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I have been thinking about this for a while now, becoming a vegetarian. I tried it years ago back in 2012 and succeeded for about a year. It wasn't easy but it did come with a few perks: like losing weight and no one would attempt to steal my quorn food. The problem that I came across the most was I was never really a big fan of vegetables, which proves difficult if you're a vegetarian because the majority of your diet is filled up with vegetables. In more recent years I have expanded my taste buds and found that there a quite a few vegetables that I do enjoy.
This isn't me giving up meat or becoming a full-time vegetarian. From time to time I get the guilt of eating meat, but clearly not enough since I continue to do so. I feel as though for a while I haven't been in the right situation (financial as well as life really) and as I become to enter my second year at University I have decided to give it a go. Realistically, I'll never be able to cut meat completely out of my diet because a girl loves her some chicken. My aim is to have a couple of days out of my week where I don't eat meat. Nothing too drastic just enough to change up my diet and save a few more animals.
 I'll be cooking for myself for the next two years so I won't be limited by being catered for, I will also be working alongside my degree so I can enjoy a few finer things in life. My finer things I mean actually buying fresh fruit and veg on a daily basis.
 I am excited, try some new things and just try and get my shit together. My eating habits aren't the best, and for a while now I have really begun to notice that. I want to make a change. It's all dandy attending gym and working out at home but that will only go to waste if I don't fix up my eating habits too. It's just to feel better and to be honest, I enjoy cooking when I get the chance, this allows me to explore and experiment with new recipes.
By the way, just so you know I am not going to be one of those people who push vegetarianism in your face, I am not going to announce it at every meal. Technically I'll not even be a real vegetarian, I'll be a part-timer.

Part Time Veggie?

Monday 6 August 2018

Today is the day the girls and I travelled from our hometown (Newcastle) to Leeds. W've been planning this trip for a couple month, this trip being a chance for us all to have fun and let loose from college life and our daily norms. Also this time round we have two more people with (unlike the Edinburgh trip in August) Corren and Aiehsa. Today we have had the best time, non stop eating, getting ready going for a meal, having drinks ordering takeout, doing the cha cha slide in our hote room. We our having a blast, and below our some of the many pictures we've taken.


Thursday 22 December 2016

Yesterday was A - level results day, I got my AS results (again) and this year I did very well compared to last year.  I believe this resit has worked on very well. There is work I can do to them, but the future looks bright. Happiness was all around, my friends were happy with their results, for once I didn't compare because I felt good too. It was a lovely feeling, plus I caught a Wartotle which is always a bonus. I celebrated results with Jane at lunch, it was delightful.

Future is Bright

Friday 19 August 2016

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 3 July 2016

Some from last week but here are my weekly favourites!!

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 19 June 2016

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 5 June 2016

This week, especially this weekend I've been trying out some new things. The pictures show my favourites, if you want the recipe feel free to comment as all of these dishes are incredible!

Healthy Favourites

Sunday 22 May 2016

This is the second week of my weekly favourites, the majority of the photos in these collages are from my 18th on Wednesday!

As you can see there has been quite a bit of alcohol involved this week... also Pizza! Don't worry this won't be a continous theme in my weekly favourites, this is just because it's been an important week.

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 27 March 2016

For some reason my blogger app wouldn't allow me to post yesterday's count down but never mind. So it's Christmas well it's nearly over.
It's been lovely, family and food. Everything was great. I hope you all have had  a wonderful day. I'm feeling blessed and generally happy.
Also in need for a good ten hour sleep! Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas

Friday 25 December 2015

I'm venturing out today, I have an orthodontics appointment. Sadly two days before Christmas,I hope to god I'm able to eat my Christmas dinner. Yes that's my main worry, I'm not even joking.
I'm also doing a bit of last minute shopping afterwards, for one present. So I predict I will be pretty irritated by the time I'm finished.
Also I feel since its Christmas I should spend time seeing family, so tonight I'm heading over to my sister's house. I'm staying the night so I can see her and my lovely little niece. Then tomorrow I plan on getting the early bus into town then home. Then let the Christmas fuss begin!!
I probably won't be watching Home Alone 3 tonight as planned but it's okay.
I thought I ought to post now as I'm getting ready in case I can't post later!  Happy Christmas eve eve!

2 Days To Go

Wednesday 23 December 2015