Showing posts with label harry potter. Show all posts
Happy new year!

The first post of 2022 is sharing a list of the books I plan to read this year, just to name a few off the top of my head. In case you missed my last post, I said I was setting myself the goal of one book a week. So, a grand total of 52 books for the year ahead. Due to side effects from the booster, I haven't been able to read a physical book this weekend but I did manage to listen to the audiobook of Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone and now I am listening to Chamber of Secrets. 

I have purchased some of the books listed below already, they've been waiting patiently on my desk and it's been hard trying not to read them. Now we've entered 2022, I can't wait to meet all the new characters that live within the pages. 

One of my 2022 goals is to make my reading more sustainable, so I will be trying to buy second-hand books as well as reading more kindle versions and audiobooks. So far, I have been loving purchasing books from World of Books, they sometimes have old books that are no longer in circulation! This website was a godsend during my degree, and last year I bought a few books from them I couldn't find anywhere else.  I am going to use this website more often, they've got books I haven't seen on shelves in years! 

Here's a list of books I want to read in 2022:
  • Witch - Finbar Hawkins
  • The Ex Hex - Erin Sterling
  • Medusa - Jessie Burton
  • Girl crush - Florence Given (preordered)
  • The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes - Suzanne Collins
  • In At The Deep End - Kate Davies
  • A Witch In Time - Constance Sayers
  • Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston
  • It’s about bloody time period - Emma Barnett
  • Rough Around The Edges - Crystal Chard 
  • Change of Heart - Clare Lydon 
I am hoping to read more queer fiction, if you have any recommendations please comment below.

I am aiming to share weekly posts on the blog here, and hopefully, two of those will be book reviews! I am trying to write more creatively too, I am currently exploring self-publishing a collection of my poems. 2022 is looking promising. Once I am feeling up to reading again I will be starting with The Ex Hex from my reading list! What are you deciding to read this year?

Books I Want To Read in 2022

Monday 3 January 2022

After much contemplation, I decided to stick with the word 'females' in the blog title because I liked the sound of the fricatives. However, I do believe I sound like Martin Goodman- not entirely sure if this is a good thing or bad thing?

Recently I have been thinking about how wonderful women are, and it leads me down the path of considering the character's from the books I have read and how the women in these stories have impacted my life and my own view on the world. Having read quite a bit over the years it was hard to narrow down but I have managed to pick five! 

It was quite the task but I had to consider all of my favourite books and go from there! Some may come to your surprise but others probably not! I hope my list allows you to think of your favourite fictional females! Is there any of mine you agree or disagree with?

1) Katniss Everdeen - The Mockingjay, the absolute gem and my favourite fictional lady of all time. I first read The Hunger Games in my early teens, maybe before, and as one book closed and another opened I remember myself thinking 'What a badass!' A true heroine who I wanted to grow up like. She refused to follow rules and lead a rebellion, we see many women in the media today letting their inner Everdeen roar.

2) Molly Weasley - The mother to all! Admittedly I am not so keen on the writer due to her transphobia but I have always separated the writer from the work. Harry Potter has given me so much light through the years and is still one of my favourite universes in the world, I am not condoning the writer's opinions or actions- I am just ignoring her existence as I don't want her tarnishing the HP Universe. Had to a disclaimer that but back to Molly. I love her caring nature, she doesn't think twice about taking another son underwing, even if he isn't blood-related. I also have kudos to her for dealing with such a big family, especially with jokers like Fred & George. I have mad respect for this lady. 

3) Tris - We had to see this one coming, I love Tris. She is a character I hold very dear to my heart. The resilence of her character and sheer determination puts me at awe. In the first book, we see her almost fail her training for Dauntless, she refuses to let this happen. I think another reason Tris made number 3 is her unjustly death, I have still yet to recover and it just plain angers me. Her brother is a traitor back and forth, and yet she sacrifices herself- you have to respect that but it was heartbreaking. I remember reading the ending of Allegiant and sobbing out loud. My chest hurt and it was hard. I was so angry at Caleb and so heartbroken for Four. Even now when I reread the trilogy I still cry and all those feelings coming back just like they did when I first read them.

