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As of a couple of days ago, I handed in my last bit of Uni work, and I have now finished my degree! Three emotional years, it’s been such a wild ride. For the past three years, I have been studying English Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Brighton.  I have learned so much in the space of three years, things about my degree and many things about myself. I have met so many amazing people, new friends and I have experienced so many new things. University has been the best time of my life so far, granted it has not been easy. At times I just wanted to give up, sometimes I felt like I would rather be anywhere else. The friends I had made in Brighton have really kept me going, and have quite frankly kept me sane.  From Maccies drives with my number one to Ramen nights' with a housemate. Everyone I have met has really contributed to my time in Brighton. There has been a lot of laughter and a lot of tears. Yesterday, I celebrated with a small get-together (following lockdown rules) and popped a few bottles of champagne. I never had champagne before and can confirm it does not taste so great, two bottles almost to myself did get me a little tipsy. It was a lovely celebration with family when it all calmed down and I had a moment to myself I felt emotional. It finally hit me that I have achieved something so great and now it is all over. I am sad that we could not end the year with a massive celebration due to Covid-19 but we will all see each other again at our graduation ceremony in February.  A chapter of my life has ended and now it is time for my next adventure, a new chapter awaits me!

Class of 2020

Sunday 14 June 2020


I am opting in and out of book boxes lately, I kind of just buy the box with the theme that I like. This way I'm receiving things that I like and that I am a fan of. This month I received The Box Club's February box Magic Potions. This box is my favourite so far! Everything inside is just amazing!

This box was filled with so many cool things, from Harry Potter to Alice in Wonderland. Some of my favourite books of all time. It is clear that a lot of thought has been put into this box, I am obsessed with everything.

 The book that came in this months box is Shadowscent by P.M Freestone. The synopsis for the book is: Escape to the ancient desert land of Aramtesh, a beautifully described fantastical world, where a poor village girl and a royal bodyguard are about to embark on an epic quest, led by their noses... Can Rakel's talent for fragrances lead her to the scent which will awaken a poisoned prince?

It sounds pretty cool, the picture doesn't do the cover justice. Now I have read the synopsis, I feel as though one of the items now makes sense. I was thinking it was a bit random but in fact, it goes with the
theme of the book.

To the left is in the item I was confused about. Dahkai Flower Rollerball Perfume by Suski Scents. It is quite a pretty scent, both spicy and sweet, not something I would usually wear but I will give it a go. I have been obsessed with perfumes lately, I still have the oils from my trip to Egypt, and they're the most stunning thing ever.

This is my second favourite item, I'll share my first favourite at the end of the blog post, the Alice in Wonderland Necklace by Literary Galaxy. It is such a cute piece, I love the glitter in the bottle as well as the little 'Drink Me' tag. I'm going out today, I plan on wearing this little gem as an accessory.
The next item is a badge, I actually thought this was a tribute to Pretty Little Liars. It is so adorable but it is for the book One of Us is Lying. I guess I am so used to the song from the opening credits of PLL.

I cannot resist a bit of chocolate, so I was more than happy when I saw this is in the box. This item is the Magical chocolatey potion by Kernow Chocolate. I especially love the logo of the company, it's very sweet and bookish.
There was also another badge within the box, I am not sure what the context is but it seems pretty badass. I really need to find a place to put all my badges, I have so many cute bookish ones and nowhere to display them.

The Apothecary bookplates by Book Box Clubs are so cute. I wouldn't personally put them into books but I would use them for notebooks. I love how magical they look, I love anything with a witchy vibe!

Last but certainly not least, here is my favourite item. I have used this every day since it arrived in the box! The Potions Master Take-Out Cup with Artwork by Fable&Black.
I love anything Harry Potter, this is such a perfect item. It reads 'I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper on death' this quote is from the first Harry Potter book The Philosopher's Stone and it said by Snape. He is probably one of my least favourite characters but I am LIVING for this cup, I adore that is it reusable, I take it everywhere with me.

This box was such a brilliant box, all the items were cool and the theme was just amazing! I am not sure which boxes I am getting in March, I might switch it up and try somewhere new!

