Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts

In September I will heading off to University, hopefully Brighton. I know sometimes things get tough and I get a little down some days, and in Brighton I won't have my family or friends I have known for years around me. And I cannot exactly get the train up to Newcastle for a few hours whenever I like because it takes abit of time to get there plus it's quite pricey. And being a student I don't think I will be able to afford £100+ every week to go home, so I will probably be seeing them at Christmas, Easter (maybe) and of course the Summer. I decided for those sad days I will collect happy moments.

If you follow my Instagram (WritingMyHeart) you will have seen this Jar in my feed, I posted a couple weeks ago and I have been wanting to do a blog post including the jar, I have managed to nab some time today to sit down and finally create that blog post.

By the time September comes around I hope to have this jar full, each folded up piece of paper has something written on it. A memory, or a quote, anything that has made me smile. This is essentially a jar filled with happiness. So for those days where I am feeling a bit blue I can reach into the jar and smile at the note. Little notes that will remind of home, friends or even a favourite song I was obsessed with at the time of writing it.

Whilst I am at Brighton, I hope to either get another jar or add to this one the moments that happen at University, the bad and the good and maybe share ti with my family in the Summer or keep them for future moments to look back on.

I found the jar idea on Twitter a couple months back, but for moments that happen over the year and you open and read them on New Years Eve to reflect back on the year you've had. I decided to put a twist and make it for University, it can be difficult being somewhere new, away from home and I want to make that just a little easier for myself.

I bought the jar from the pound shop, and I have a notebook I just write little things on and I tear it out and fold it up, and into the jar it goes. I have added a few more notes since the picture was taken, it feels good to look over at my window and see the jar with the happiness piling up inside. I am hoping to stick with it, I highly recommend creating a jar. It is good when you forget things that happen and then you read about them, and the memories come flooding back, that is one of my favourite feelings in the world!

Jar of Happiness

Saturday 18 February 2017

Last night, I was getting ready for work. Clothes and what not, and my lovely sister offered to do my hair; and being the ungirlie girl I am naturally I jumped at the chance. I adored how she did my hair, so I did my make-up like I do most days, and something about my having my hair done and my makeup looking better than usual gave me a burst of confidence, which lasted me the whole night. The hair style is below;

 It looks chilled and almost as if I haven't done much yet the braid going from one side to the other shows effort, My sister added come classy clips which gave the hair some OOMF!

I enjoy getting my hair done, styled and what not, it makes me feel so put together. I myself I am not very good with hairstyles, I basically either have it up in a half arsed bun or a masses of curls over my shoulders, my natural hair.

So the hairstyle made me feel elegant, which does not happen often if I do say. I am looking forward to perhaps learning this style myself when I change my colour back to brown.

So once my hair was done, I did my own makeup. And I was so impressed by how good my eyeliner turned out, it a long battle I've bad with eyeliner, we aren't on the best of terms.

But I was super happy, I felt so happy and confident, I love it when hair and  makeup can brighten my mood and make me feel good about myself. Granted, I do not believe in completely depending on them for self happiness, but they are definitely a good boost. I keep it simple with makeup;
Foundation: No7 Beautifully Matte, Oil Free Callico (the colour that matches my skin.
I had taken this at the end of the night.
Eye Liner: Miss Beauty London fine eye liner
Eye Shadow:  w7 Colour Me BUFF natural nudes; colour; dust
Mascara:  Collection Lengthening Mascara: length and definition
Lipstick: Avon no clue on colour.

I got to work early naturally I had to take advantage of the killer lightening in the little break room.
I'm also in love with this Snapchat filter, it has been my favourite from the beginning! So I felt good at work, which is a positive because I am constantly working with people and patrionts, a bit of self-confidence goes a long way. It was good to be as conscious about how I look. My makeup lasted the whole time too, which is always a bonus; reapplying can be a nightmare.

I ended up finishing work early due to technical difficulties, this was slightly saddening because I adore work and for the first time in a long time I felt the need to be seen. I looked and felt good and wanted other people to see that too.

