Showing posts with label friday. Show all posts
There is a vibe in the air
tell me you're feeling this  as well?
I have work; I couldn't care
it's tonight I am living for
I tell you I swear!

The magic of confidence
the dancing and shaking
tonight I am ready to lose consciousness
I'm excited, can you not tell?
if you're not smiling; start faking.

Get ready and dance on the floor
leave your worries at the door
dance with the girls
feel your fabulous friday whirls!

Fabulous Friday

Friday 25 November 2016

End of the week
Now it is time to relax
Don't be so naive

Of course you have work to do
Fortunately you want to pass

The sooner the work is done
Hopefully you will be able to relax
Everyone is in the same boat

Weekends are for time off  though
Even if you take an hour off or two
Enjoy your weekend just don't forget
Keep on top of your workload

End of the week

Friday 16 September 2016

I am recovering from last night plenty of water and a good book. The pub was amazing, it was beautiful and I was one hundred percent impressed. The ceiling has record covers over it, the walls had band posters and the music was amazing. Newcastle's only Rock N Roll bar was incredible, I definitely will be spending more drunken nights in there. Due to difficulities and such the night was short, which was annoying but nonetheless I did get drunk pretty fast. The outing was rushed and there was a lot of waiting around for people but I am glad I went all the same. I am hoing to become better acquainted with the place in the near future, by near future I mean all Summer. The atmosphere was fun, and even though the place was quite small it was amazing. My fourteen year old self which dreamed of 'cool' places like this would be screaming in her converse with excitment. Next time I go I think I will go with people who share the same need of wanting to have fun and possibly dangerously drunk. I really wanted to have the time of my life but if I am honest I didn't, no fault of the pubs of course. But I am sure I will make more memories in there with people who actually want to be around me. I have more photos which I will be sharing in tomorrow's weekly favourites. There was an incident at the end of the night which sobered me right up, we went to get food at Townhouse and there were drunk old guys who creeped me the heck out and well we left before getting food and went our separate ways, which resulted in my spending the night alone in a huge house (even though I invitied friends but oh well) with cans and excess food. What a fabulous night...

Dog and Parrot

Saturday 9 July 2016

Tonight I am meeting up with the girls for a reunion, we are going for drinks and what not so obviously with that comes preparation. For instance last night washing my hair plaiting it ready to take out in twenty minutes for huge hair and more prominent curls than my natural. I have eaten already, something healthy and not too heavy on the stomach. Checked my essentials to bring, and now I am sat on my bed in a towel just finished from a lovely hot bath ready to get clothes and what not. We are only going to a pub so I'm going to dress casual yet still try to look pretty good. However in order to currently feel excited right now I had to pass through the day's moodiness, sadness, the wanting to back out stage and the frustrated phase, which on any day I go out even if its for coffee these emotions are practically part of my routine. I did all the body stuff, like bubbles shaving and making myself feel the best I possibly can. Truth be told sure I am looking forward to seeing the girls, but this will be my first proper legal night out and I am excited, wait no thrilled to drink all of my senses away. I have sleeping arrangments, due to living far from town I will staying at my sister's so I will be less likely to fall asleep on the way home. Just about to start getting clothes on, I will post tomorrow and share all the details, hope you all have a good night!

Preparation Night Out

Friday 8 July 2016

Fuck I'm
Ready to
Ignore the
Dragging week
And live
young lazily


Friday 29 April 2016

Today I met up with my two friends Demi and Jordan. We met up, went to townhouse chatted plenty and later went to Bubble Cha to chat more. It was a good day, I hadn't Demi in well over a month. I hadn't seen Jordan since before Christmas. So, food drinks and chats were well needed! I like to think I looked good today, I felt confident at least. However I feel as though I have done enough socialising this week for a good week or so. It lovely seeing people but I'm not used to being so busy, it is nice to be in the flurry of life and not think everything over too much alone. But I do enjoy being in my bedroom and playing Sims too much. I think this weekend I might possibly go shopping though, I feel the need to buy some new jeans! On Monday things get serious, I am going to begin revising. Exams are coming up and I refuse to fail! So this has been my Friday and I plan on spending the rest of it with my earphones in shutting the world out and playing the Sims!