Febrauary Book Box (Book Box Club)

Thursday 28 February 2019

For ages now I have been wanting another tattoo, particurlay a design my best friend made for me over a year ago. I fell in love with it the moment she sent me it, and I knew I'd want it on my thigh. I always talked myself out of getting it, I felt as though I needed to lose weight to get this tattoo, I didn't feel good enough. 
I decided to say fuck it, why should  I not get the tattoo? If I keep putting it off and waiting for something that may never happen I will regret it.
I love it, and since my best friend is a  tattoo apprentice she did it for me. I have to admit, it definitely was my most painful tattoo yet. I may stay away from thigh tattoos for a while though.  I am looking into starting off a sleeve, a book themed. So far I have Divergent, I am looking into gettting one for; Great Expectations, Alice and Wonderland, The Hunger Games, The Catcher in the Rye, The Great Gatsby, To Kill A Mockingbird, A Midsummer Night's Dream and much much more!

New Tattoo!

Sunday 2 April 2017

As a blog we have reached over 10000 views!!
I am so happy and excited. To think that people actually read my blog, it's fascinating. I write because I love it, and I love that I can share it here in one place. I know it is only views, and alot of people will not consider it as important but the fact that at least one person has clicked on my blog a read something makes me happy. I want to thank anyone and everyone who has stumbled across my little writing abode and took the time to read something, even if it's a poem or a monologue you have no idea how much it actually means to me! I am going to have to do something to celebrate!!


Thursday 10 November 2016

Confidence is everything
Only you can master your own confidence
Never let anyone control your confidence
Find your thing and own it with confidence
In everyone there is that special something
Don't push it aside embrace it
Everything will change when you begin to own it
Now say it I am confident
Can you feel the overpowering confidence
Everyone should be confident


Wednesday 6 July 2016

"Don't waste time on shitty people!" -

Quote Of The Week

Thursday 28 April 2016

 "Be your own kind of beautiful" - Unknown

Quote of the week!

Thursday 7 April 2016

I feel one of my main goals in life is happiness, not just for me but for those around me. I want to make people happy.
I want to make this one person happy. I want to be there on  a Sunday morning when he wakes up, cuddle him and appreciate him. Cook him his favourite breakfast and spend the entire day with him. If he's playing on his PlayStation, I won't nag him to come off. I'll get him drinks and snacks, I want to wrap my arms around his waist and annoy him a little with little kisses on his cheeks and his neck. I want to make him smile, even it's by a post-it note or if we are just laying around talking about pointless things or our future. I want to just lay there and look at him, his beautiful eyes and make him feel wanted, because he is.
It's not about sex, it's just about wanting to spend time with another person, making them smile and just enjoying the presence of their company. Getting to know someone, taking an interest in all their favourite things, showing them just how much you care. I want him to  be able to tell his friends about me, I want him to proud of me, but mostly I want him to know his happiness matters to me the most.
When he's sad, and maybe I cannot make him his happiest, but I can be there. For him to confide in me or just even to sit with and cuddle. If he doesn't want to talk that's okay, I won't winge at him for the lack of communication I will be there for him and not pry out his problems, I want him to be comfortable. And even if we are sat in silence, as long as he knows I'm by his side that is what matters. When we're walking down the street, I'll hold his hand. When he's texting I won't up on his back, I'll trust him and never doubt his intentions. What I am saying is, I'm not asking for much. Just a chance, a chance at happiness for the both of us. I chance to prove myself to you, and make you feel the best you can feel.
If there is one thing in life I know that matters, it's happiness. As along as there is happiness that's all that counts. Like Lucy Spraggan says "As long as you're happy then you've got the game right!"


Saturday 9 January 2016

I'm a little late with this, I shall post the hello December tomorrow!