When I got home I was tired naturally, my hair got taken out as I was soon to be heading to sleep. Even with my hair down I was still feeling myself. If anything I felt just as good as I had before going to work. I did not want to take my makeup off at all, I felt sexy and happy. As it happens, I did the thing women aren't supposed to do; fall asleep without wiping their makeup off. I did have intentions too but as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out for the count. I was thankful when I woke up to no stained pillows and half my liner in tact. I did wipe it off though as soon as I got out of bed.

Also - I enjoyed writing this post, I haven't really done a 'beauty' blog post before, or anything related but I genuinely enjoyed talking about this stuff. This isn't a thing I could do all the time but I think if I'm having a special occasion or Feelin' Myself again then I'll definitely be making a blog post about, please share and follow, and would you like more posts like this?

Feelin' Myself

Saturday 28 January 2017

Last night  with my partner we were on a date, an unhealthy one with amazing milkshakes, bowling and then later McDonald's. After bowling we went into the photo booth and took some snaps, and I'm so in love with him and the photos just looking at us makes me genuinely happy.
Until, despite the photographs bringing me happiness they stung me. When the date was over and returned home I began staring at the photograph. Seeing myself, and noticing just how much weight I've gained, I've been feel self conscious lately, and last night I honestly broke down. I can look at the photograph and feel giddy about how amazing he is, and how happy good we are together, but that's with ignoring the fact I'm not happy with how I look.
I want to be healthier, I want to feel and look good and I just want to look in my reflection and be in love with myself like I am with my partner. Sure I can take loads of selfies, and post them to Instagram, but those are of my face. I can't help but notice the parts of me that I dislike in the photographs. So  I was on the phone to him, and telling him my thoughts and I was asking questions about my body and how I see it and if he sees it differently and what not.
He helped me and I've been talking for ages about getting my shit together, and he helped realise it's not too late, I can be happy with myself. I can join a gym and eat better and feel good about myself, and it feels so good to have someone who just wants me to be happy. He's being super supportive, and motivating me. So, as this is going on my blog it makes it official (in my mind) I am starting a health kick, reducing the junk food, adding in more fruit and veg and become reintroduced to the gym.
This is for me and only me, so I can feel better about myself, more energy and life. I want to love my body, and I want to feel confident, I'm not happy with how I am and it's about time I did something about it.
To the side is me now, this is the beginning of my health kick and I am determined to be healthier; physically, mentally and emotionally!

Health Kick

Thursday 26 January 2017

It's the last minutes of 2016, before entering the new year I want to reflect on the positive things that have happened in my life over the last 365 days.

Sure we can focus on the negative things, but what's the point? It's the moments that we are our happiest that really means something.

I want make note of all the things I am grateful for in 2016, and all the things that made my year the best it could be.

 - New friends, I've made new friends, this year I found my friendship group. The girls who make me laugh and have shown me new ways and new places.
- Travelling, I've always loved the idea of travelling and this year I began pursuing that love. So far to  Leeds and Edinburgh, I look forward to the places I will travel in 2017.
- Love, I have found two kinds of love this year. This year has been a journey of self love, I've become more self aware and decided to take a more positive outlook on my self and I can now proudly say I 100% love myself for who I am, body, personality and all.
The second love I found within recent months, a love I haven't talked about on my blog but if you've seen my social media his name has cropped up a few places; Jonny. My boyfriend, who I met this year and I'm falling so deeply in love with. I'm grateful for him, when I was ready to call it a day and accept my single life he appeared and I'm so happy he did.
- Published, August I received a letter and a certificate for a poem I had wrote and in September it was published in an anthology with other writers in the North East. This was a huge amazing step for my writing career.
- University, I applied for University and got an offer back from my dream university; University of Brighton. I cried reading my offer and I cannot wait to work for it and go in 2017.
- I turned 18 this year, this meaning I'm an adult now and well mainly I can legally buy and drink alcohol. This has brought me many moments, some great and fabulous others hilarious and gross, I love all my little drunk 2016 moments.
- Family, this year I've become so close with my eldest sister. I'm so grateful for her, not only for being my best friend but for being there for me all the time. My niece, she has also made my 2016, the little bundle of joy who blesses my day most days. She's such a joy and I'm a very proud auntie. I have so much love for my family, all of who support me, especially my parents who always have my back and will go the end of the world to help me. Also it's been a good year for my parents, my mam and her charity have been doing amazing, and after a long time trying dad is back into work.
- My blog, and those who read my blog. I love having my blog, a place for my thoughts and writing, I'm blessed for little haven of mine.

