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I come to you with an... update I guess. I have been dealing with writer's block lately, and Uni has been stressful so I haven't really been able to put time into my blog. Which is sad because I love my blog, being able to write whatever and share things with you guys. It is fun and quite cathartic for me.
I have recently invested in The Blogger's Companion. It is basically a blogging journal with prompts. It is fun and so useful for when I want to write but don't know what to write. I want to work on my blog this Summer, make it more active and just for me to write more! As a writer I don't write as much as I would like to, so I am hoping this little book will help with this.
I will still be posting my usual content, such a book reviews, Sims posts, my own poetry and things. This is just so I can get in the groove of writing more frequently. I am hoping to make Monday my weekly blog post day. I am crap with trying to follow a schedule but hopefully, I can stick to this one, at least see how long I can go. Also if you are also a blogger, you can order this little gem of a book online. Click the image and it will take you to the Amazon page where you can purchase it.
I have had a quick neb at the book, some of the weekly prompts look promising. Not all of them, as they don't really cater to the vibe I am trying with my blog. I am hopeful though if anything it is a bit of fun. My blog won't change much, I am just hoping to write more.
My blog has recently well this year been updated, the layout and all that jazz. Which means the follow button has moved too, I would appreciate it if you would give the blog a little follow. It would mean the world. At the top of the page is three little lines and if you click that and scroll you will see the little follow button!
What content do you as a reader want to read and see on here? As I look at my most popular posts, it seems you guys enjoy my Sims Posts, as well as little lifestyle ones. If you have any suggestions, please comment them below. I am open minded :)
The Blogger's Companion
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
Sim Alice #2 Build Mode
Friday, 13 April 2018
A person's desk can tell you a lot about them, so in game, I like to make my Sims desk reflect their personality as much as I can possibly do so. Plus it is cool the amount of desk clutter CC you can find online. I love playing around with different items. There is also a running theme with the majority of my desks, I love using the base game plumbob lamp. It is my favourite item in the game, I kind of want one in real life...
Build Mode #1 Sims 4
Monday, 2 April 2018
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
Graphic title I know. For those who don't know I am a huge Pokemom fan I have been for years. Ever since I found a gold block that fitted into my square Nintendo SP (that gold square being pokemon heart gold) and so I played that and well I had no clue what I was doing (for instance teaching a Charmander dig - I now cry about that) and since then I learned and found souls silver (forever my favourite game). I then went onto playing the DS and bought bought the games and to this day I still do. My favourite pokemon are Cyndaquil and Piplup. Along with the main games I play the myster dungeon ones. I am loving the Y and X games,especially with this year's events. Earlier this month a got Mew and next month Celebi!! Well recently I decided to go back to Pokemon Myster Dungeon Explorers of Darkness. I restarted and so I've been playing and well it is frustrating. As always through the questions I got Charmander and as always I choose Piplup as my partner (kind of regretting) and well we are so far into the game where we are in the quick sand caves. And honestly? Piplup is pissing me off. Not only are we bashing again storms (which reduces health) and fighting our way to the next staircase he always gets himself into trouble. He takes on too much, and well we were down to minimal health and the storm keeps coming. We enter a floor where the stairs are near, and oh look a sleeping pokemon. Neither of us have the health to take another beating (conicedently freshly out of Oran berries) so we sneak up but no Piplup has to throw a bubble thing at it and guess what he misses so it attacks him and he dies and we are beamed off. It's annoying because this isn't even a one time thing, I'm always the one taking a beating and he's just a prick really. I've taken a step back because quite frankly I want to punch piplup. I adore the games and he is a helpful partner but by god he's always the one getting killed and taking the team down...
So yeah I had to rant somewhere about the myster dungeon frustration. I sometimes wish it would let me carry on without him, like we would get further or better yet I wish Piplup had some common sense!
Pulperising Piplup
Monday, 15 February 2016
Welcome to my bookish ramblings and creative writing.
Blog Contents:
- Book Reviews
- Book Tags
- Bookish Discussions
- Creative Writing
- Life Updates