4) Mrs Havisham - yes that spinster from Dicken's Great Expectations. An odd one I know, but I cannot help but admire her for how long she can keep a grudge. She is jolted as a young bride which leads to her decay. I love that she just decides to let everything rot, she was done with the world. Refuses to seep back into reality. There is just something so beautiful about her. There was something wicked about her forming Estella into a heartbreaker, it was a very odd dynamic but she wanted Estella to hurt men the way a man hurt her. Not a great thing but lowkey love it and I know I shouldn't.

5) Rosalind - from Shakespeare's As You Like It. If I am completely honest, there aren't many female characters in Shakespeare's plays that I am overly thrilled by. Some are bores or just too soppy. Rosalind is the exception, she is such a wonderful character. It is very rare you see a female character so prominent in a Shakespeare play. She is such a strong character with the ability to subvert the limitations that society imposes on her as a woman. She disguises herself as a young man in order to tutor and woo the man she loves teaching him ways to love and show passion. It's such a fun play and plays with gender is such a farcical manner. 

Favourite Fictional Females (Books)

Saturday 22 August 2020

Like many others during lockdown I have been loving a bit of online shopping! The mere joy of receiving a parcel and seeing a face that isn’t inside of my own household. I’ve been buying a range of cool things, if you follow my instagram you will see that I’ve been buying art and pop vinyls.
I have been loving the world of Etsy I have come across this amazing seller BookBestiesUK (you can find them on Instagram with the same tag) and they make book sleeves and covers. 
I always carry a book with me no matter where I am going, and sometimes my books get scuffed and even pages bent (horrifying) and I’m forever wishing I could keep them clean all of the time. Until I found the page I never really considered a sleeve or cover but figured that it is such a smart idea. I decided to purchase three sleeves, pictured below: 

I absolutely adore all of them! Two hard back sleeves for my bigger books and a paperback for my usual books! I fell in love with the Hocus Pocus one immediately! It’s my favourite of the three!
I don’t own a lot of Gatsby inspired things, which is odd because it is one of my absolute favourite books. I saw this on the Etsy page and had to add it to my basket. I was going to click purchase when I decided to have a quick neb on their insta page. This is where I saw the bright Harry Potter design that I just had to buy! 
I’ve tested some books inside each and they feel safe and cosy! I can’t wait to be out and about on my way to a cafe knowing my book will be safe.  The quality of the sleeves are exceptional and you get your money’s worth. Each was £12 but I used a code for 10% off from one of the reps. I will definitely be buying some more in the future, next I’ll be purchasing a jacket I think. They do a range of designs from Disney to Literature. 
I’ve been resisting buying more books, my to be read pile is stacked super high, but I wanted to buy something bookish and these sleeves are perfect! I’d highly recommend buying a sleeve, especially if you’re super clumsy like me! Or even getting one as a gift for a book lover. They would be just as chuffed as me! 
What have you been buying online? I’ve seen people clothes shopping and other buying art like myself. Comment below and we have a natter! 

BookBestieUK Book Sleeves

Wednesday 20 May 2020

I  was going to keep my blog bookish this year but I just wanted to write and share my recent obsession. I think this still counts as bookish.  I haven't been able to read much this month, it has been a super heavy month but I thought a nice chat would be lovely. As some of you may know from my Instagram I love my bookshelves, I love the way books look and I enjoyed making bookish displays and pictures. Queue some shelfies!

My current bookshelf

My last bookshelf

You will notice those little figures, and those are Funko Pop Vinyls. I have been collecting for a few years but recently something has been triggered in my brain. I went from 30 to 50 in the last month or so. I find them so adorable. I have expanded my range from Harry Potter to Disney, Game of Thrones and Stranger Things. One of my favourite Funko Pop Vinyl's in my Danny Zucko from Grease, my sister gifted him to me at Christmas. It made my day, I didn't even realise they did Grease Pop Vinyls. But this started my search for more, it's safe to say I have a lot saved in my wish list for the future.

