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A post about chocolate? Shocker.  I’ve never used to be a white chocolate fan, I’ve always been a basic milk chocolate kind of girl! Until... recent months there’s been a craze of ‘limited edition’ chocolate, Twix and Snickers having white chocolate versions. I have to say, I am a changed woman! In the past week or so I’ve discovered they Costa have been doing a ‘Limited Edition’ hot chocolate... you have guessed it. White hot chocolate. 

I’ve never really enjoyed hot chocolate, with the exception of galaxy and homemade but I never willingly went out and bought hot chooclate from coffee places. I usually find hot chocolate quite heavy on the stomach and quite sickly. Now this is not the case with this new hot chocolate. I believe the hot chocolate will be continued until May, highkey hoping it will stay forever. 
This hot chocolate, it isn’t thick or too sweet! I would recommend you grab one before they are discontinued. White chocolate is my recent discovery, what is yours?

White Chocolate Craze

Sunday 17 March 2019

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 5 June 2016

Monday woke me up (not literally my dad did) and well I woke up tired, like every Monday. I usually feel reluctant to do anything, like eat or even walk but I made my way to college nonetheless. Due to my attempt of eating healthier I had breakfast biscuits, which were kind of  dull. But on my journey I picked up chocolate, and well now in college I just  bought a Cappuccino (with whole milk) and a double chocolate cookie. Healthy eating failed? Monday made me do it. 
I'm hoping the caffeine will kick in and help me out a little, Monday stole my motivation. I have however been reading other blogs, I like reading what people have to say. It's fascinating seeing how others run their blogs, and how different they are to mine. 
I am one of those people who will look into things too deeply (I'm not sure if this is a woman thing) but like I always think there has to be more to things than what meets the eye. Like when people recur in your dreams, or you have the most weird enjoyable dream possible, what makes this happen? Is it random or is it closely linked to you subconscious. I'm think way too much for a Monday. 
Whatever goes wrong, or right today, whatever I do... Monday made me do it.

Monday made me do it

Monday 8 February 2016