Despite a lot going on in the world and all bad things that have been happening world wide it's still important to look at our own lives and realize all the good things that have happened to us individually. I do not regret a single thing from 2016, and I can only hope for a just as good 2017. Happy New Year, I wish you all the very best and prosperous 2017.


Saturday 31 December 2016

Merry Christmas from me to you, I wish you all the best for today and onwards. This is also to those who do not celebrate, I wish you all the happiness in the world. As today is the day for family, celebration and just being happy. 


Sunday 25 December 2016

Last day, ready to be on the coach for a couple hours. I think a night was enough, any longer and it would have been too much. It was possibly the last trip we will have before we all separate for University. It was short and sweet and we will be in home for Christmas.

Leeds 2.0

Friday 23 December 2016

I did not ever think I'd be the person; to feel so hard and fall so slow. I never imagined a person being able to bring such pure happiness into my life, but most of all I never imagined that a single thought of losing that person would ache and steal my breath. I've allowed my happiness to rest in his palms, and I couldn't care because he's in my world. I'm learning new things and feeling new ways, it's an adventure that I'm adoring, an adventure that will shut me down when it comes to an end. Let's not think of the inevitable ending for I am in love and I do not want to let go.

Rest in his palms

Sunday 18 December 2016

One month, one whole month
Never have I ever had so much fun
Every second I've learned something new

Memories are being made
One day at a time
Never do I want this to go away
To one month and hopefully many more
How you've made me so much happier!

One Month

Saturday 3 December 2016


Thank you for an amazing thirty days, I am trully thankful that I walked side by side with you. You have brought me a  lot, faith, happiness, love and a bright future. I feel like you've spoilt with goodness, I believe you may have made my 2016. Thank you, and I cannot wait to see you again.

Au revoir!

Goodbye November

Wednesday 30 November 2016

You never really grow up, I realised this today. Sure bills happen and even more responsibility but you're still young at heart. I realised this as I sat with one of my close friends dancing and miming along to a playlist I created. A playlist that contains tracks from childhood Disney films; Camp Rock, High School Musical, Starstruck and the programme Hannah Montana. As eighteen year olds this is probably not normal, but we've been doing this on a daily basis, allowing our young selves to recite lyrics and jamming to the songs we once swore were our lives. It's those moments that make me feel alive and filled with pure happiness. I'm listening to this playlist as I type away, this playlist has become my guilty pleasure, my go to instant happiness. Do you have your go to pick me up?

Pick me up

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Life is too short to stay sour, sure bad things happen and friendships end. Memories fade and things get forgotten, but what about the things you do remember? The good times you had, the stupid moments no one else will understand just you and that one friend. The way I see it, you can try and forget all the years between you two or you can drop a message and try to rekindle. Life is too short to try and burn bridges, be thankful they happened and then together reminsce. Even if you both are busy, what harm can a few texts do? If there is someone who came to mind whilst you read this, please give them a message. Not for me, but for you. Don't let a good thing go to waste, plus no one knows you like a best friend does.


Monday 28 November 2016

Hello July,

Good friend, we meet again!  Perhaps one of my most eventful months in the year every year. You bless me with Summer, the end of college, and present me with pure happiness. Pride strides through your days, parading happiness and equality. Reunions take place in your presence, and good ole celebrations are on your agenda. Oh, how I have been looking forward to you.
You my friend, are the 7th month into this year. You finalized the thoughts that already more than half a year has passed us since the new year. July, how have you been? I hope we do stay close during this month, you're the only thing that's kept me going through these past few weeks.
June was good, creatively inspiring and hard working, but now I am ready to ease into alarmless relaxation. Admittedly I  do have work to whilst we are together, but I suspect it to all run smoothly!
Let's walk hand in hand to August delightfully!

