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As Autumn knocks on the door, I reflect on the Summer. It has been an eventful one. I met my good friend Meg in June in York, a quaint and beautiful town. Before her train arrived, I had the most blissful breakfast, drinking coffee and writing by the river. 

York was filled with inspiration and some excellent coffee spots. Once I had breakfast, I had such a lovely walk through the museum gardens. There was this special moment when a young girl was hand-feeding a group of squirrels. They weren't afraid of her, and she was so kind to them. It felt like a moment from a Disney film. I sat in awe, and it was one of those moments where you really appreciate life's beauties. 

Once I met with Meg, we explored the wonderful town. York has many interesting shops, the sun was at its best, and we visited a few cute spots. It was nice to be reunited and see somewhere we had never visited. We had these fantastic treats from a nice little place called Bao in the shambles. 

We were also grateful for the seating areas anyone can pull up at; York is one of those chilled places. There were many people, but it's no surprise it was busy, especially considering how cute the place is. 

We also visited this really cool ghost shop, The York Ghost Merchants. The staff dressed up; it felt theatrical and was just good fun. Naturally, we had to purchase some ghosts to take home:

York is genuinely a joy to visit, perfect for a day trip. Around every corner, there was inspiration. Although I didn't plan to write (even though I carry my notebook everywhere), I did feel inspired and did some really good writing. I could see myself visiting again if I'm ever short of inspiration.

A Day in York

Saturday 14 September 2024


I don't know about you but most of my friend's birthdays are near the mid to end of the year, so this is the time I start thinking about gifts and things they perhaps would like as well as something meaningful. Quite a few people in my friend group are booklovers, they are some of my favourite types of people to buy for! I thought whilst I am currently looking for their gifts I would write a post for you guys: 6 Tips for Buying Gifts for Your Bookworm Friends.

1) Your favourite book - I know this sounds a little odd but I personally love reading my friend's favourite book, not only does it make me feel closer to them but I believe it gives me more of an insight into their personality. It also gives me a chance to see what we both had taken from the book, did we like different parts, which character did we both relate to? I think it's a beautiful idea to get to know someone better. 

2) Informed Book Purchase - have you seen the types of books your friend likes? Go hunting for something that they perhaps haven't read before, or if you have been out shopping with them did you notice they picked up a book that they seemed interested in but didn't buy? Maybe go back and purchase it. I have received a few books that my friends have noticed me looking at, and not only did I feel incredibly grateful and lucky but also amazed that they paid attention to what I was doing, it really meant a lot. Another way to approach this may be your book-loving friend has an amazon wishlist? That is always a good place to look for when searching for a book to buy them.

3) Book Merchandise - Do you know their favourite book? You could find gifts relating to their favourite book or character. Places like Etsy and Redbubble are amazing for finding bookish things such as badges, stickers, mugs, posters and the list go on. You will more than likely be supporting a small business along the way.

4) Gift Card - Sometimes it can be hard buying for your book lover friend, they have that many books and their TBR list is piled high maybe you're unsure of which book to pick. You could get them a gift card for Waterstones or other bookshops, then this way they can pick the books they want. They will appreciate being given the option. I know sometimes gift cards can come across as impersonal or not thoughtful so why don't you team this up with a little book date? Take your book lover for a coffee and hunt for a new book together. 

5) Book Box Subscription - I have shared a few of these on my blog in the past but you can get a subscription or a one-off box of a book box. Usually, you get a book based on the theme with quite a few bookish goodies alongside it. It's fun and your book lover friend may continue buying them. You get all sorts of bookish goodies!

6) Write for them - This option is one of my favourites, it is a little more time consuming but as a writer it is fun for both me and the friend. You don't have to spend loads in fact this option is little to no cost. Is there a book or chapter your book lover likes or feels strongly about? Rewrite it, make it more suited for them or extend the ending to their favourite book. You could go as far as writing your friend into a scene, sort of like fanfiction but more personal to your friend. This is creative and plus which bookworm hasn't imagined themselves into their favourite novel? 