My last day of November was amazing, I'm not going to lie it was the best day I've had in a long time! Mondays are naturally my favourite day, so I started my Monday off with making cute Christmas edits and eating a hella lot of Pineapple, which always makes me happy. I then had Film Studies, I'm always enthusiastic with Film. I got put into a group and together we have to make a trailer, and I am so excited. My group is good, we all get on and the ideas we all came up with together makes me feel hopeful for our production.
Even an hour long tutorial session was good, we talked about aids and well I definitely felt more educated afterwards. Lunch is where my luck picked up (literally) so I brought packed lunch and I went with my friend to get her lunch from the Deli. On the way back up to college I literally found a tenner on the road, it was soaked but still lucky. Naturally I look around which no one was around so I couldn't even ask if it belonged to someone, I did however half it with my friend because that's the rule, you have your findings with the person you're with. Lunch was good, I had my favourite sandwiches' and what not.
Media came along after lunch, it was a good lesson. I socialized and we were introduced to the coursework which I can't help but feel excited about. I was going to do film production for it but I decided that since I will be filming for my film coursework it is best to not over do it. I'm going to do a magazine, I'm pretty good with Photoshop plus I possibly want to go into magazine journalism so how could I not jump at this opportunity?
English came along, it was a feedback lesson where we got our initial assessments back. Naturally I was feeling nervous, especially since my recent talk with my tutor about improving my grades. I was shocked when I saw the grade on the front 'B+' I was over the moon, I mean on my last one I got a 'C' which I am proud of but this time I was pretty close to an A. I think it's generally because I'm stronger with creative writing and comparison than anything else. So getting feedback was good, and my teacher enjoyed what I had written. I was having doubts about my capabilities recently in English, but what I've learned is that I just need a little confidence, put the work in and things can only get better. After the lesson I was held back, which made me feel bad I was scared in case she was going to tell me she accidently graded me wrong. I was wrong, she wanted to tell me well done and that out of all the classes she teaches this subject to I got the highest out of all. I'm not boasting, really I was shocked. It felt good to just be doing better than I was, I'm improving and I have hope for this year. However, I am afraid I fall behind or I do crap in the next assessment. I need to maintain this level of work, and in order to do that I need to revise as much. My mocks are in January so I'm going to revise for them.
When I got home my parents were happy to hear my news, they even ordered take out (winning) of course my favourite Kebab Pizza but they even ordered with stuffed crust. I watched some movies and had a chilled night. For the last day of November I did pretty alright, also it was DOUGIE POYNTER'S BIRTHDAY!!
November was quite rocky overall, like a rollercoaster but it's an adventure. December? BRING IT ON!

Goodbye Novemeber

Tuesday 1 December 2015

So today was my first day starting my new sixth form. It went amazingly well, perhaps the best first day I could have asked for. I genuinely enjoyed my lessons I was focused and not once did I loose an ounce of interest. I only did Film Studies and English Lit&Lang, they were great. Everyone was friendly and I'm happy. I feel hopeful and determined!

First Day

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Inside Out (2015) Poster
Movie Picture - I don't own this image
The moment I first saw the trailer I was dying to watch this, my inner child begged me! So I gave in and wow.


After young Riley is uprooted from her Midwest life and moved to San Francisco, her emotions - Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness - conflict on how best to navigate a new city, house, and school.


  (story),  (story) (as Ronnie del Carmen) ,

It was so good. Faultless to say at the least. Watching the journey of emotions was quite the visual adventure! I have to say that it made me cry, yeah I sob a lot!

It was really good to watch, fun and educational. Being seventeen years old I can say that it doesn't matter what age you will love it! It was a good movie, not what I was expecting. It's quite deep if you think about it, certain aspects really open your eyes and you really get thinking about certain emotions and different stages you go through.

I recommend the movie as always, plus I hope there is another one!!

Inside Out (Movie Review)

Monday 13 July 2015

I haven't updated in a little while, and whilst I am feeling open minded and quite at ease I thought that I ought to.

Life is treating me fairly well, this week has been pretty good too. All my lessons in college going well, I'm getting a head start on A2 English Literature, by far my favourite lesson. We are studying The Bloody Chamber, incredible! They are abrupt, Gothic, sexual and a very good read I do say!

I have an essay to redraft for tomorrow which I should be doing now... I suppose a little ten minutes won't do any harm, I hope.

Lately I feel so good, happy as if nothing in the world could go wrong. It feels so good, it has been a long time since I last properly felt like this!

Plenty of opportunities are heading my way, trips and visits. Which means I will be uploading posts about them once they happen!

Sorry for this short and quick post, next time I shall be posting more!


Thursday 11 June 2015