Hello July

Friday 1 July 2016

I like the little things. The small parts of everyday life that make me smile to myself. Like the way my dad wakes me up every morning and makes me a cup of tea before he sets off to work. I laugh at the little things like listening to the radio presenters tell jokes and anecdotes. When I'm on the bus and I'm looking out the window the bus number I'm on passes in the opposite direction, I appreciate the aknowledgment both drivers give one another. When it's sunny I like when I'm talking to someone and the sun makes their eyes stand out. I get giddy over the patterns Costa make in my drinks, last week palm trees  and this week coco beans. My mood elevates when I'm shopping and a song I really like plays, it makes shopping just that little bit more delightful. Whenever I get off the bus in the morning and pass The Dog and Parrot I always grin at the Lemon underneath the window. When I'm with my friends and we are taking silly selfies I feel on top of the world. One of my favourite little things is shadows, shadows of things amongst the pavement, trees buildings and other things.

Little Things

Monday 27 June 2016

I have never felt more of a student as I do now, fighting sleep and typing away as fast as I can on an essay I probably should have done yesterday that is due first thing tomorrow morning. I have finished (ish) so I am just rounding up my thoughts and then disappear into a sleep. Today has been a good for me, I socialised a lot and actually enjoyed it (this is new to me I usually hate people) I went to Bubble Cha with the girls, I laughed throughout my media lesson, I gossiped through my lunch, and had fun in my second half media, which I may have been overly enthusiastic about, game of thrones and rugby were involved need I say more? I finished early and did a bit of shopping (again unusually pleasant)  with my lovely film friend. I babysat, and what not and here I am. It's been a productive day. I think today has been the best day I have had in a long time, seriously I laughed so much, I felt cute and not self-conscious and I finally got rid of a situation that has been lingering in my head. I am  happy, I am aware a curveball will be heading my way soon but at least I am having a blast. Today I laughed so wholeheartedly, like I was living in the moment not worrying about my future or love interests or my family just laughing with friends, it couldn't have gotten any better, I mean unless something McFly happened then life would be complete. I lived a little today, also I bought new jeans which I am excited to wear because new clothes are good and I hope they make my ass look better and  my fabulous thighs of course. I bid you good night or good morning or good afternoon wherever you're located, but until tomorrow goodbye and stuff.

A laughing kind of day

Wednesday 20 April 2016

I think how we feel as  a person is important, how are day goes depends on our moods. If you're feeling negative then that is going to impact your day. I want to brighten my days, and just make things a little better for myself. I have put together a list of things I want to to in order to spread a little positivity as well as feel good about myself.

  • Compliment people more - genuine compliments I always think these but never voice them.
  • Compliment myself - feel good about myself and be happy for my favourite parts.
  • Drink at least 1-2 litres of water - nice skin as well as healthy choice
  • Smile more - it never hurts to smile
  • Be more appreciative - friends, family and everything
  • Make more of an effort with myself - looking good makes me feel good.
  • Think first - I have an awful habit of not thinking first.
My list of things to my day more positive, what is on your list?

Mood Matters

Monday 11 April 2016

So on my journey of self-love I am beginning to like my body, even when it is nude! I am becoming more confident in my curves and my wiggly bits, maybe I would still make some alterations but I am slowly warming up to it.
We shouldn't feel ashamed of our bodies, it is okay to like exactly how you look, in fact I encourage that!I like to take selfies, not for anyone's else's purpose mainly because if I feel as though I am looking good that day or in that moment I want to capture it and look at these pictures. I do share some of these on social media, it's like a collection of my favourite pictures of myself, I am aware of how self-conceited that sounds but in this day and age, is that a bad thing? Why can't I like and post pictures of myself that I really like? It's good to boost yourself up in every way possible (unless it's drugs that I don't recommend). I have Snapchat which I post things on and why do I do it? For my own amusement, I am the person who reads my Snapchat story the most. I do things for me.
I'm on a body mission, I look at myself every day naked, I really look at myself. I'm getting used to my body and each day I begin to feel that it's actually not that bad. It isn't, we see ourselves much worse than we are. I look at down myself and then in the mirror, and personally when I look down it makes me feel like I look much worse. Yet when I look at myself in the mirror my full body on show I give myself a nod and think I'm not that bad actually. If you're worried about what others see, then remember not everyone is going to love you or like how you look but (prepare for the cliche but true quote) beauty is the eye of the beholder. What that hot guy in the class is attracted to isn't ness scarily what your guy friend is attractive to, don't ever change yourself for others needs. If you want to change do it for you, not for the sake of others, that is a fools game and you will never be happy trying to alter for everyone around you.
So today compliment yourself! There is nothing wrong with being self concieted and giving yourself some love! Love you for who you are and not what you should be!

