Showing posts with label hair dye. Show all posts
Tomorrow I head back to Brighton, it’s been a marvellous three weeks at home but I have to say: I’ve missed the Uni life! 

Today is my Niece’s fourth birthday, I couldn’t miss it for the world hence why I’m going tomorrow. My last week at home has been wonderful and bizarre. I’ve seen my best friends, had some valuable bonding time with my family, got an amazing new tattoo, spend lots of time with my double bed before our departure, and today my sister and niece talked me into dying my hair. 

I’m in love with my tattoo, my tattooist Demi Patten is so talented! It’s getting finished at the end of the month, colour added as well as getting another new tattoo! Janaury is looking like a good month! 

The hair dye situation, it was supposed to be just the underneath but it messed up. From what should have been underneath has leaked into my whole hair. I was freaking out at first but I’m warming to it.

No doubt I will change it in a couple weeks and go back to my original hair colour brown! 

Loved spending the day with my niece, I can’t believe she’s four. Four years she has been my little best friend, we wind each other up and make each other laugh like their is no tomorrow. 

She dressed up as Moana today and we sang along to the soundtrack and just had an amazing day. She has her birthday party tomorrow with all her little nursery friends and I’ll be on the train back to Brighton...

Last Week at Home

Friday 5 January 2018

To kickstart the year I've decided to make a few changes, mainly to my physical appearance so far. Friday I attempted to dye my hair blonde but it didn't go to plan and went to a copper colour (essentially ginger) it doesn't look bad,if anything it is much improvement to my hair but it's not the colour I planned.
For safety reasons I decided to keep the hair colour for a few days before dying it again because my scalp can only undertake so much burning!
So today I plan on finishing the job! I'm hoping it goes really well!
Over the weekend it seems I'm having problems with my left ear, with pain and unable to hear from it so I'm getting thay checked out first.
Over the weekend I pretty much finished the majority of my shirt film editing, I've edited the main things I just need to add transitions but I have until next week so at least there isn't too much pressure.
I usually don't post until midday or even quite late at night, but I'm going to my sister's and staying over so I'll probably get busy. I'm determined to keep up with posting on the blog everyday.
Thank you for being my amazing readers, and I'll see you tomorrow!


Monday 4 January 2016