Showing posts with label fish. Show all posts
The last two excursions were half days, so I figured it would be best to connect them in one post.  On one of the trips, I got MANY photos and the other literally zero photos. Granted this is because one of them I was in a submarine and the other I was under water.
Out of both trips I have to say the Submarine was my favourite, this was the trip I was looking forward to the most. I had never been inside of a Submarine up until this point so I was more than eager for the experience. This post mainly pictures, there really isn't much to say.

 I was so impressed with the Submarine, I did feel a little sick by the end of it though. I am not a good traveller it seems. SO many fish were seen, I mean I cannot tell you what types of fish or names but they were all really pretty. It was also cool being underwater, in a machine and still being able to see the sea life.

 Snorkeling was something I had never done before, I had given it a go. It was cool seeing turtles but I just didn't enjoy the snorkeling all that much. I am glad I tried it though, something to tick off the list!
The place we did the snorkeling 'Turtle Bay' was so pretty, it had cool huts and an ice cream place which had the cutest decor.

You're probably glad that this is the last time I'll go on about Egypt, my regular posts should start up again. I might try to post two days a week but we shall see! Thank you for reading, and have you been anywhere cool this Summer? Leave a picture below of your favourite Summer memory!

Submarines and Snorkling

Tuesday 2 October 2018