal me" even when you're busy it's moping around "Why does it hurt so much" "whose heart could inflict this onto anothers". It's never a clean cut when it comes to damage, it doesn't just come and go. No it makes sure you're left with the evidence, the sweet memories and the abrupt end.
People come into your life, you get used to their presence and you begin to like them, maybe a lot more than you would like an ordinary person, and then they leave you life with a wreckage. And where does that leave you? It leaves you numb and wondering what you were like before you became so accustomed to that person.
You never really move on, you just find something to cover up the constant damage. You meet new people and it's a cycle each time they cause more damage and each time it's covered up again. Until you're left with yourself and a badly taped pain in your chest.
Are we the problem? Do we cause our own heartache?


Saturday 28 November 2015

- Just a little piece that I wrote in the December of 2014 -

With you all it ever is or has been is a game of hearts. A battle and restrain. Sometimes good and thrilling but most of the time heart aching and painful. With our game of hearts it is never just one round, it repeats itself, and each and every time round someone always ends up feeling the wrath of it all. The first time it was just playful, but more and more unwanted players hopped on board and forced us the original players to break, we weren't ready.
Before we even tried we ended the game, I threw you away like another little broken piece. You were my little toy that I could have at my own beck and call. For about two years it was the same, started hopeful but ended messily, pushing and huffing. 
A test came to us, roughly two year ago, we went on a whole new journey, the game changed, it turned up a notch, it was thrilling. We were mysterious, it was just us. The tingling sensations we gave one another, we were alive. The little levels we went up, until you dropped the bomb. Shattered me, shattered me for good. The tables were turned, you found a new piece to play with, and I was the one thrown away like nothing. It teared me open, it made me numb, and I went crazy. My limits had be pushed, I didn't want the game to end but I had no choice.
I surrendered to my own little game, numbness cutting into me. I was alone, I felt betrayed. That was the start of my own little mind games, the game I seemed to play myself. Once the journey had ended, I was back at home base, and you weren't there. Not that I cared, I shut the rest of the players out. In the game of hearts, this time my heart was the one that was torn.
You came knocking on the board, explaining yourself. Ditching the old two year game for a brand spanking new five day player, well I torn once more, the board became flooded and I was done. I knew you were naive to think the new game was better and would last, and I was right.
Since then you tried, you attempted to force me back on the board, in the game of hearts your heart was chasing mine, I sank and I wasn't going to allow you to bring me back up. You begged for the rules to be changed, tried to add new players in the game to peak my interest, I had enough of the game. My heart got burnt and I wasn't risking a thing. You became obsessed, you petrified me, scared to ever roll the dice again, with you or anyone.
Despite my reluctance to the game, I still felt it play around my heart. My head wasn't in the game but I'd always knew my heart was trapped. Even after two years of hell I was prepared to restart the game.  I pushed all I had into the center, for a test run, I was willing to re,-enter my heart into the game. You were reluctant, excuses and diversions.
We started, you kept throwing obstacles in my way, you didn't allow our pieces to stand side by side and face the obstacles together. I gambled everything just for you to drop me, send every inch of my heart into all directions. A side player had to push the truth in your way for you to realize and well I had given up. The board was drowned once again, for the very last time. I put my guards up and found new players, players whom held me up, battled you off. The game of hearts ended before it even had begun, and I was the one whom was left to hurt, that game is buried, you sir fellow player have blown my heart into smithereens enough, you shall never get even close to being back into my heart, for us the game of hearts has ended.

A Game Of Hearts

Monday 29 June 2015