No matter what you decide to buy your book lover friend I am sure they will appreciate it, all the same, after all it really is the thought that counts. My heart melts when anyone remembers my birthday, and I am sure they will be pleased you thought of them. Next week I have a post about my new job! Is there something that you think should be added? Please let me know in the comments!

6 Tips for Buying Gifts for Your Bookworm Friends

Friday 16 July 2021

I have returned back up North! Last week I left Brighton to go home for Christmas, and I could not be happier. I love University, and my flatmates are the most incredible people but boy, have I missed home! After being away for three months there was no better feeling than cuddling (and sobbing ) my dear mother. Nothing beats a hug from your mam.

Naturally, in order to get to Newcastle, I had to travel to London first. The little part I got to see is beautiful at Christmas, very different from what I saw three months ago upon my arrival. It was very festive, which made me even eager to be home with my family. Three trains later I arrived in Newcastle.

The first two trains were somewhat unpleasant, just busy. It was quite soothing the train from Kingscross, the sound of other geordies picked up my mood.

I love my flatmates but it can be quite overpowering being surrounded by southerners all the time. Especially since they cannot understand me half the time. Whilst being at Brighton there has been quite a few communication issues, here a couple.

1) During freshers, a drunk time for many, I offered a flatmate a can of Dark Fruits, in which I got the response 'why would he want dog food?' - funny but frustrating.

2) I had a job interview, you know how it is with money when you're a student, even if you're not it's that time of year. So my potential employer asks me the usual questions and one being 'what do you do for hobbies' my response being my usual one, I like to write and read- I've had a poem published. He looked at me horrified and responded 'what, you've published porn??' not only was I howling but we were both embarrassed. Once I corrected him, we had a bit banter about it. But,it would be my luck for porn to come up in an interview.

I have been home just a little over a week, my first proper day back I went out to explore. Granted, this wasn't on purpose. I came home from Uni early due to an orthodontics appointment which I had on my phone for half 10 the next morning. I was wrong, it wasn't until half 3 but I didn't find this out until I was already in town.  Going down Brighton definitely has made me appreciate my hometown more, I am embracing my inner commoner. I walked down streets with ease, which in all honesty I haven't done in Brighton yet- mainly because I still have to use Google Maps to get everywhere. With Newcastle it is home, I know it like the back of my hand. No maps needed, no worry just home.

I love Newcastle at Christmas. The stalls are up near monument, foods from different continents fill the air and the busy vibes just make you feel home. Plus, the Christmas shop opens. The shop that pretty much stays closed all year and then when December hits it's the most festive sight ever.

I loved being reunited with my family, my niece especially.  She hugged me so tight and I cried tears of happiness. I hate to be smushy but before Uni we hadn't really been apart since she was born. So, three months was difficult- I was unbelievably homesick but I managed. I love being able to take her to nursery again, putting her to bed and her distracting me with loads of little stories to escape falling asleep. I am back at work, it feels good to be back. I was worried  I had forgotten how to do bets but I had no worries. I am enjoying the familiarity.

I have to say, I do miss my flatmates. In Brighton they are my family, I'm lucky to have that dynamic. I am so close to the girls it is comforting. University is already altering me, my social life as well as the growth of knowledge. My wardrobe has had some changes too- I didn't know what a bralette was before, now I own quite a few! University is an amazing experience, weird but amazing. It is hard, no doubt about that- the workload as well as moving away from home. But, the hardest part is over.

Reunited with my doubled bed- single is shit! 

Home for Christmas

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Hello loyal readers!

Firstly, I will begin to say that I apologize for being awol this month. It is exam season, and well life threw me a curveball this month in my personal life. But, I am back in the frame of mind of writing again. This month has perhaps been one of the most difficult in my life so far, but I plowed through focusing on my exams and nothing else. My last exam was yesterday, and it was such a relief to have finally finished A Levels after 3 long years. The pressure to not fuck up has been real, I am not sure how results day will go, some of my exams were tough, but I know not to dwell on them right now. I did my best and it's all out of my hands right now.

