Showing posts with label flashback. Show all posts
Forgetting isn't an option
Losing these memories isn't an option
Are you ready for the replays?
Simultaneously you will see and feel everything again
Help isn't an option
Bet you wish you could forget it
All at once for it to vanish
Can you feel your heart in your mouth
Keep your shit together.


Friday 26 August 2016

Admittedly I haven't really done much today, I have spent a lot of hours on Sims. It's pretty addictive! I am now settling down for the night, and tonight's Christmas film is Home Alone! Yes, everyone knows of the infamous Home Alone films.
 I was once left at home, not for a long period of time but we were moving house and as a kid I liked to check I left nothing behind in my bedroom and then when I returned downstairs it was empty, no one there. I stood at the front door, which was now locked sobbing my little heart out, luckily enough my family noted my absence several minutes after before driving away. I laugh now, it is funny. At the age I was (I cannot remember)  fear struck. I didn't want to be trapped on my own, I still don't now, obviously. 
When you're young you're naive, fearful and very close minded. Well I was, I had the most outrageous fears and I still do now, like my huge fear of ghosts and being possessed. 
I hope you liked my little true anecdote, and well happy four days!

4 Days To Go

Monday 21 December 2015