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Whenever I tell anyone that I am a writer, the first thing they ask is 'what kind of things do you write?' I struggle to answer this question every. single. time. Why is this?

I usually start by telling them about the pieces of writing that I am currently working on. At the minute, they are my feminist and queer fairytale collection and my poetry collection. Even though these are what I currently call my most important pieces, they aren't the only things that I am currently working on. That pile is quite big. 

I know some writers like to stick to a single genre and that is absolutely chill! I have my go-to genre: supernatural! I didn't realise this for a while, it wasn't until recently when I was thinking about everything I have ever written and found that supernatural themes ran through most of my work. I do enjoy dipping my nib into other genres, I think it's important to step outside of my writing comfort zone to improve my skills.

My poetry is quite reflective of my thoughts, feelings and experiences. I pour my heart into my poetry. Not to say, I don't pour my heart into my stories but I see poems as more of a little journal or diary entries. I use stories to tell a much bigger story or meaning. 

I am currently re-editing some of my old work. As a teenager, I had written stories on Wattpad and adult me is a little embarrassed and wish I had proofread back then. I am now going through all my old live pieces and tidying them up as well as fixing any plot holes. I am enjoying diving into my old work. If you're a writer I recommend revisiting your older work and I promise you that you'll see improvement in your craft, you may even get a slight feeling of nostalgia too!

I try to write in my journal most days, sometimes as a writer, I have lots of ideas and things swimming around inside of my head. Journalling helps me to empty my thoughts clearing my head to help me prepare to write other bits. Sometimes a character will be stuck in my head, so I often journal little scenes that I can later come back to. Journalling is one of my favourite hobbies, it's particularly useful for emptying my thoughts at the end of the day so I can sleep better.

Of course, I write content for this blog! If you're new here I have been writing on here since 2015, and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. This blog has had a shift in tone, I used to write about anything and everything and now I focus on more bookish content as well as my own personal writing. I know I haven't been posting as much recently I am working on this, life got a little hectic but I love writing for you guys.

I don't think many writers have just one piece they are working on, there will always be something in the 'work in progress' pile! As well as all of the above, I am a copywriter. My day job contains lots of writing and I wouldn't have it any other way! Sometimes I don't always feel like writing after a day at work but I always make sure to write something each day- this is where journalling comes in handy.

So, what do I write? A bit of everything really.

What Do I Write?

Tuesday 28 September 2021


I am finally back to posting, I do apologise for being awol for a few weeks I have had a lot on! I am back with the post I have been promising for a while now: book review for L.C Rosen's Jack of Hearts (And other parts)

Before I start I would like to rate the book:★★☆☆☆. 

My overall experience was I enjoyed some parts but really just wanted to finish the book. There were some really good things about the book as well as parts I wasn't quite enjoying as much.

About the book: This is a story of an openly gay teenager Jack Rothman. He is often talk of the school where his sex life is concerned, often the centre of gossip and rumours. Jack starts a column giving sex advice on his best friend Jenna's website. He has a stalker who leaves him notes. Jenna, himself and Ben (other best friend) start an investigation to unmask the stalker.

Firstly, I will start by saying I absolutely loved the advice aspect of this narrative. People sending in anonymous question and Jack of Hearts giving his honest answer. This was my favourite part of the whole book, I remember having some similar questions myself during my teens and it was refreshing seeing these in a book but also being answered. I think this will really help younger readers who the book is aimed at. I loved how open this book is about sex, this is how it should be in real life. Sure as an adult this is more so but as a teenager, it wasn't like this. The questions were realistic and I loved the approach to these topics, I think the world would be a better place if some form of Jack of Hearts existed in real life!

I think the main issue I had with the book was I guessed the stalker immediately. The ending wasn't a surprise for me and therefore I was a little mad because I had hoped I got it wrong and that there was going to be an amazing twist, but there wasn't. I am unsure if the writer made it obvious or if I am just super analytical when reading. I just hate when I am right about an ending. 

The second thing, the book felt unfinished. Sure we know who the stalker is but we don't actually find out why. I know sometimes in life things cannot be answered but I just would have preferred a more resolved ending. 