 I love how cute they look, my Instagram is spammed with them recently. Something about having the little characters around is just so adorable! I have taken a moment to chill but I just wanted to share some of them with you. I am looking into getting more characters from novels. I think that would make some pretty interesting pictures so like The Hunger Games and Alice and Wonderland. I think they would amazing. So far, the only book character's I have are my Harry Potter ones. They are my main collection and I love them dearly, it is nowhere near finished but I am so chuffed with all of them.
I am running out of space but I am moving (hopefully) into a bigger space in Summer and I cannot wait for my book nook.  Something about these figured I just feel drawn to. I cannot wait to expand my collection. Is there anything in particular that you collect?

A growing collection

Wednesday 26 February 2020

Top Ten: I Want To Do Down South

I have been down in Brighton for just over two years now, and I believe this will probably be my last year. I plan on moving further up North, but I want to make the most of my time down here whilst I live down here. I already checked a couple of things off my list such as see Wicked, visit Cornwall and London.
I guess this is more a reminder for myself, for me to look back on and say hey I achieved all of the things I wanted to do down here. The list is in no particular order, although number 1 is my ultimate goal.

1) Visit Harry Potter Studios in London
2)  See my first Drag Show/Performance
3) Go on the Eurostar
4) Visit Marwell Zoo
5) See Stonehenge
6) Visit the UK's biggest Primark in Birmingham
7) Go on the i360
8) Visit the Upside Down house
9) See Hamilton in London
10) Visit Shrek Adventure

If you think I have missed any cool things off, or you have recommendations please comment below so I can add them to my list!!

Top Ten Things: I Want To Do Down South

Monday 28 October 2019


I am opting in and out of book boxes lately, I kind of just buy the box with the theme that I like. This way I'm receiving things that I like and that I am a fan of. This month I received The Box Club's February box Magic Potions. This box is my favourite so far! Everything inside is just amazing!

This box was filled with so many cool things, from Harry Potter to Alice in Wonderland. Some of my favourite books of all time. It is clear that a lot of thought has been put into this box, I am obsessed with everything.

 The book that came in this months box is Shadowscent by P.M Freestone. The synopsis for the book is: Escape to the ancient desert land of Aramtesh, a beautifully described fantastical world, where a poor village girl and a royal bodyguard are about to embark on an epic quest, led by their noses... Can Rakel's talent for fragrances lead her to the scent which will awaken a poisoned prince?

It sounds pretty cool, the picture doesn't do the cover justice. Now I have read the synopsis, I feel as though one of the items now makes sense. I was thinking it was a bit random but in fact, it goes with the
theme of the book.

To the left is in the item I was confused about. Dahkai Flower Rollerball Perfume by Suski Scents. It is quite a pretty scent, both spicy and sweet, not something I would usually wear but I will give it a go. I have been obsessed with perfumes lately, I still have the oils from my trip to Egypt, and they're the most stunning thing ever.

This is my second favourite item, I'll share my first favourite at the end of the blog post, the Alice in Wonderland Necklace by Literary Galaxy. It is such a cute piece, I love the glitter in the bottle as well as the little 'Drink Me' tag. I'm going out today, I plan on wearing this little gem as an accessory.
The next item is a badge, I actually thought this was a tribute to Pretty Little Liars. It is so adorable but it is for the book One of Us is Lying. I guess I am so used to the song from the opening credits of PLL.

I cannot resist a bit of chocolate, so I was more than happy when I saw this is in the box. This item is the Magical chocolatey potion by Kernow Chocolate. I especially love the logo of the company, it's very sweet and bookish.
There was also another badge within the box, I am not sure what the context is but it seems pretty badass. I really need to find a place to put all my badges, I have so many cute bookish ones and nowhere to display them.

The Apothecary bookplates by Book Box Clubs are so cute. I wouldn't personally put them into books but I would use them for notebooks. I love how magical they look, I love anything with a witchy vibe!

