Showing posts with label friendship. Show all posts
I bid you farewell a day early, tomorrow I have a different kind of blog post planned, something I think is very importany, but you will have to wait till tomorrow to read it.

A festive month you have been, filled with fun, friends and family. Thank you Decemeber for being as wonderful as I hoped you would be. Granted you have thrown a few grey areas at me but nothing too damaging, and even those I am thankful for.

This month you have taught me forgiveness, and to let things go instead of allowing them to fill my thoughts, you've taught me to love, love whole heartedly and enjoy the little moments. I will never forget all you've given me this month. I feel confident about January, thank you for being good to me.

Goodbye December

Friday 30 December 2016

Last day, ready to be on the coach for a couple hours. I think a night was enough, any longer and it would have been too much. It was possibly the last trip we will have before we all separate for University. It was short and sweet and we will be in home for Christmas.

Leeds 2.0

Friday 23 December 2016

You never really grow up, I realised this today. Sure bills happen and even more responsibility but you're still young at heart. I realised this as I sat with one of my close friends dancing and miming along to a playlist I created. A playlist that contains tracks from childhood Disney films; Camp Rock, High School Musical, Starstruck and the programme Hannah Montana. As eighteen year olds this is probably not normal, but we've been doing this on a daily basis, allowing our young selves to recite lyrics and jamming to the songs we once swore were our lives. It's those moments that make me feel alive and filled with pure happiness. I'm listening to this playlist as I type away, this playlist has become my guilty pleasure, my go to instant happiness. Do you have your go to pick me up?

Pick me up

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Life is too short to stay sour, sure bad things happen and friendships end. Memories fade and things get forgotten, but what about the things you do remember? The good times you had, the stupid moments no one else will understand just you and that one friend. The way I see it, you can try and forget all the years between you two or you can drop a message and try to rekindle. Life is too short to try and burn bridges, be thankful they happened and then together reminsce. Even if you both are busy, what harm can a few texts do? If there is someone who came to mind whilst you read this, please give them a message. Not for me, but for you. Don't let a good thing go to waste, plus no one knows you like a best friend does.


Monday 28 November 2016

Another college has been survived. Naturally, the girls and I decided to go out. We decided upon a meal and the cinema. The meal we had Spoons in the gate, it was incredible and my first time. I ordered some kind of burger, its name escapes me and I drank a large pitcher of Sex on the beach. It seems alcohol has become my every outing things, probably not the best idea but thankfully no disasters occurred this time. Collectively we decided to go see The Girl On The Train, and what a film. I hadn't read the book beforehand so all the plot twists blew my mind, so many unexpected turns and I was practically sitting on the edge of my seat. It was a good timeout.

Girl On The Train

Friday 14 October 2016

Today is one of my best friend's birthday, Lou. Finally eighteen. She is gold, so funny and I am glad that we became friends last year, probably the only good thing tutor ever brought me; real good friends. We've had some good times so far, Edinburgh, weekly Bubble Cha during our only free, and many more to come.

Due to Lou's birthday being today, that didn't leave room to do much celebrating together as a friendship group due to sixth form tomorrow. So we celebrated together last night,

We went for a gorgeous meal on the Quayside (Check my Instagram for pictures) it was hilarious. I got absolutely drunk on this incredible drink called the Mad Hatter. It is for six people but I drank the majority of it, oh what goodness it was. Naturally, drunk Lauren got a slight bit disastourous. Fawz arranged a candle in Lou's dessert where we all got to sing to her. By this point, I drank the majority of the hat and as we were singing (out of tune) I sang the birthday song to Fawz, I was looking at Lou but well drunk Lauren doesn't think. Naturally, we were all howling, and Lou thought it was the best part of the night. I am forever making a tool of myself. Some other stuff happened which was super embarrassing but I'll leave that for another time.

After the meal we went back to Lou's where we drank further, played Cards Against Humanity and eat the best cake of my life. It was such a brilliant night, it was the most fun I have had in a long time.  Thank you Lou <3

Mad Hatter

Sunday 9 October 2016

Pride 2016

Sunday 17 July 2016

Today I met up with my two friends Demi and Jordan. We met up, went to townhouse chatted plenty and later went to Bubble Cha to chat more. It was a good day, I hadn't Demi in well over a month. I hadn't seen Jordan since before Christmas. So, food drinks and chats were well needed! I like to think I looked good today, I felt confident at least. However I feel as though I have done enough socialising this week for a good week or so. It lovely seeing people but I'm not used to being so busy, it is nice to be in the flurry of life and not think everything over too much alone. But I do enjoy being in my bedroom and playing Sims too much. I think this weekend I might possibly go shopping though, I feel the need to buy some new jeans! On Monday things get serious, I am going to begin revising. Exams are coming up and I refuse to fail! So this has been my Friday and I plan on spending the rest of it with my earphones in shutting the world out and playing the Sims!


