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Hello, back this week with a post about none other than the Nintendo Switch game Animal Crossing New Horizons. This game was released back in March 2020, 3 days before lockdown to be precise. I was gifted the game for my birthday from my parents on March 23rd, weirdly the first day of lockdown, and to be honest I didn’t know at the time how helpful the game would be for my mental health during the lockdown.  It may sound a little dumb but it helped me, it gave me something to put my time and attention into. I played that game every single day of lockdown, until I had to work again. Admittedly I didn’t play as much between that time and now. I’ve rekindled back into the game with the winter season and falling in love with it all over again. 

As my little character roams over Flo (my island) I see the snow falling on all my creations. In lockdown I wasn’t able to visit my favourite places like bookshops or cafes so I reinvented those into my game. My bookish area is my favourite thing on my island:

I started off with this library at first, still my favourite area on Island Flo. My villagers never really use it or care for it but like any other Animal Crossing player and/or creator we create this things for ourselves more than anything else. I decided to get creative with tiki bars and camping corners. Needless to say, I have spent many hours on the game.

I love creating  reading nooks around my island, a little book world of my own. I think the thing I love the most about my island is I’ve made so other people can visit, I had friends visit me virtually and we tour each other’s creations. I created my own Starbucks, a personal favourite of many of my visitors. I liked that game allowed me to be creative because truth be told I didn’t do a lot of writing but was able to be creative through the game. Lockdown was mentally draining but without this came I fear it would have been even more so. Below my little cage:

I have to say the best thing I have ever created (as is very on brand for me) is my Shrek area. I tried to hard to recreate one of my favourite films. It’s not exact but you can see the vibe I was going for. I think Hippeux is the only villager with his own special area:

Is there a game you’ve been playing that has helped you through this year?

A quick screenshot of seeing the New Year through on the game! Happy new year! Nintendo has kept up thoroughly entertained with countdown day, toy day, fishing tournaments and bug catching tournaments. If you wish to visit my island via dream code here it is: DA-4598-3101-8015.

Island Flo - My Bookish Island

Monday 4 January 2021

Today is the day the girls and I travelled from our hometown (Newcastle) to Leeds. W've been planning this trip for a couple month, this trip being a chance for us all to have fun and let loose from college life and our daily norms. Also this time round we have two more people with (unlike the Edinburgh trip in August) Corren and Aiehsa. Today we have had the best time, non stop eating, getting ready going for a meal, having drinks ordering takeout, doing the cha cha slide in our hote room. We our having a blast, and below our some of the many pictures we've taken.


Thursday 22 December 2016

There is a vibe in the air
tell me you're feeling this  as well?
I have work; I couldn't care
it's tonight I am living for
I tell you I swear!

The magic of confidence
the dancing and shaking
tonight I am ready to lose consciousness
I'm excited, can you not tell?
if you're not smiling; start faking.

Get ready and dance on the floor
leave your worries at the door
dance with the girls
feel your fabulous friday whirls!

Fabulous Friday

Friday 25 November 2016

Friday? Cool
Unload the week's troubles
Nap the whole weekend


Monday 3 October 2016

As my blog has previously become aware, I am a Tinder user, and it's not a secret I have the the worst luck. By worst luck I mean I  attract all the wrong people, like fuck boys, weirdos and guys who just want sex. I'm not even sure why I attract such people, my profile isn't sexualised in anyway, not even any of my pictures who cleavage, which truth be told I don't have much of that to begin with.  Over time I've accumulated some advice or things to look out for whilst on Tinder. I suppose this could help your experience (if you're unlucky enough to be in a similar situation as myself).  So I'll be giving advice on what will make your Tinder better or guess it what I look for when I'm swiping I guess.
1) I'm probably judging you on your selfie skills, there is nothing worse  than person who can't take a good selfie. I'm not asking you to model photo shoots but please pick better angling, seeing a low photo pointing  up showing your underchin will not help you at all. Maybe this is on me, because I'm slightly self obsessed I love taking selfies and I've mastered the angles and things over time. This is also important because people love taking photos with their partners it's adorable and potentially I need to know you're down for that.
2) Bio - there are three pieces advice I have for this.  First being, read the persons bio you're swiping right to, especially before talking to them. A lot of people put their intentions or what they're essentially looking for in their bio, this you can play to, read what they want and see if it's what you want. Do not ignore what they're bio says, so my bio for instance states clearly I'm not looking for one night stands yet guys still swipe right and ask me if I want 'fun' this is ignorant and hell of annoying even if he was actually was adorable and had a puppy in his picture with him. Second advice, be honest with what you say, include some hobbies. Sometimes if conversations get dry bios are the biggest help, seeing what a person likes allows room for conversation and something to talk about if you don't know what to say. Plus it shows you're paying attention and taking and interest in them.  Third piece of advice on the bio situation, try and be unique, I swear the whole of Tinder is travelling the world or is a Chef. Really? Cool what makes you different from the last 5 cooking travellers I just swiped left on?
3) dry talk- I understand first conversations can be awkward but you could at least try and engage in conversation instead of throwing out the 'hey you okay?' Or 'what's up' those essentially aren't going to get you very far. This could easily link with the bio, the bio helps you! Start a conversation differently, recently I've had experience of guys starting with gifs yeah it's odd but it's amusing and different. Chat up  lines, people usually tell you to stay away from them but I personally love them, not because they work (because they don't) but just how they're so bad and hilarious, I love laughing so those amuse me dearly.
That's all for today, I'll see you soon and maybe in the future you'll get some more Tinder disasters from me, it seems they're never ending!