Last but certainly not least, here is my favourite item. I have used this every day since it arrived in the box! The Potions Master Take-Out Cup with Artwork by Fable&Black.
I love anything Harry Potter, this is such a perfect item. It reads 'I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper on death' this quote is from the first Harry Potter book The Philosopher's Stone and it said by Snape. He is probably one of my least favourite characters but I am LIVING for this cup, I adore that is it reusable, I take it everywhere with me.

This box was such a brilliant box, all the items were cool and the theme was just amazing! I am not sure which boxes I am getting in March, I might switch it up and try somewhere new!

Febrauary Book Box (Book Box Club)

Thursday 28 February 2019

Hello! Another month, another book box!

This months' goodies are just wonderful! My subscription boxes are from Blog Spot Box and Book Box Club. November's boxes have been delightful, and I am so excited to share everything with you. Such a wide range of things, everything is so carefully put together. This will be the second month of my subscriptions, and it seems each month just gets better and better. My favourite times of the month is when the boxes are delivered. 

I will start with Book Spot Box, their November theme is Wizard and Witches. You can imagine how hyped I was for this one. The box included items from/relating to Harry Potter, Wizard of Oz, Hocus Pocus and other goodies. The book in this box is The Witch of Salt&Storm by Kendall Kulper. 

Below is a collective picture of the items from the box. I will go into items in more detail and then at the end share my favourite item from each box.

This was a well thought out box, and I can't wait to see what Kate has planned for us in the future.
If you did not see the last blog post about my subscriptions then I'll give you details on how much the box is and the price of delivery.
This box is £20.00 and delivery is under £4.

This is one of the lowest priced Book Box I have come across, but it is worth much more than we pay. Stunning items and well worth the money. Kate really puts in thought to the boxes, and I love her ideas and creativity. 

I have an obsession with candles lately, and to see a Harry Potter themed one in my box I was ecstatic. The candle is called Grainger and smells of Peach Strawberry Vanilla Nutmeg- quite the sweet combination. It smells lovely, but I have not used it yet. I feel like I'll use it when I am having a particular bookish night. 

You also get a tub of whipped cream wash, it is called Love Spell and the description of this item is A magical, fluffy whipped soap. I haven't used this yet, either. I feel like this is an item I would use when I have a bit of a girlie pamper night. 

I feel like these two items together would create a night of relaxation. A night I'll definitely have to plan once I've got past my deadlines. 

I love this little Tolkein bookmark, a bookworm can never have too many bookmarks. I love the design used as well as the quote "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is give us"  - J.RR Tolkien.
Behind this picture you will notice the pencil, it's a cute wandlike pencil. It is currently sat in my pen pot. 

The next item is cute as well as handy. It's a Wizard of Oz mirror, with a cute design on the back. It is a useful item to carry in your bag but also a small way of showing off your love for WOZ. 

I loved this box so much, I am eager for the next one already! December's box is a Christmas box called Christmas Sparkle. I love Christmas, I feel like this box is going to be epic. Kate has also mentioned on her Instagram, that she will not be doing a box every month once the new year hits. I think she mentioned doing one every other month, so if you're wanting to get a box the next one is in February, which isn't out for sale yet. 

My last, but not least, subscription box is Book Box Club! November's theme is Smugglers & Thieves! Fandoms of Pirates and the Carribean, Peter Pan, Keeper of the Suns, Book Thief and Only The Ocean. The book that came with this months box is Only The Ocean by Natasha Carthew. I loved this box, one of my childhood dreams was to be a pirate. This box brought my inner child to life.
 The cover is so pretty, I like that a few of the items are linked directly with the book. It's cute and create promo for the book.
This box was fun and filled with small cute things. I will start with the two bigger items. I haven't found a place for them yet, but I shall soon!

 A Kaz and Inef tea towel, the print is stunning! Too good to use though, I think I will use it as a decorative piece. It is so creative and made by Keeper of the Suns. I think you can get the same print in poster form over on their website.
As well as an Only The Ocean flag. I love the print of this, it is somewhat simple but I love the waves below. This piece of fan art is made by Sparrow and Wolf, it was designed exclusively for Book Box Club.

