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Okay, so is this clickbait? Did I buy this coffee for 10p? Not clickbait (ish) and yes I did.
I’ve always been aware of O2 priorities, and I’ve never been on O2. Sucks. However, I’ve recently learned that Vodafone (the company I’m with) have a sort of similar thing. It’s not as big as O2 priorities and there isn’t as much on it. But this weekend (and last) there has been a code on for a free Costa under the price £2.47/£2.67. Which gets you a small latte, the next size up is only 10p extra. So, I got a coffee for 10p. I think this is pretty cool, especially if you’re on the go. Who doesn’t love free stuff? I’ve previously seen offers for Millie’s cookies, you can also get discount on gyms and things. I just wanted to share this information, maybe everyone already knows and I’m just behind.  But if you’re out and about, grab your free (or 10p) coffee from the My Vodafone app!
If you are  Vodafone user or even O2 there is always something free on there. I feel like a student free is the best word you can hear! 

10p Medium Costa Latte

Monday 7 January 2019

If you are a writer like myself you will know the pain of having 'writer's block' every now and then. I know that sometimes I can go week without writing, and well until recently I didn't quite know what to do. Until last week I met  poet - Stevie Ronnie. He came into college in my Creative Writing class, and well I learnt a little something. This can be applied to any type of writing not just poetry, so I thought it would be good to share!

1) Pick a subject (it can be anything)
2) Write seven sentences but you can't  repeat any word
3) Once you've done seven sentences jumble up the words to create new sentences, don't think about it, do it at complete random.

This is what I came up with

Subject; Piano

First seven sentences; 

The white keys thumped upon to release a feeling.
Heavy random sounds fill up.
Musicians heart becoming audible.
Breathless audiences anticipating.
Traditional but never out fashioned.
Delicate, heavy and glossy.
Music, melody, melancholy?
Piano I am.

Seven jumbled sentences;

Release keys feeling white a upon the thumped.
Up heavy random fill sounds.
Becoming audible musicians heart.
audiences breathless anticipating.
But out fashioned never traditional.
heavy and glossy delicate.
music melancholy? melody.
Am I piano.

It was completely random, and turns out I liked it. You're probably wondering what the point is, well the point is to forget the rules. From a young age we are taught and told rules, with writing and how things should be. Sometimes you need to put the rules to the back of your mind, and allow yourself to create. We are our own critique, we are constantly punching holes in our own work, and when writing and creating you need to turn that off and allow yourself to purely create. This is just one technique you can use. I hope this is helpful to you as much as it is to me. 

Writer's Block?

Sunday 25 October 2015