Friday 25 March 2016

I fancied a change to my blog, so I have changed the layout and design. I really like it but I will probably be making more alterations over time, what are your thoughts? I just adore the colour purple!! HAPPY FRIDAY!

New Layout!

Friday 18 March 2016

Yesterday was deadline day for Film, so all week I have been working my ass off for it. And yesterday I spent extra hours in college, I finished at half three and didn't leave the building until quarter to six!  I didn't get to home till nearly eight. And when I got home I literally had food and went straight to sleep, I was exhausted. So I do apologise for forgetting to update yesterday, so this is for yesterday, just to let you guys know. I didn't get round to reading a book this week due to what I just told you, so the book review will be next week! However, my media deadline is next Friday so we will see. I am working my ass off on my Media so I should find time to read. Thank you and sorry if you were expecting a review last night!
I will post today's blog post later! 

Forgotten Friday

Saturday 27 February 2016

After months of being a hermit I'm heading out tonight, bowling with the ladies and drinks. It got me thinking of course,  we have certain measures to take like wearing heels (that make our feet ache) and wearing a push up bra (which grips your sides and you can't breathe) the make up preparations just to look almost flawless for the many selfies to come. Then there's the actual saving the money for the night out, not lavishing out beforehand and skipping lunches. Only for at the end of the night to be a mess in your knickers in your best friends bed. I personally think the getting ready part is exciting, watching myself transform from a 2 to a strong 8. And then when you're with the girls it's like you haven't been a part at all, and the laughter rolls off your tongues. Memories are important and creating them is the best part. We do a lot of preparation to have fun, when essentially you could be in in jeans and tshirts and still have the same amount of fun. I believe it's all about the glamour making ourselves look the best we can. Plus I mean the glamour does help when you're trying to look older...

Girls' Night Out

Friday 5 February 2016

You guys have no idea how much I have needed it to be Friday! This week hit me like a brutal wrecking ball, I wasn't ready nope. I wasn't read for an ear infection, or going back to college, or the three mock exams, or the sleepless nights, or just emotional feelings, I wasn't ready what so ever.
Friday did pick everything up though, the last mock was today, also my ear infection is pretty much nearly fixed thanks to ear spray and painkillers. The first week back from being off for half term always throws me off a little.
As expected of a Friday it well and truly cheered me up. I laughed, I got butterflies and had a blast. My college life is moving forward, slowly but surely but I'm getting to terms with things and I'm ready to not have a rerun of last year.
I'm currently enjoying some music, which is good to wear earphones without being muffled or hurting my ear a lot.
Tomorrow should be a good day, I plan on attending  a writing group, which meeting other writers in my age range is always a blessing. I have good vibes mainly because I really get along with creative people and our ideas bounce off one another and well sometimes that's all the inspiration I need!
I may stay up late too, catch up on my Sims and just chill. It is the weekend, it is well needed!

Wrecking ball

Friday 8 January 2016

Bubble Cha

Saturday 7 November 2015

I always love Fridays. Despite starting the first half of the day with a cold and feeling like tired crap I survived, enough so I could talk to my favourite human, and get more than a moderate amount of work done. It is also the last day of term so it has been chilled, not too much pressure. I usually finish quarter to four on Friday but my film teacher (A GOD SEND) allowed us to about five past three, oh yes! So I went to see my friend, we watched Jezza (Jeremy Kyle) he is hilarious and well you know yourself what those shows are like. We went for Bubble Tea at Bubble Cha, we met up with another friend. It was kind of a goodbye, because she is going away for five months. It was lovely, we drank bubble tea and even had bubble waffles (FABULOUS) it was good to chat, take pictures and enjoy each other's company. I am now ready to relax however I still have bits of work to do which I plan on getting right off my chest tomorrow so I am not stranded last minute. Since it is half term and I'm off for a week I will be posting everyday! SO ITS FRIDAY! I'm listening to music I think I may have an early night or just watch some videos on Youtube, probably sims game-play.