Here is the Peter Pan pin and Book Thief bracelet. These little items are just stunning, I can't wait to put the pin on my jacket. The pin is made by Book Box Club themselves. It is just a cute homage to our childhoods. The Book Thief bracelet is by Mermaid Marys.
I love a book promo bookmark! The bookmark is a promotion for the book The Haunting of Violet Gray.

The subscription for this box is £28.99 including delivery, and it is a monthly box! Decemeber's box is Rule the Stars! Expect a blog post with that box next month! Last but not least, I will be showing you my favourite item from each box.

If you know me, you will know I absolutely adore Hocus Pocus. I watched it several times during the month of October. It's a film I have adored from a young age. So, when I saw this notebook within my Book Spot Box I was overjoyed. 

I was never a huge fan of Jack Sparrow but this magnetic bookmark I cannot resist. I have never seen anything as cute!

Thank you for reading this months Subcriptions, this was a pleasure! Another sub box will be posted next month and expect a tourist post within the next week or so!

Book Box Subscriptions (November)

Thursday 29 November 2018

I feel like we are all fully aware I am a massive Harry Potter fan, so if you're not that into it I would probably skip this blog post but if you're curious about what is actually in my trunk then stay and have a neb. I ordered this from the Harry Potter shop Platform 9 3/4 in London. I paid £125, I know this seems steep but what you get inside and the actual trunk itself is so worth it. I usually wouldn't blow money this quick or spend this amount on one thing but this was from my own wage, I earned the money so I thought fuck it, I want it and it would be a great addition to my room.

I didn't really know what to expect with the actual trunk itself, I thought it might be a little cheap but I was wrong. It's trendy and I love the wood finish. Honestly, I have never been so excited about something in my entire life. As geeky as it sounds, the trunks genuinely made me feel more a witch. Like bitch, I am leaving for Hogwarts. I really love the crest on the front and the initials on the side. They're not stickers, I don't know they've done it but it's such a high-quality design.

To the side is a picture with my initials on the side LM. I loved that I was able to have my initials on my trunk, it is cute and quirky.

Ready for the big reveal? Everything that is on the inside! The trunk was difficult to open, one side opened perfectly and the other side took two of us to open. Not sure why, but I haven't locked it since. It's neatly closed with straps over.

 When you first open the trunk there is your Hogwarts letter (I am still screeching insided) on top and underneath is all the items covered with a cool brown paper with a Hogwarts wax seal, like the one on the back of the letter.

Like the geek that I am, I have no opened the letter. I want to keep it clean and perfect. I am contemplating buying another letter purely for the purpose of opening. I just want to keep this one as  a collector type of thing. Honestly, as I explored the trunk the closer to passing out due to happiness overload I became.
 This was the initial opening (above) and the rearranged version (below) there were a total of 13 items within the trunk: The Hedwig plush, Slytherin Hat & Scarf, Slytherin Pin, A Platform 9 3/4 key ring, Slytherin tie, Platform 9 3/4 ticket with a lanyard, Platform 9 3/4 chocolate bar, A Slytherin notebook and pen as well as The Hogwarts letter of acceptance and  Slytherin Tshirt. Not forgetting the wonderful trunk too.

 These two items are my favourite from the trunk. The pen and notebook, as a writer you can never have too much stationary... especially when it is Harry Potter themed!! Realistically, I probably won't use either of these. Purely because they're stunning and I don't really want to ruin them. I have a habit of buying Harry Potter notebooks and keeping them clean and new, essentially using them for decoration.

I live for showing house pride, my room is currently a theme between being bookish and a Slytherin.

This is a two sided key ring chain thing, I think what I love most about this one is the gold Platform 9 3/4 side. It's pretty and it's not in your face. I haven't found a home for this just yet, just because my keys are filled  with Harry Potter key rings already. I am sure I will find a home for this beauty though!