Love You

Wednesday 17 February 2016

A pick me up

Friday 22 January 2016

As I'm reflecting on how today went, I can't help but smile to myself. A volcano of tingles spreading up my body. A smile playing on my mind,  a memory I know I will cherish for months to come. A day thay has made up for a hell of a week. A day, a moment, a person worth waiting for. Little bursts of excitement overpower me as I finish and begin each sentence. My thoughts linger as my heart leaps wondering what will happen next. It's a slow process but right now, I wouldn't change it for the world. I believe today an understanding was made, a level has been reached and we are at the peak of what could be known as perfection. A good day for all I hope!

19th January

Wednesday 20 January 2016

I feel one of my main goals in life is happiness, not just for me but for those around me. I want to make people happy.
I want to make this one person happy. I want to be there on  a Sunday morning when he wakes up, cuddle him and appreciate him. Cook him his favourite breakfast and spend the entire day with him. If he's playing on his PlayStation, I won't nag him to come off. I'll get him drinks and snacks, I want to wrap my arms around his waist and annoy him a little with little kisses on his cheeks and his neck. I want to make him smile, even it's by a post-it note or if we are just laying around talking about pointless things or our future. I want to just lay there and look at him, his beautiful eyes and make him feel wanted, because he is.
It's not about sex, it's just about wanting to spend time with another person, making them smile and just enjoying the presence of their company. Getting to know someone, taking an interest in all their favourite things, showing them just how much you care. I want him to  be able to tell his friends about me, I want him to proud of me, but mostly I want him to know his happiness matters to me the most.
When he's sad, and maybe I cannot make him his happiest, but I can be there. For him to confide in me or just even to sit with and cuddle. If he doesn't want to talk that's okay, I won't winge at him for the lack of communication I will be there for him and not pry out his problems, I want him to be comfortable. And even if we are sat in silence, as long as he knows I'm by his side that is what matters. When we're walking down the street, I'll hold his hand. When he's texting I won't up on his back, I'll trust him and never doubt his intentions. What I am saying is, I'm not asking for much. Just a chance, a chance at happiness for the both of us. I chance to prove myself to you, and make you feel the best you can feel.
If there is one thing in life I know that matters, it's happiness. As along as there is happiness that's all that counts. Like Lucy Spraggan says "As long as you're happy then you've got the game right!"


Saturday 9 January 2016

It's just another manic Monday, I wish it were Sunday

I always associate this song with Mondays I don't really know why, until recently I would have agreed with most people hating on Mondays but it seems I have turned over a new leaf, and I can proudly say that Monday is my favorite day. I start sixth form a little later than most of my days, I also have all my subjects today which is good because I genuinely enjoy them all. Plus I have no doubles so there is no dragging my heels and everything is straight to the point. I have more or less done all my work outside of lessons, just a few tweaking here and there needing to be done but the main content is pretty much finished. Plus I do have two hours spare tomorrow to round everything up, proofread and you know the rest.
The vibes I am getting from today are positive, I feel good and well we all know the day is what you make of it. I'm enjoying the fact that all my lessons closely link, not only does it make my work load easier but if I am improving one subject then surely I am in the others. Despite the gloomy weather, blocked nose and shivering I plan on radiating happiness and as always give my all. I won't allow the weather nor the day of the week hold me down.

Manic Monday?

Monday 5 October 2015