To celebrate finishing A Levels with my friends, after my exam we decided to get drunk. Pitchers at the ready of course. It was a nice end to three years.

I want to talk about how it took me three years to finish A-Levels, I am aware it took my longer than a lot of my peers but it was important it took me three years. This time last year I was finishing AS for the second time round, and I've been thinking about my state of mind then compared to now. If I hadn't of messed up my first year and had gone to Uni last September, I honestly do not think I would have been ready. I was still worried on where I wanted to go in life, whereas now? I feel more steady, and I know I want to do English and going into the publishing industry. It took me the last year or so to discover myself, I know what I want and where I want to go. I have learned a lot about myself due to taking that extra year to complete A Levels. I am glad I messed up my first year, I would not be the person I am today without it.

I  want to say that. it is okay to fuck up. We all do it, you just have to learn from your mistakes and try again. It might take you longer to get to the place you want to be, you friends may even be ahead of you, but that is okay. You are doing this for yourself, and no one else.  Do it at your own pace, and just keep going, you will get exactly where you are meant to be, even if like myself it takes an extra year. You have got this.

I started my first day of summer with a good eleven and a half hours sleep, it was perfect not having to wake up for an alarm. I am quite optimistic about this Summer. The Summer before university. So far I have a gig planned, a cinema screening of a friend's film, a party to go to, pride, holiday to Spain and my best friend from Manchester is visiting so no doubt we will be up to many adventures. Those are the set in stone plans, no doubt there will be many more spontaneous plans on the cards. I also plan on writing a book, or begin to, this Summer. I am continuing a piece I did for my English Coursework, it is historic fiction, I will do a post on it with more detail another time!

Expect more summer posts. for example, I am shopping for holiday clothes this week so I may do a little holiday haul for you!

Summer Begins

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Today is the day the girls and I travelled from our hometown (Newcastle) to Leeds. W've been planning this trip for a couple month, this trip being a chance for us all to have fun and let loose from college life and our daily norms. Also this time round we have two more people with (unlike the Edinburgh trip in August) Corren and Aiehsa. Today we have had the best time, non stop eating, getting ready going for a meal, having drinks ordering takeout, doing the cha cha slide in our hote room. We our having a blast, and below our some of the many pictures we've taken.


Thursday 22 December 2016

Things happen and people change. We cannot control everything in our lives, even we try so damn hard. Things happen and people change. We can only control what we ourselves do, how other people react and act we have no say in that matter. Things happen and people change. People will leave you life, and you will leave theirs, and even if you try to hold on to them, upkeep a relationship sometimes it just doesn't go to plan. People change and things happen. Despite not being in contact with the people you drift from, the people who once knew everything about you and now appear to be strangers, you don't have to throw you memories with them aside.  Things happen and people change. The memories don't change, the feelings and pure joy you felt with those people don't just disappear, you don't have to be rude or hate them. People change and things happen. You can still be happy for them; and have that some old platonic love for them, even if they aren't a part of your everyday life anymore. Things happen and we all go through change.

things happen and people change

Sunday 30 October 2016

Today is one of my best friend's birthday, Lou. Finally eighteen. She is gold, so funny and I am glad that we became friends last year, probably the only good thing tutor ever brought me; real good friends. We've had some good times so far, Edinburgh, weekly Bubble Cha during our only free, and many more to come.

