I am finally back to posting, I do apologise for being awol for a few weeks I have had a lot on! I am back with the post I have been promising for a while now: book review for L.C Rosen's Jack of Hearts (And other parts).
Before I start I would like to rate the book:★★☆☆☆.
My overall experience was I enjoyed some parts but really just wanted to finish the book. There were some really good things about the book as well as parts I wasn't quite enjoying as much.
About the book: This is a story of an openly gay teenager Jack Rothman. He is often talk of the school where his sex life is concerned, often the centre of gossip and rumours. Jack starts a column giving sex advice on his best friend Jenna's website. He has a stalker who leaves him notes. Jenna, himself and Ben (other best friend) start an investigation to unmask the stalker.
Firstly, I will start by saying I absolutely loved the advice aspect of this narrative. People sending in anonymous question and Jack of Hearts giving his honest answer. This was my favourite part of the whole book, I remember having some similar questions myself during my teens and it was refreshing seeing these in a book but also being answered. I think this will really help younger readers who the book is aimed at. I loved how open this book is about sex, this is how it should be in real life. Sure as an adult this is more so but as a teenager, it wasn't like this. The questions were realistic and I loved the approach to these topics, I think the world would be a better place if some form of Jack of Hearts existed in real life!
I think the main issue I had with the book was I guessed the stalker immediately. The ending wasn't a surprise for me and therefore I was a little mad because I had hoped I got it wrong and that there was going to be an amazing twist, but there wasn't. I am unsure if the writer made it obvious or if I am just super analytical when reading. I just hate when I am right about an ending.
The second thing, the book felt unfinished. Sure we know who the stalker is but we don't actually find out why. I know sometimes in life things cannot be answered but I just would have preferred a more resolved ending.
I did really like the characters in the book, especially Jack. He is bold and brilliant and it broke my heart to see him suffer at the hands of his stalker. I love how open he is about his sexuality and sex, I like that he shows the reader that it's okay to be open and do your thing but it is also okay if you want to do something different. I really liked the friendship dynamic between Jack, Ben and Jenna. Their personalities were easy to like and I loved how they bounce off one another banter wise. Very strong characters!
The book had its ups and downs, it was an alright read. I probably wouldn't read it again but I am still glad that I did read it. I think for my next book I would like something a little older but still in the LGBTQ+ category, if you have any recommendations please let me know!
Jack of Hearts (And Other Parts)
Friday, 4 June 2021
Hello, lovelies!
It is that time of year again, Valentine's day has just passed. I don't usually post about it but I felt inspired to write a little valentines themed post. I have been thinking about power couples, two people who are just right for each other. I couldn’t think of many LGBTQ+ couples sadly, so most couples mentioned are heterosexual. I am always looking for more LQBTQ+ books and representation, it’s quite sad that as a lesbian I don’t do enough reading around my community: if you have any suggestions on books I’d deeply appreciate it.
Some of my favourite couples are so obvious if you know me in you will have seen a few of these coming. This post is incredibly smushy I am aware, bare with I will back to none love content next week! Let’s dive right in with my favourite couples that I think are canon, let’s begin in no particular order:
Piper Chapman & Alex Vause - this is partly from the Orange Is The New Black book but mainly Netflix series which the writer Piper Kerman had input on. Piper is a little annoying at times but this is a couple that just cannot stay away from each other. The book isn't very long but I like how the series adapted and delved further into their relationship as well as prison life. Time passes and they still find themselves in each other's arms. This was also the first lesbian couple I have ever read in a book as well as watched in a series. OITNB is the only reason I signed up for Netflix in the first place.
Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan - this couple is a little problematic. I cannot help but admire Gatsby’s love for Daisy. Everything he ever does it own her heart, it’s tragically beautiful. Whenever I read the scenes when they’re together it just feels so right. What I like the most is that they started off as a fling really young and life and war happended and years later they were back in each other’s arms. Fate is an incredible thing. When I say I like this couple, I really mean I like Gatsby and his forever holding onto hope. Daisy is beautiful but incredibly iffy and selfish, Gatsby deserved better. A tragic ending but I admire Gatsby and his sheer hope for love.
Allie Hamilton and Noah Calhoun - From The Notebook. A tear jerker if there ever was one. This love story is absolutely beautiful. Noah goes out of his way to build Allie her dream house, absolutely beautiful. Their love story from young to elderly is gorgeous. When they're a part Noah writes letters 365 Days, this is super romantic and hits me in the feels. When the pair grow older Allie develops Alzheimer's and Noah goes out of his way to read her their story, I think that is so beautiful. At times she doesn't remember him and for him to power through this to tell her their story is stunning, and I can't imagine how hard it is to see someone you love forget you. Their story is beautiful.
