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 Is February the new January? I ponder as I check my goals from last month, and I have yet to make much of a dent in making them a reality. 

I did have a positive start to the new year; I've seen my best friend for dumplings, watched many new films, read a couple of books, and even made some progress on my witchy novel. I also decided that I will be publishing an e-book version of The Moon is a Lesbian once I figure out how to do that, and I need to write some more poems to add to it, too. So keep an eye out for that.

January was good to me; I had a life-changing epiphany and decided I couldn't wait for things to happen; I needed to be more proactive in getting things done. It sounds obvious, but I had let myself fall into a two-doom hole, and my sister's snap back to reality allowed me to pull myself out of that hole. So, I had the January blues, but I am better for it and have been sorting myself out. 

My January stats:

  • Films watched: 31, my top three being But I'm a Cheerleader, Last Night in Soho and Quiz Lady. I have a Letterboxed account if you fancy seeing what I watch. 
  • Books read: 3.
  • Days journaled: 16 days in total.
  • Words written (witchy novel): 2,000. Total word count so far: 13,000.
  • Meltdowns: The limit does not exist.

I am grateful for the month ahead; we are one month closer to spring. I am over Winter. I need flowers to come back, the sun to be around more and just tolerable outside temperatures. I've set some small goals for the upcoming month, such as reading 3 books, writing 10,000 words for my witchy novel, and writing a few more poems for the new version of The Moon is a Lesbian! 

This post was supposed to go live last week, but I got sick. Thankfully, after much sleep, many films, and lots of Lemsip, I'm back on my feet. I'm writing the first week of February off and starting on my goals on Monday!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend! See you next week with a poem I've been working on!

January... No February

Friday 9 February 2024


We're a little over a week into the new year, and I need to share some thoughts. I am feeling hopeful for the year ahead. I have some plans in my diary and am eager to work on myself. I thought I'd bring you on the journey with me, share my goals and objectives for the year, and just general vibes for the year going forward.

First,  I created this vision board for 2024, and all the images are not my own and are from Pinterest (my current obsession: mood board and Pinterest).

So far, I've got one solo trip booked. I'm taking myself to Rome for my 26th birthday; I decided I'd like to wake up in a different country on my birthday for the first time in my life.  I'm super excited. I've wanted to visit Rome for a long time, and since my solo trip to Croatia was great last year, it's the perfect opportunity to embark on another. 

My goals and objectives for the year ahead:

  •  Finish the first draft of my witchy book.
  • Travel more (Rome and maybe Amsterdam?)
  • Read 20 books.
  • Do more of what makes me happy.
  • Letting go of guilt for thinking about myself.
  • Laugh more. 
  • Watch one film every day!
I am excited for the year ahead, and most importantly, I am grateful for everything I have in my life. I am taking a heart full of gratitude and love for the little moments into the new year!

Hello 2024

Monday 8 January 2024

As a blog we have reached over 10000 views!!
I am so happy and excited. To think that people actually read my blog, it's fascinating. I write because I love it, and I love that I can share it here in one place. I know it is only views, and alot of people will not consider it as important but the fact that at least one person has clicked on my blog a read something makes me happy. I want to thank anyone and everyone who has stumbled across my little writing abode and took the time to read something, even if it's a poem or a monologue you have no idea how much it actually means to me! I am going to have to do something to celebrate!!


Thursday 10 November 2016

Hello May,
I am a little late in writing to you. I am welcoming you with open arms, this first week has been emotionally challenging but it's just obstacles testing my strength. You're wooshing exams my way, and my time is being heavily consumed but all that aside, I think you will be kind to me. You've brought along beautiful British weather, and I thank you and hope for you to keep it coming.
This month I aim to kick ass on the three exams I have this month, fourth is in June, and loose the right amount of weight and be happy. Happiness is my overall goal, not just for this month but every month.
I get the sense of that this month is going to be about me, I am going to be independent (if I like it or not!) and being completely selfish. I need to spend more time with myself, loving  myself and doing what is best for me.
This month, we are going to tag team and boss it!

Hello May

Saturday 7 May 2016

This weekend has by far been the best weekend for writing, I have had plenty of time on my hands so I have been typing away on my stories and what not. Let me check the word count for how much I've written so far starting from Friday, this is collectively as I have been working on different things ect.

So my word count of the weekend is; 4399! 

I am really pleased with that, plus I plan on doing some more writing throughout the day. I think next weekend (depending on work load) I will aim for six thousand words! I know it isn't a compitition, but I feel like it is a good idea to set goals and better myself to do as much writing as possible when possible! What is your weekend word count?

Word Count; 4399

Sunday 27 September 2015