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How glad I am to be leaving you behind. What a hell of a month, good days, really good days and a disaster night. Granted the latter has left me a nervous wreck which will probably haunt me for a while. My head's messed up a little, nerves everywhere but I will not let this ruin my September. I had one bad night, I can't cast that on everything that happened previously. I had good results day, I went to Edinburgh with the girls, I spent a lot of time with my lovely niece. I cannot complain too much, even if my feelings are like a pufferfish. I guess whatever has happened, there is a lesson to be learnt even if that lesson is currently unclear.

Adieu August!

Adieu August

Wednesday 31 August 2016

I'm a little late with this, I shall post the hello December tomorrow!

My last day of November was amazing, I'm not going to lie it was the best day I've had in a long time! Mondays are naturally my favourite day, so I started my Monday off with making cute Christmas edits and eating a hella lot of Pineapple, which always makes me happy. I then had Film Studies, I'm always enthusiastic with Film. I got put into a group and together we have to make a trailer, and I am so excited. My group is good, we all get on and the ideas we all came up with together makes me feel hopeful for our production.
Even an hour long tutorial session was good, we talked about aids and well I definitely felt more educated afterwards. Lunch is where my luck picked up (literally) so I brought packed lunch and I went with my friend to get her lunch from the Deli. On the way back up to college I literally found a tenner on the road, it was soaked but still lucky. Naturally I look around which no one was around so I couldn't even ask if it belonged to someone, I did however half it with my friend because that's the rule, you have your findings with the person you're with. Lunch was good, I had my favourite sandwiches' and what not.
Media came along after lunch, it was a good lesson. I socialized and we were introduced to the coursework which I can't help but feel excited about. I was going to do film production for it but I decided that since I will be filming for my film coursework it is best to not over do it. I'm going to do a magazine, I'm pretty good with Photoshop plus I possibly want to go into magazine journalism so how could I not jump at this opportunity?
English came along, it was a feedback lesson where we got our initial assessments back. Naturally I was feeling nervous, especially since my recent talk with my tutor about improving my grades. I was shocked when I saw the grade on the front 'B+' I was over the moon, I mean on my last one I got a 'C' which I am proud of but this time I was pretty close to an A. I think it's generally because I'm stronger with creative writing and comparison than anything else. So getting feedback was good, and my teacher enjoyed what I had written. I was having doubts about my capabilities recently in English, but what I've learned is that I just need a little confidence, put the work in and things can only get better. After the lesson I was held back, which made me feel bad I was scared in case she was going to tell me she accidently graded me wrong. I was wrong, she wanted to tell me well done and that out of all the classes she teaches this subject to I got the highest out of all. I'm not boasting, really I was shocked. It felt good to just be doing better than I was, I'm improving and I have hope for this year. However, I am afraid I fall behind or I do crap in the next assessment. I need to maintain this level of work, and in order to do that I need to revise as much. My mocks are in January so I'm going to revise for them.
When I got home my parents were happy to hear my news, they even ordered take out (winning) of course my favourite Kebab Pizza but they even ordered with stuffed crust. I watched some movies and had a chilled night. For the last day of November I did pretty alright, also it was DOUGIE POYNTER'S BIRTHDAY!!
November was quite rocky overall, like a rollercoaster but it's an adventure. December? BRING IT ON!

Goodbye Novemeber

Tuesday 1 December 2015

I feel like I am ending October on bad terms, mainly because I'm unwell. Some bug has come over me and I'm not feeling my best, but I won't let that put a downer on the previous days of the months. I feel as though October has lasted all of ten seconds, it is one blurr which to be honest I am finding it hard to recall.
This month I feel myself lacking a little, perhaps I haven't been giving my all in sixth form. This is a lesson learnt, and hopefully I will apply to next month; you only get out what you put in. With writing however it has been the opposite, this month I have felt a roaring spark, and I like to thing my previous posts of this month is proof of it. My last two posts in particular I am proud of, they were both written this week and well I enjoyed writing them.
It is Halloween, it seems I'm not fond as I used to be. I do plan on having my feet up later to watch Hocus Pocus (which is a must of this month). I was supposed to be going to a friends gig but I can barely leave my bedroom never mind the house.
This month has a been a rocky roller-coaster for socializing, it has lacked a lot but risen in some places. Admittedly I have spent most of October alone, with the exception of a few days.
For once I can gladly say GOODBYE OCTOBER!! You weren't what I was expecting at all, personally I think you may be a little overrated.
Bring on November!!

Goodbye October

Saturday 31 October 2015

I feel as though September has been good to me, it has brought well needed change, new friendships, goals, opportunities and of course the beauty we call Autumn.
I greeted the last day of September gracefully, as Alice fell down the rabbit hole, I Lauren fell through the shortcut, it was quite the giggle.
I'm confident to say that September has made me hopeful, determine and sure that this year ahead of me in college will be a good one. The only downfall of septenevet is my found love of Chinese, so maybe October I will keep up my hard work ethic and figure a way to work just as hard on my body.
My September favourites;
- New black boots - Cute, Girlie and sensible!
- New College - A new step in my life, ready to embrace the change.
- A Writing Spark -  It seems I have found a love for this blog and writing daily.
- The season change - Misty mornings. Cuddle mood nights and beautiful Autumn days.
- Acquaintance - Since the change I'm meeting new people, talking to different people and I'm absorbing it all so well.

Goodbye September

Wednesday 30 September 2015