Bridget Jones and Mark Darcy - I cannot adore this couple any more than I do! These lovely lovers are from none other than the Bridget Jones' series written by Helen Fielding. It was Mark Darcy's love for Bridget that taught me this life lesson: in the book (and film) he tells Bridget he loves her 'just as you are'. I have these exact words tattooed on me. It is so important we love people for exactly who they are, we cannot change people but it will fit when you find the right person. This isn't the only reason I have the quote tattooed on me but it is a reminder to myself to love myself just as I am. Self-love is such an important thing to me, and it was this book that really showed me you should not change yourself for a person or the world. I love this couple for them but more for what they remind me of.
Estella and Pip - I will always love this couple. Even if it doesn’t really happen properly until the end of Great Expectations. Pip fell in love with Estella at a young age, and even though Estella grew to be quite cold, due her upbringing from Havisham, it is sweet that in the end it was Pip she fell in love with, Afte time a part and a marriage, it is Pip her story ends with. I think there is something sweet about two people who are meant to be together.
Thank you for reading this weeks blog post! I hope you enjoyed reading this just as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I hope you all had a lovely Valentines day, I sure did. See you guys next week.
Literature Lovers 🖤
Wednesday, 17 February 2021
Fictional Father Figures
Sunday, 21 June 2020
- This piece was inspired by letter correspondence between Virginia Woolf and her husband Leonard, these letters are kept in The Keep Archive in Brighton. This piece was part of a collective portfolio I created for a module in University last year, I have redrafted and decided to share this piece with you. I enjoyed creating this diary entry from the perspective of Virginia Woolf. Thank you for reading!
From Virginia
Tuesday, 22 October 2019
In the introduction week of University we were asked to write a 500 word piece of prose, we were allowed to write any genre as long as it was set in Brighton. So I came up with this little fiction piece,w hich essentially would be an opening chapter to a novel.
500 Words of Prose
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
Sunday, 7 May 2017
It was this moment, her stress disintegrated with the rays of the sun shining down on her. It was gods kiss that made her skin glow, her freedom had finally washed upon her. Her sins vanishing into the thin air as her angelic tendencies arise. She was no longer troubled by demons, instead empowered by the inner hope that always glowed in the centre of the flesh that would beat only intensely for him, but no longer it beats for that monster but beats only for herself. For now she is no longer that damsel in distress, for now she is stronger than any man that would dare to challenge her, she does not need a single soul to cheer her on, or drag down, she has discovered that overwhelming independence. And forever more she shall hold onto that fierce feeling, and will conquer any wall that shall arise before her. This woman does not live for the sake of others, she will not be belittled and told she is nothing, for she is everything and much more.
Gods Kiss
Wednesday, 15 March 2017
She is stuck in the reflection of self-worth, she refuses to meet the eyes of the stranger in the glass before her. A mere stranger at her glance, she knows not of who she sees before her. Not one of them hold a single thing in common. The girl cannot walk away from the mirror, she is trapped in its shimmery lure, yet she just cannot forage for the courage to look at her; look at herself. A creature of self-worth, a creature who allowed the world to tame her with her words, tame her wildness and importantly tame her freedom. She is her enemy and the mirror is her war.
Tuesday, 10 January 2017
Three Doors
Sunday, 8 January 2017
I could forget the world
With a singular sour sip
a chug of burning
and I would no longer have;
to be myself
I'd be a self made champion
a happy hero
all with my trusty dazing sidekick
it stopped
it betrayed me
my stomach got trapped in a whirl
I began to badly hurl
I left my trusty sidekick
Upon my return
Its' lips met mine with a grin
only it didn't work
It lost its magic
the power it had ran out
my once good friend has gone
I am no longer that champion
no longer that happy hero
happy hero
Thursday, 29 December 2016
Pause this please I need a moment
Oh what do you mean I cannot stop it?
Take your time and stand in line
Lights like this are harsh
I need to make my own decisions
Get away, get out all of you
How can I think with all this noise?
Tough? I'm stuck under this spotlight
Wednesday, 28 December 2016
Rest in his palms
Sunday, 18 December 2016
Do you mean it?
Saturday, 17 December 2016
red flash
Friday, 9 December 2016
Ice soul
Friday, 18 November 2016
One hit, breathe
Second hit, tongue
My eyes roll back
Coursing through my blood
Your love, your adrenaline.
I'm losing my breath
You're making me high
Give me a kiss
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
Monday, 7 November 2016
Right for me
Sunday, 6 November 2016
Your Muse
Saturday, 5 November 2016
Welcome to my bookish ramblings and creative writing.
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