Tinder Advice

Monday 19 September 2016

Day of arrival

Trip to Edinburgh

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Every year about this time The Hoppings fun fair comes around,  usually I'm all for it and excited but this year I just wasn't feeling it. I ended up going along with my sister,  brother and niece. And even though I didn't go on any rides I had the time of my life, watching my niece having a blast! She loved the little rides and it was delightful witnessing her having such fun. I took some pictures and I'm excited to show them on my blog, if you don't follow my Instagram (writingmyheart) you may not know that recently I've been in love with taking pictures, from coffee to food, to places and people, I simply love it. Here are some of the pictures from the hopping;

The Hoppings

Friday 24 June 2016

After months of being a hermit I'm heading out tonight, bowling with the ladies and drinks. It got me thinking of course,  we have certain measures to take like wearing heels (that make our feet ache) and wearing a push up bra (which grips your sides and you can't breathe) the make up preparations just to look almost flawless for the many selfies to come. Then there's the actual saving the money for the night out, not lavishing out beforehand and skipping lunches. Only for at the end of the night to be a mess in your knickers in your best friends bed. I personally think the getting ready part is exciting, watching myself transform from a 2 to a strong 8. And then when you're with the girls it's like you haven't been a part at all, and the laughter rolls off your tongues. Memories are important and creating them is the best part. We do a lot of preparation to have fun, when essentially you could be in in jeans and tshirts and still have the same amount of fun. I believe it's all about the glamour making ourselves look the best we can. Plus I mean the glamour does help when you're trying to look older...

Girls' Night Out

Friday 5 February 2016

Just a little talk about having a blog, the reason I have a blog and why/how it helps me.
  First of all, it is productive. As a writer its important that you write as daily as possible, and I find that since starting a blog I am certainly writing a lot more. Even if it isn't a creative piece, sometimes it is good to just write whatever comes to mind, then at least I am filling my daily writing quota. It may be a load of junk one day and a heart felt piece the next, either way I am writing and hopefully becoming better at it.
  Portfolio? I have found that having a blog is a really good place to display your work, it is good to have all your things in one place instead of searching through hundreds of different documents or diaries. Having a blog you can post all the work you're proud of. You are creating a portfolio almost, so in the future if you're ever asked about your work you can direct them to your blog instead of sending them tones of links, emails and what not. 
 It's fun. I genuinely look forward to updating my blog, it's good to share whatever I have. It also makes me feel proud in a way, even if no one reads it I know it's there and I can easily go and reflect on what I've written and in time I will see the improvement in myself. Plus I reckon in a couple of years times it will be quite amusing and sentimental to look back on.
  I highly recommend everyone to start a blog, even if you're not a writer. You can display endless amounts of content on here,if it be your a photographer or I don't know a full time fan girl, you can write or post about whatever you please, it really is a good feeling have a blog. 


Saturday 26 September 2015

Inside Out (2015) Poster
Movie Picture - I don't own this image
The moment I first saw the trailer I was dying to watch this, my inner child begged me! So I gave in and wow.


After young Riley is uprooted from her Midwest life and moved to San Francisco, her emotions - Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness - conflict on how best to navigate a new city, house, and school.


  (story),  (story) (as Ronnie del Carmen) ,

It was so good. Faultless to say at the least. Watching the journey of emotions was quite the visual adventure! I have to say that it made me cry, yeah I sob a lot!

It was really good to watch, fun and educational. Being seventeen years old I can say that it doesn't matter what age you will love it! It was a good movie, not what I was expecting. It's quite deep if you think about it, certain aspects really open your eyes and you really get thinking about certain emotions and different stages you go through.

I recommend the movie as always, plus I hope there is another one!!

Inside Out (Movie Review)

Monday 13 July 2015

Friday - After watching the hilarious Pitch Perfect 2
Saturday - Shopping
I have had the most incredible weekend! My best friend from Manchester came up to Newcastle, and the past three days have been the best days I have had in a long time. It was so good to see her after months. It was
Sunday - Kaspars 
fun, hilarious and a completely girly weekend. I feel like words cannot really describe how great it has been so maybe the pictures will do the talking!
Oreo Sundae - NOM
Saturday Primark
Red Berry - Starbucks is a must when shopping
I went out three days in a row, this is rare I usually go out with friends once every few months or something, yeah I'm not a huge fan of going out, this weekend was the perfect exception.

Buys things from New Look takes picture in Primark

The Best Weekend - Ever!!

Monday 1 June 2015