I did really like the characters in the book, especially Jack. He is bold and brilliant and it broke my heart to see him suffer at the hands of his stalker. I love how open he is about his sexuality and sex, I like that he shows the reader that it's okay to be open and do your thing but it is also okay if you want to do something different. I really liked the friendship dynamic between Jack, Ben and Jenna. Their personalities were easy to like and I loved how they bounce off one another banter wise. Very strong characters!

The book had its ups and downs, it was an alright read. I probably wouldn't read it again but I am still glad that I did read it. I think for my next book I would like something a little older but still in the LGBTQ+ category, if you have any recommendations please let me know!

Jack of Hearts (And Other Parts)

Friday 4 June 2021

Hello, lovelies! 

It is that time of year again, Valentine's day has just passed. I don't usually post about it but I felt inspired to write a little valentines themed post.  I have been thinking about power couples, two people who are just right for each other. I couldn’t think of many LGBTQ+ couples sadly, so most couples mentioned are heterosexual. I am always looking for more LQBTQ+ books and representation, it’s quite sad that as a lesbian I don’t do enough reading around my community: if you have any suggestions on books I’d deeply appreciate it. 

Some of my favourite couples are so obvious if you know me in you will have seen a few of these coming. This post is incredibly smushy I am aware, bare with I will back to none love content next week! Let’s dive right in with my favourite couples that I think are canon, let’s begin in no particular order: 

Piper Chapman &  Alex Vause - this is partly from the Orange Is The New Black book but mainly Netflix series which the writer Piper Kerman had input on. Piper is a little annoying at times but this is a couple that just cannot stay away from each other. The book isn't very long but I like how the series adapted and delved further into their relationship as well as prison life. Time passes and they still find themselves in each other's arms. This was also the first lesbian couple I have ever read in a book as well as watched in a series. OITNB is the only reason I signed up for  Netflix in the first place. 

Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan - this couple is a little problematic. I cannot help but admire Gatsby’s love for Daisy.  Everything he ever does it own her heart, it’s tragically beautiful. Whenever I read the scenes when they’re together it just feels so right. What I like the most is that they started off as a fling really young and life  and war happended and years later they were back in each other’s arms. Fate is an incredible thing. When I say I like this couple, I really mean I like Gatsby and his forever holding onto hope. Daisy is  beautiful but incredibly iffy and selfish, Gatsby deserved better. A tragic ending but I admire Gatsby and his sheer hope for love.

Allie Hamilton and Noah Calhoun - From The Notebook. A tear jerker if there ever was one. This love story is absolutely beautiful. Noah goes out of his way to build Allie her dream house, absolutely beautiful. Their love story from young to elderly is gorgeous. When they're a part Noah writes letters 365 Days, this is super romantic and hits me in the feels. When the pair grow older Allie develops Alzheimer's and Noah goes out of his way to read her their story, I think that is so beautiful. At times she doesn't remember him and for him to power through this to tell her their story is stunning, and I can't imagine how hard it is to see someone you love forget you. Their story is beautiful.

Bridget Jones and Mark Darcy - I cannot adore this couple any more than I do! These lovely lovers are from none other than the Bridget Jones' series written by Helen Fielding.  It was Mark Darcy's love for Bridget that taught me this life lesson: in the book (and film) he tells Bridget he loves her 'just as you are'. I  have these exact words tattooed on me. It is so important we love people for exactly who they are, we cannot change people but it will fit when you find the right person. This isn't the only reason I have the quote tattooed on me but it is a reminder to myself to love myself just as I am. Self-love is such an important thing to me, and it was this book that really showed me you should not change yourself for a person or the world. I love this couple for them but more for what they remind me of. 

Estella and Pip - I will always love this couple. Even if it doesn’t really happen properly until the end of Great Expectations. Pip fell in love with Estella at a young age, and even though Estella grew to be quite cold, due her upbringing from Havisham, it is sweet that in the end it was Pip she fell in love with, Afte time a part and a marriage, it is Pip her story ends with. I think there is something sweet about two people who are meant to be together. 

Thank you for reading this weeks blog post! I hope you enjoyed reading this just as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I hope you all had a lovely Valentines day, I sure did. See you guys next week.

Literature Lovers 🖤

Wednesday 17 February 2021

In celebration of father's day, I thought it would be cool to celebrate some of the best fathers in literature! I’ve spent the day with my own father, which has been wonderful! A little appreciation photo of us to the side! Thanks for being amazing dad!!