Due to Lou's birthday being today, that didn't leave room to do much celebrating together as a friendship group due to sixth form tomorrow. So we celebrated together last night,

We went for a gorgeous meal on the Quayside (Check my Instagram for pictures) it was hilarious. I got absolutely drunk on this incredible drink called the Mad Hatter. It is for six people but I drank the majority of it, oh what goodness it was. Naturally, drunk Lauren got a slight bit disastourous. Fawz arranged a candle in Lou's dessert where we all got to sing to her. By this point, I drank the majority of the hat and as we were singing (out of tune) I sang the birthday song to Fawz, I was looking at Lou but well drunk Lauren doesn't think. Naturally, we were all howling, and Lou thought it was the best part of the night. I am forever making a tool of myself. Some other stuff happened which was super embarrassing but I'll leave that for another time.

After the meal we went back to Lou's where we drank further, played Cards Against Humanity and eat the best cake of my life. It was such a brilliant night, it was the most fun I have had in a long time.  Thank you Lou <3

Mad Hatter

Sunday 9 October 2016

Some from yesterday/last night and also last day

Overnight in Edinburgh

Thursday 25 August 2016

Day of arrival

Trip to Edinburgh

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 7 August 2016

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 24 July 2016

Pride 2016

Sunday 17 July 2016

Tonight I am meeting up with the girls for a reunion, we are going for drinks and what not so obviously with that comes preparation. For instance last night washing my hair plaiting it ready to take out in twenty minutes for huge hair and more prominent curls than my natural. I have eaten already, something healthy and not too heavy on the stomach. Checked my essentials to bring, and now I am sat on my bed in a towel just finished from a lovely hot bath ready to get clothes and what not. We are only going to a pub so I'm going to dress casual yet still try to look pretty good. However in order to currently feel excited right now I had to pass through the day's moodiness, sadness, the wanting to back out stage and the frustrated phase, which on any day I go out even if its for coffee these emotions are practically part of my routine. I did all the body stuff, like bubbles shaving and making myself feel the best I possibly can. Truth be told sure I am looking forward to seeing the girls, but this will be my first proper legal night out and I am excited, wait no thrilled to drink all of my senses away. I have sleeping arrangments, due to living far from town I will staying at my sister's so I will be less likely to fall asleep on the way home. Just about to start getting clothes on, I will post tomorrow and share all the details, hope you all have a good night!

Preparation Night Out

Friday 8 July 2016

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 26 June 2016

Silly selfies with Demi
I planned out a cute outfit for today, but due to cold weather it got slightly altered, which in turned out for the best. I will show the outfit on Sunday's post, and give information and what not! I first when shopping with my mother, little brother, big sister and my lovely little niece. It was a fun few hours, and then with my sister and niece and went back to their house. Where I played with Kara, she practically forced me into letting her do my makeup, by makeup I mean bright pink lipstick being put everywhere but my lips!
 I then I met up with one of my friends, Demi. We hadn't seen each other in a while so we went to hers where she beautiful did my makeup, we went for Bubble Cha and had some good laughs. It was good to have such an amazing catch-up, it was short though but sweet. We are going out soon again, a couple hours simply isn't enough time for best friends to have a proper catch-up. It was so lovely to see Demi after so long, she is doing well with college and she has so much more confidence with herself. Damn I have missed her!

We went to our all time favourite place Bubble Cha, every time we meet up and go out it is our go to place. Who doesn't enjoy fruit tea with little jellies that pop in your mouth? Also on this day this was the first time I had been afterwards I was there again twice!
This time, we had Grapefruit tea with peach pebbles, interesting but lovely combination. We usually go for Mango tea with Pineapple jellies, or recently my favourite has been Blackcurrant fruit tea with peach pebbles, the combinations you can get are endless really.