This item I was elated by, mainly because of the platform 9 3/4 train ticket. A very cool prom from the films, it's quality paper too. Like it't just a blurry picture painted on a crappy piece of paper. The company have put pride into their work and the quality they create, you definitely get your money's worth.

To the side is a cute chocolate bar with the Hogwarts Express theme going on. I love this, I haven't touched the chocolate yet, you know just going to have to save it for any unwanted dementors floating about.

 I love that the days and nights are getting colder down South (it's always cold up North) so these two items will come in handy. A knitted Slytherin Hat&Scarf. I am so ready to whack these out on Bonfire night when we are in some park watching fireworks.

Last but definitely not least, a Slytherin T-shirt. I have yet to wear it, I got it a couple sizes up incase I want to use it a nightie type of thing. I will never say no to Harry Potter themed clothes, I have so many already.

So, the trunk. Was it worth it? YES. Would I recommend you  buying one? Yes. I know it is pricey, but my plan is to also use the trunk for storage as well as actual decor for my room. They come in all of the house colours, as well as a general Hogwart's express theme, which is cool if you  don't know your house or if you want to buy this as a gift for someone and you perhaps don't know their house.

Thank you for reading, have you  been buying any Harry Potter merchandise lately? If so let me know!

What's in my trunk?

Monday 22 October 2018

Yesterday afternoon I revisited one of my favourite shops in Newcastle, Flying Wizard. The shop is relatively new, it wasn't here when I was last home at Easter time. Today was the second time visiting. The first time was back in July when I picked up part of a friend's birthday present. This time I came back with my mother, who is also a Harry Potter fan, and we both splurged a little. Before I discuss the purchases let me tell you about the shop itself.  Sadly, I didn't take any pictures inside of the shop because I am not quite sure if we were allowed to.
The shop is not just Harry Potter themed, even though you would think so by their shop window. It also sells merchandise from Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Marvel Universe etc. it is a pretty well-rounded shop. It is mainly Harry Potter themed though, you can tell by how when you walk into the shop you can see their television which plays all of the Harry Potter films on loop- what a dream?

The staff are so friendly and welcoming, it has a really good atmosphere inside. Naturally, I am quite the fangirl whenever I visit. It takes all my will to not buy everything. I was only supposed to go in and have a look but I figured it would be rude to not something... right?

I have only been in one other Harry Potter shop before and that is Oliver's in Brighton- I may do a post about that shop when I am back in Brighton next month!

I was so thrilled when my sibling told me that a Harry Potter shop had opened in my hometown, and it is everything. I am ready to hand them all my money!

Above is the first thing I ever bought from Flying Wizards. An amazing quidditch set, I bought this for a friend. I am not sure who loved it most, her or me? I am genuinely impressed by my eye for giving good gifts. Sadly, I went back to buy another one for myself and they're waiting to get more in. Naturally, I am slightly gutted!! Underneath the Quidditch balls is a key for the lock as well as a really cool poster.

Today I purchased a butterbeer, I adored this when I tried it in Brighton. It was a little cheaper too here, bonus!
A new notebook- I AM LIVING FOR IT!! Lately, I have been obsessed with Dobby and I just couldn't help but fall in love with this notebook. I am fully aware  I have quite a few HP notebooks, which haven't been written in, but I just couldn't say no. This was my favourite purchase of the day.

A pack of wizard cards, they're just like playing cards but have pictures of wizards and witches on them. I know it's geeky but I just found them pretty cool, who knows if I will actually use them? They look good though.

My mam bought me the Slytherin tin, I didn't know until we were out of the shop. This was super cute.
I also bought a cool badge, I am not usually a badge person but I thought it would round off my purchase. There is a better picture to the side.

My mother bought some cool stuff too. I am envious of her new notebook, I almost bought a similar one but in Slytherin crest and colour, maybe next time! My mother also hoards notebooks like I do, I know already neither of will be writing in them any time soon. She also purchased a Marauders purse and a little Gryffindor tin.

I would 10/10 recommend you visiting Flying Wizards if you're ever in town or just visiting Newcastle. It's definitely worth a neb!!

Flying Wizards

Monday 27 August 2018