Today, I couldn’t help but think of the cool dads that I have met in the books I’ve read.
Arthur Weasley, one of my favourite fictional fathers! Arthur belongs to the Harry Potter series. He is such a loving dad with an exquisite mind. One of my favourite things about this wonderful man is he is a dad to all of the golden trio. Not just his own flesh and blood but Harry too, he didn’t think twice about protecting him. Arthur, this one is for you. Being a decent bloke to all!
Atticus Finch, from Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. A very wise man in the literature world, I particularly like his quote from the novel “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it” the whole novel is smashing but Atticus is a marvellous father figure.
Sometimes you can have a man in your life that isn't exactly your father by blood but is as good as. A perfect example of this Joe Gargery from Dicken's Great Expectations. Joe is such a loving man towards Pip, he is the father Pip never had. He loves Pip even when he is acting out of character, he bails him out and loves him as his own. Joe is such a lovely character, he truly deserves the best. This one is for the non-biological dads.
Another example of men who step up is Uncle Ben from the much loved Spiderman comics and films. Uncle Ben cares a lot about Peter and would go to the world's end for him. His death is a tragic one which I cry at every single time.
There are many fictional father figures, these are just a few of my favourites! Do you know and love any that you think should make the list?

Fictional Father Figures

Sunday 21 June 2020

I love him… I love him not… I love him… I love him not
Leonard’s embrace dropped, our lips pulled apart. He hesitated before we bid each other farewell.
Sitting at my desk, writing in you because this is the only place I know where to feel. Crushed petals upon the wooden desk, I don’t think it is a question of if I love him, more so if I can commit to him. I love no other but the pain I have felt. The loss of my parents broke me.   
I am unsure of what I want or if what I want is right… I am afraid of myself. I never recover fully from pain, it lingers in my chest and it has scarred my soul.
I push my lover away and he comes back, this I am grateful for. We send correspondence through letters, writing is where I express best but to him, I still fail. Fail to understand myself. Each letter I send to him I cannot help but think about him opening it. Whenever he told me he could not wait to see me, I wondered if that because he needed to see if I still love him. I think about the pang in his chest.  As if he knew I no longer wanted to marry him.
To marry him… to marry him not… to marry him… to marry him not
We could have everything, I often think to myself how things will be okay if we married. Surely marriage is not the be-all and end-all. I owe myself much more. Oh, this conflict. Tell me what to do, tell me how to feel?
Marrying you seems like the world would fit into place, but what am I feeling that makes this choice so hard?
Not to be bleak or brutal, but I think it is the sex or lack of. I have no physical attraction to this man, sure he is the right decision but what about my pleasure? Can I marry a man I cannot bare to look at? Oh, feelings. Why could he not be more handsome? Fool me for these feelings and fool him more for falling for me. It must be a chore on his heart, I certainly would not take such hardships.
I pity him mostly but cannot help but respect him slightly, sticking with me through my change of mood.  
I know I shall marry Leonard, my mongoose. He is intelligent, a wise man and he loves me. He has pursued me for a while now. I somewhat love him, not wholeheartedly but it will do, my penniless Jew.  I shall be his Adeline Virginia Woolf.  I rejected him once before, but now maybe is the time. I have sent him away on leave, whilst I think about his proposal. Oh, what that man is getting himself in for.
Yes, I shall marry Leonard Woolf, I shall tell him in a weeks’ time on the 29th of May.
To love him and to marry him

- This piece was inspired by letter correspondence between Virginia Woolf and her husband Leonard, these letters are kept in The Keep Archive in Brighton.  This piece was part of a collective portfolio I created for a module in University last year, I have redrafted and decided to share this piece with you. I enjoyed creating this diary entry from the perspective of Virginia Woolf. Thank you for reading!