Cheeky Nandos
From Bubble Cha I bid farewell to Demi as I had to go meet up with Catheryne for her birthday meal. I didn't know the other two girls but it didn't take us long to become acquainted, honestly by the end of the night I felt as though I've known the girls my whole life. We had a lovely meal at Nandos. I had a little cheat day as you can see! It was lovely, the chicken was hot and the chips were perfect. I didn't eat the salad, I was trying to be a tiny bit healthy but yeah that didn't go to plan. My beer was good, as sad as it sounds I always feel like extra-adult when being asked for my I.D. I gloat to myself almost, like yeah I am an adult.  We talked a lot, and I feel like I know Ca
theryne more than I did, in the best way possible of course. And the girls Emma and Georgia I hope to see them again in the future!
Selfie with the birthday girl
After the meal we all got a little merry, more laughter selfies we got a little deep with conversation. I got terribly drunk with my smart idea of mixing vodka and Bubble Cha (the reason for visiting again) I have to say it was a good idea. Even though my leg got covered in vodka. These girls are hilarious, and I had such a genuinely good time. I rolled in at my sisters house at half 10.  I slept not so well, dehydration is the worst effect of alcohol. Lucky for me I don't get hangovers!
Emma, Catheryne, Georgia and myself!


Thursday 26 May 2016

Please ignore me in this, I look terrible - not my finest hour.
Today was the last of AS, and well I wasn't ready. This year has flown by, and what makes me sad the most is that I have met so many amazing people, and some of them will not be carrying on this journey into the next year. My favourite class of all (film obviously) is practically disbanding, we aren't even getting the same teacher anymore, it makes me sad because like even though we are 20 odd people who just happened to pick a lesson at the start of the year we got pretty close, and these guys are like a second family. Even though some are leaving, I am still happy to hopefully finish the next year with the amazing people that are left.

My exams begin next week and I have never been more afraid. There is no repeat year to depend on, instead my whole Uni thing depends on if I can get the grades I need. I feel confident for English and Film, but Media. Media I am worried about, I will try my best and give it my all, but I cannot help but feel like it won't be good enough. I know my attitude needs to change, I have until Thursday and I am working on it, revising as well as trying to stay positive.

Today was a good last day, filled with enthusiasm and moments. I am getting emotional now, I'll probably be a mess by the end of next year. I am going to have an early night, wake up early tomorrow and let he hardcore media revision begin!

Last day of AS

Friday 13 May 2016

Friends are supposed to be forever
Ready to be there for you at any given time
Into the good times
Evident in the bad patches
Not too far to depend upon
Darling friends
So much love I have for you


Friday 6 May 2016

Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life. ― Mark Twain


Thursday 5 May 2016

I have never felt more of a student as I do now, fighting sleep and typing away as fast as I can on an essay I probably should have done yesterday that is due first thing tomorrow morning. I have finished (ish) so I am just rounding up my thoughts and then disappear into a sleep. Today has been a good for me, I socialised a lot and actually enjoyed it (this is new to me I usually hate people) I went to Bubble Cha with the girls, I laughed throughout my media lesson, I gossiped through my lunch, and had fun in my second half media, which I may have been overly enthusiastic about, game of thrones and rugby were involved need I say more? I finished early and did a bit of shopping (again unusually pleasant)  with my lovely film friend. I babysat, and what not and here I am. It's been a productive day. I think today has been the best day I have had in a long time, seriously I laughed so much, I felt cute and not self-conscious and I finally got rid of a situation that has been lingering in my head. I am  happy, I am aware a curveball will be heading my way soon but at least I am having a blast. Today I laughed so wholeheartedly, like I was living in the moment not worrying about my future or love interests or my family just laughing with friends, it couldn't have gotten any better, I mean unless something McFly happened then life would be complete. I lived a little today, also I bought new jeans which I am excited to wear because new clothes are good and I hope they make my ass look better and  my fabulous thighs of course. I bid you good night or good morning or good afternoon wherever you're located, but until tomorrow goodbye and stuff.

A laughing kind of day

Wednesday 20 April 2016

This is the second week of my weekly favourites, the majority of the photos in these collages are from my 18th on Wednesday!

As you can see there has been quite a bit of alcohol involved this week... also Pizza! Don't worry this won't be a continous theme in my weekly favourites, this is just because it's been an important week.

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 27 March 2016