Friday 23 October 2015

So it started off reluctantly getting out of bed, drinking tea and toast getting ready grabbing my lunch and heading out of the door. Where I'm welcomed with not so warm weather. A short walk to the bus stop, boring bus journey of awkwardness. Chatting with friends whilst walking up to college, once in the building printing essay off and grabbing a Costa Hot chocolate and curren tly sat in tutorial at 09:05.
10:16 Just finished my first hour of Media, it has been good but it is kind of recap due to covering this particular topic in Film.
11:22 Just finished media and going into English.  Feeling rather ugh it seems the smallest of things are annoying me, like how one person's head always gets in the way or how that same person is annoying and that same person just naturally annoys me. Lets just say not feeling so happy, today is one of those days.
12:30 English was good, we annotated and analysised some texts which I always enjoy. Currenlyu waiting on one of my closest friends to have lunch. Also diet is going well I'm being very good and resisting temptation!
12:41 I let my anxious and nerves get the better of me so I'm sitting alone eating food outside of my classroom for the next lesson which isn't until half one. What a gripping life you so lead! However my next lessons is a room on the third floor. Not all bad I guess I've got time for some mindless self reflection.
14:40 First hour of Media is done,it is going really well. I'm excited to do my media work going to be doing Misc en Scene, very exciting!
16:48 the one where I was feeling like crap and then made to feel worse. They say strangers don't care how you look then why did I just get verbal abuse about my weight from strangers in a passing car. Thanks for that knock to my self esteem very much appreciated. Feeling like a bundle of mess, I got to my sister's boyfriends house to walk his dog after being shouted at and bawled my eyes out to myself in an empty house, because one of those days. Being told I'm going to die and that I'm fat is degrading because it was shouted as though I didn't know, like I don't know how much I weigh like he doesn't know how much I'm dieting and eager to loose weight. Like I could be home, stuffing my face no instead I'm walking up hills, watching what I eat and trying to loose weight. It's horrible how a stranger can just do that like they know nothing about that person instead they just insult without even thinking about the battle that person has with themselves.
18:01 Feeling a lot better. I've walked the puppy. Now just sitting on the floor as it plays, I'm currently listening to music whilst watching the Bosc waiting for my sister so I can grab my stuff for my interview tomorrow.
21:16 I've eat food, had a lovely bath and sorted everything out for my interview tomorrow. I'm feeling good, way better than I was feeling earlier. I shouldn't let mindless people get to me! I am going to have an early night so this is good bye, tomorrow is a new day and I shall make it a good one and give it my all at my very first interview, wish me luck!

Friday with Lauren

Friday 16 October 2015

This weekend has by far been the best weekend for writing, I have had plenty of time on my hands so I have been typing away on my stories and what not. Let me check the word count for how much I've written so far starting from Friday, this is collectively as I have been working on different things ect.

So my word count of the weekend is; 4399! 

I am really pleased with that, plus I plan on doing some more writing throughout the day. I think next weekend (depending on work load) I will aim for six thousand words! I know it isn't a compitition, but I feel like it is a good idea to set goals and better myself to do as much writing as possible when possible! What is your weekend word count?

Word Count; 4399

Sunday 27 September 2015

A little recap of my day, woken up with cuddles from my niece, lovely as always. We then met my brother in town, and the four us (me, niece, sister and brother) had breakfast then went to soft play. It was delightful, chasing a child around and through the soft play for over an hour felt like a full blown work out! Later we dropped my niece at her dads and we tidied my sisters house, by this time my brother went home. My sister prepared for her weekend away for her birthday. I tidied, we went to the shop. I got lucky and won a fiver on a scratch card, it isn't much but I think it's a sign of good weekend ahead. Fast forward, sister left with her boyfriend so I'm house/dog/cat/reptile sitting for the weekend. I tidied the whole house, now ready to chill. Just ordered Pizza (sinful to say at the least) Pal (dog) is chilling with me and we even have one of my favourite movies/musicals on Burlesque!! A good weekend is a must for me? I think Chicago is next after Burlesque!!

Perfect weekend?

Friday 28 August 2015