From Virginia

Tuesday 22 October 2019


Rough, Rigged and Rocky- an expanse of sand or pebbles along a shore. Every beach I have ever walked along filled me with serene happiness. The pads of my feet meeting silk sand whilst my worries washed away with the waves. I had always loved beaches, most of my fond childhood memories were set at the beach-  being chased by seagulls laughing until tears were as defined as the sand that coated my chips. I haven’t walked along this beach for 5 years, to this day. Here I am, stepping onto cold pebbles that unnerve my soul. Each step like ice to my chest. The sea haunts me, its screams flickering harshly against the pier. The pier that taunts my nightmares and shattered my whole being.
Allow me to take you back, to the first time my life altered forever. Nine years ago, I fell in love. I had just graduated from University, I got a first in my degree. I was hopeful and ready for the world to unleash itself upon me. As a naive northern twenty-one-year-old, I assumed I had mapped my life out before me. I was ready to roar in the industry I had finished my degree in; business, ready to make millions and be the next self-made Sara Blakely- only without the restricting material- I left my hometown and went down south. To Brighton to be exact. I found a nice little one-bedroom apartment, almost on the seafront. I say almost because I can see the sea from my window, alongside a rubbish tip. But, nonetheless, the stench could not overpower my eagerness.
A professor from my degree put me in touch with a small-time business, who were eager to hire graduates. I attended an interview, smartly dressed with bravery on a broach and wisdom around my chest like a sachet. That day I did not get the job but I did get the number of the male assistant who followed the boss around. This is where life took me in a whirl, to pay rent I started working in a  bar. The office guy who gave me his number kept trying to make a date with me but I had always been too busy to make the time for him.
One night he wandered into the bar, I remember his face beaming at me to finally see me again- and it was purely an accident. I was still busy but every other night he would come back to the bar just to sit and talk to me. He was my distraction from the drunk men ogling at me and the abuse that was hailed at me often. It was two weeks into this when I finally agreed to let him take me on a date. I didn’t want anything acentric so we walked along these very pebbles eating fish and chips as the sun began to fall asleep. All of the most significant moments in our relationship took place on Brighton beach, it is where it all began. It is where it all ended.


In the introduction week of University we were asked to write a 500 word piece of prose, we were allowed to write any genre as long as it was set in Brighton. So I came up with this little fiction piece,w hich essentially would be an opening chapter to a novel. 

500 Words of Prose

Tuesday 24 October 2017

She thought about space and how the stars shine together unknowingly being wished upon. She wondered of worlds other than her own. She thought about all the people she hasn't met and all the animals she hasn't greeted. So much more is out there she thinks, and how her brain takes her to the places she has been and her heart yearns for places she does not know. She thinks of the foods she hasn't had the pleasure of tasting, and the wines that will make her wince. She thinks about the quietness in space, would it be more enjoyable than this white walled cage? Would she be having the time of her life floating about in the stratosphere, mindlessly she drops her pencil, she does not pick it back up, instead, she stands up and leaves.


Sunday 7 May 2017

It was this moment, her stress disintegrated with the rays of the sun shining down on her. It was gods kiss that made her skin glow, her freedom had finally washed upon her. Her sins vanishing into the thin air as her angelic tendencies arise. She was no longer troubled by demons, instead empowered by the inner hope that always glowed in the centre of the flesh that would beat only intensely for him, but no longer it beats for that  monster but beats only for herself. For now she is no longer that damsel in distress, for now she is stronger than any man that would dare to challenge her, she does not need a single soul to cheer her on, or drag down, she has discovered that overwhelming independence. And forever more she shall hold onto that fierce feeling, and will conquer any wall that shall arise before her. This woman does not live for the sake of others, she will not be belittled and told she is nothing, for she is everything and much more.

Gods Kiss

Wednesday 15 March 2017

She is stuck in the reflection of self-worth, she refuses to meet the eyes of the stranger in the glass before her. A mere stranger at her glance, she knows not of who she sees before her. Not one of them hold a single thing in common. The girl cannot walk away from the mirror,  she is trapped in its shimmery lure, yet she just cannot forage for the courage to look at her; look at herself. A creature of self-worth, a creature who allowed the world to tame her with her words, tame her wildness and importantly tame her freedom. She is her enemy and the mirror is her war.


Tuesday 10 January 2017

Three doors
closed and probably locked.
One red, one white and one blue
the colours, locks and letterboxes'
are all that are to be viewed. 

I know not of who live there
or what happens behind these closed doors
strangers going about their lives
as I go about my own -

I sense calmness behind the red
imagining a house but not a home
maybe one or two people live there
or maybe they just visit a place to go,

the white house alarms me
a shiver down its hinges 
I feel fear with the unnerving faded sight
a letter box just too gold for comfort,

I feel drawn to the blue one
warmth hits me as I pass it
imagining laughter and love radiating through 
a safe place behind a wooden lock.