Friday 25 March 2016

We weren't even together. We weren't in a "relationship". We just happened to cross paths and spend a lot of time together, time we didn't really have a choice about. Times where I looked into your green eyes, and stared at your glossed lips. Why does it hurt? To know what ever the heck you said was temporary. Why when I was getting used to your smile it begin to fade into a frown, and soon enough fade away all together. Until now, where I'm sitting in my thoughts of your long hair, pretty eyes and your curves. Your god damn curves. The way you would set off butterflies I never knew existed, the way you got me thinking about things I didn't think was possible. I let you build up my confidence and see more in myself,  and now what? Does it just all go away? I couldn't even call you mine, and I still can't.  Maybe it was fantasised in my head, maybe the long talks were just wishful thinking on my behalf. Boys have broke my heart but you? A fellow woman I didn't think it were possible. I was wrong, so damn wrong.  Turns out the same sex can do just as much damage. I can't even say it's the break up that's got me feeling, because we were never together to be a part. It's so dumb, and I don't think I will ever understand.

We Weren't Together

Saturday 5 March 2016

Do you ever hear something, or be told something and it ruins you? It confirms a suspicion and breaks your heart into pieces. You can barely breathe as if the very life has been sucked out of you. You run to escape and it's almost like your legs have given up on you. You fight back the tears even though there's no reason left to fight. You become weak, and the walls you built have smashed right before your eyes. You've got to act like you're okay but you're anything but. You're shaking and every word you type you have to correct, it's like the love inside of you has been pushed out of you. The person you devoted yourself to dotes on someone else. It's heartbreak when it happens once, but it's like home when it continues to happen. A familiar lonely home that you're more than used to, the closer you get to home the numbing begins and it usually stays...

Heartbreak Home

Saturday 30 January 2016

Bubble Cha

Saturday 7 November 2015

Monday has inched its way upon us. I'm usually quite welcoming of Monday but I guess this week not so much. I had to wake up extra early today so that is taking its toll on me. At the moment I feel tired, slightly hungry (I skipped breakfast oops) and well damn right not myself. Of course I won't allow this to effect my day and the effort I put into college. It seems I only have one week until half term, so that means I can recharge, and even do some writing.
I've been doing some self reflection (I have been doing this a lot lately) and I'm starting to see that perhaps most of my relationships (friendships) are one sided, I feel as though perhaps I am the only one giving, the only trying to maintain the relationship. I'm the one compromising, and where does it leave me? Sitting alone outside of a room on the third floor, if that isn't lonesome then I don't know what is. That aside, I do value all my relationships (again friendships) I like the people I talk to. I share particular things with each person and that's what our foundations are based upon.
I'm just wondering is it possible to become my own best friend? I strongly believe the only person you 100% depend on (even if you don't want to) is yourself. I'm in no hurry to end any friendships, but I'm also not going to brush this concerns under the carpet either.
I need to reevaluate situations, and alter things so I can (selfishly) get the most out of things. Do you want to know what my problem is? I expect too much, but what is too much about expecting the same kind of gratitude back for what I give. Surely that deserves something?

Monday Moods

Monday 19 October 2015

After much recommendation from a close friend of mine, I finally decided to watch GBF (Gay Best Friend) I usually avoid the whole high school teen thing, but nonetheless I got past that and clicked play.
G.B.F. (2013) Poster

Imdb details;
What happens after Tanner is outed by his classmates and becomes the title "gay best friend" for three high school queen bees?





So I watched it and unexpectedly I fell in love with it from the very beginning, it is funny sassy and well it is good to say I already have my gay best friend ;)

I loved the casting, it was pretty spot on. Also the storyline, it was interesting and the whole coming out thing is revolutionary. There really isn't that many movies that surround the gay community and the struggles they may face, so it was good to see that shown in a movie.

I loved it all, there wasn't a part that I disliked. GBF quite possibly may have been moved into my favourites! I recommend 

GBF (Movie Review)

Wednesday 15 July 2015