Yesterday was A - level results day, I got my AS results (again) and this year I did very well compared to last year. I believe this resit has worked on very well. There is work I can do to them, but the future looks bright. Happiness was all around, my friends were happy with their results, for once I didn't compare because I felt good too. It was a lovely feeling, plus I caught a Wartotle which is always a bonus. I celebrated results with Jane at lunch, it was delightful.
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Dear my older self,
So you're reading this. That's good, are the memories coming back? Of you, sitting in your bedroom typing away on your dad's laptop. Wondering what was going through your sixteen year old self's mind, well you've made it. You survived being a teenager, be happy. You've came this far what is there left to stress about?
I hope you're different from me, I hope you have stopped caring about what people think. I hope you've gotten over the worries. Stopped OVER THINKING EVERYTHING? Probably not. I hope you're happy. Most importantly I pray you haven't given up on writting? I think you should have a read at your old stuff, see the difference, pick up a pen and develop those ideas.
I bet you haven't thought about your old friends in a while, pick up the phone and give them a text will you? Whatever bad stuff has happened get over it, life's too short to dwell and be negative, even you should know that.
Why don't you take a trip down memory lane, log into your old twitter see what you used to be, see what you were. Remember the fan-girl life, idolize Justin. Catch up with the girls, have fun. The main point of this is to see if you're happy, see if I'm happy.
That's all you've ever cared about really, just remember if you're happy then you must be doing something right. I hope you smile more than you did, smiling is good always good. I can't imagine myself in ten years, all I can do is hope I will be a good person, a person who better than myself right now, I want to have achieved something, what am I like? What are you like?
Have you published your first book? Have you finally got over my lack of self belief? I hope you've moved from the hometown? Are you finally in Newyork living in an apartment and writing almost every day? I hope you see the family a lot, have you treat mom and dad to a holiday to show appreciation?
There is so much I could say to you but I just can't put the words together...
If you haven't done anything with your life, get your ass up now and get something done, you weren't born to be a failure, you were to make something of yourself.
Don't dwell on your past either, what has happened trust me your younger self; me will deal with it. You're stronger than you think. What has happened has happened, you can't change that and I can't change that, we both have to move on.
I feel crazy, does this count as talking to myself?
We're a thousand miles from comfort, we have travelled land and sea. But aslong as you are with me, there's no place I'd rather be!
I hope that you've made something of yourself. Remember we are the same person but we are different, you're not like you used to be, don't doubt yourself. You're a much better person, you don't care what people think, you're happy and everything happens for a reason.
I don't know what I can say to you, a part from wishing I was you, ten years older than I am. I want to see if I did everything I wanted to do, but now I see the only way to do that is to take action now. What I do now effects my future.
This letter could jibberish, you might not even read this but it's here and in the back of your mind you know it. Don't forget Wattpad, ever! It was the start of your serious writing, it's your haven.
Be yourself, people love you. Don't stress because that never does any good!
It's hard because I can only hope for what you would be like, I only wish. I don't know. I hope for you to be happy and just a good person, I want you to be proud of yourself, like I am proud of you.
I've been through a lot, as a sixteen year old, and we survived and I know that being a teenager is hard but what I forgot to do was have fun and be happy, I don't want that for you. You may become second best in situations but never become second best to yourself. I've learnt I am my own worst enemy but I've accepted that I am your best friend.
Thing go wrong, but life moves on. Face your problems don't avoid them, be a good person. Please keep writing and be caring and love everyone.
Food is cooking, and you know how much we love food so see you around :) I can't wait to be you!
Yours sincerely, me your sixteen year old self!
26 Year Old Me
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
Dear me,
I hate you, I hate you for so many reasons but I love you.
You cause such pain, emotional and physical. You're the worst person I know. You do nothing but judge me and point out my flaws, is there any need? I know what I'm like so why point it out every second you can.
You make me unhappy, you should smile more then maybe I will smile more.
You need to chill, stop worrying everything will be alright. Stop overthinking everything, seriously everything isn't as bad as you think and another thing stop over thinking, like bitch you're creating problems that weren't even there in the first place!
Yes you have problems, but so does everyone, stop thinking about your flaws no one cares, those around you love you for you, I tell you this but you don't believe me, you don't believe yourself.
Problems, you think of them all the time, it only messes with your feelings. Just think you haven't got all the problems in the world, you need to suck it up talk to someone and think of how lucky you really are! You are ungrateful, you take things for granted, you have amazing family and friends, and you need to concentrate on what makes you happy and what you love the most.
You fall for people you shouldn't, you've been standing in the background of a guys life for five years, five years of tears and being emotional, let go he loves her and you're not relevant to him. Move on, you will feel better once you do, I promise.
For the guy who got away, girl if you mattered to him he would have done something to prove it, you missed that chance? Girl be proud you stood by a rule; Chicks before dicks. You have to realise friends and family are more important.
Life is filled with negatives, but they aren't important you need to concentrate on the positive. Chill don't let shit get to you as easily, talk to friends about it, they really care.
Yes I push the negatives in your face like everybody else, but I do it because I love you. You're body fights the disease, they heal your wounds and keep your heart beating, you should love your body not hate it.
You're your own worst enemy, I am me, you're awkward, you have dreams you can fulfill them you have to stop fussing over little things because there is so much more you can be doing.
Stop hating you. Love yourself, love your body you are you, don't change a thing you can't change who you are, don't change instead embrace!
Sometimes life feels like hell, but trust me it could get be worse, after a storm there is sunshine, stay strong you, believe and dream big!
You need to love me, you're stuck with me forever, you need to learn to live with me happily.
I think you should really take your own advice, it may make everything easier.
Love from me, if I could be someone but be me giving a letter to myself of advice and tips this is it.
P.S Also never give up your passion for writing and food they're life!
I am the person I love and hate.
A Letter To Myself
Monday, 10 August 2015
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