Three doors
closed and probably locked
one red, one white and one blue
the colours, the locks and letterboxes'
are all that are to be viewed.

Three Doors

Sunday 8 January 2017

There was a time when
I could forget the world
With a singular sour sip
a chug of burning
and I would no longer have;
to be  myself

I'd be a self made champion
a happy hero
all with my trusty dazing sidekick

it stopped
it betrayed me
my stomach got trapped in a whirl
I began to badly hurl
I left my trusty sidekick

Upon my return
Its' lips met mine with a grin
only it didn't work

It lost its magic
the power it had ran out
my once good friend has gone
I am no longer that champion
no longer that happy hero

happy hero

Thursday 29 December 2016

So I'm trapped in this flurry of light
Pause this please I need a moment
Oh what do you mean I cannot stop it?
Take your time and stand in line
Lights like this are harsh
I need to make my own decisions
Get away, get out all of you
How can I think with all this noise?
Tough? I'm stuck under this spotlight


Wednesday 28 December 2016

I did not ever think I'd be the person; to feel so hard and fall so slow. I never imagined a person being able to bring such pure happiness into my life, but most of all I never imagined that a single thought of losing that person would ache and steal my breath. I've allowed my happiness to rest in his palms, and I couldn't care because he's in my world. I'm learning new things and feeling new ways, it's an adventure that I'm adoring, an adventure that will shut me down when it comes to an end. Let's not think of the inevitable ending for I am in love and I do not want to let go.

Rest in his palms

Sunday 18 December 2016

Do you and your partner tell each other yous love each other right? And do you mean it every since time? Do you feel love every time you say the words or type them? Surely they become meaningless? Like they're just words. Do you not just find yourself saying them for the sake of it? Because maybe you have to? I figured surely if those three words are used to commonly, surely they eventually ware off and don't have the same sentiments as they did the first time you spoke them. Actions speak louder than words, I've  always thought the small things matter. Is love different for everyone? Like do we experience it differently, do we sometimes have it and not know? When did you know you were properly in love? There's something melancholic about love, you either feel or you don't, or you pretend you do and try and mask what really isn't there.

Do you mean it?

Saturday 17 December 2016

I can hear it coming, feel its howl breathing on my neck. Everyone who sits amongst these seats are blissfully unaware. Whilst I fear and fret with the ball in my stomach. Red flash, fifteen seconds pass. Blue flash, thirty seconds pass. Green flash. it's all over.

red flash

Friday 9 December 2016

Why did I let you in? Your charming smile and whirlwind eyes. Your ice soul and cold touch, you saw my warmth and you felt this urge to share it too. Your smashed my guards and shattered my self made barriers. I allowed you to touch me with  cold, but I am the lucky one. Before it was too late, before you froze over my heart I realized. You just want to taint good things, make them your own and  then throw them away when your needs are content.

Ice soul

Friday 18 November 2016

Give me a kiss, make it quick.
One hit, breathe
Second hit, tongue
My eyes roll back 
To my forearms
Coursing through my blood
Your love, your adrenaline.

Your whispers to my ear 
Ecstacy of lusting
I'm losing my breath
You're making me high

Give me a kiss

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Is anything traditional anymore? Is the love of my life going to save me from a tower and ask my father for my hand in marriage? I doubt it. We live in the moment of independence and individuality. We do what makes us happy, and we control our every situation and decides what happens next. If someone doesn't want us to do something; we will do it more.


Monday 7 November 2016

-inspired response to Justin Bieber's Love Yourself-
I love you, but I love me more. This isn't me justifying myself I'm just letting you know. I'm confident and alone; I don't need you no more. Stay out of my texts, go on go back to your ex. I loved you, but I don't no more.  All the times you made me feel small, fool I'm not going to let you make me feel low. I'm not holding onto you, you can't get through these walls. I love you, but I love me more. I ain't crying no more, I'm stronger than the girl you used to know. Now look away and walk out that door, now I know what's right for me.

Right for me

Sunday 6 November 2016

What if the moment that hurt us the most didn't happen? Would we living in consistent happiness or will fate have his way and tear us a part? Maybe in another life we were destined or maybe in another life we are better for not having met at all. I think about you, more than I care to admit. You're the one who got away, the person who can only trully hold my heart. I can't replace you with a million one night stands, I should have told you that I loved you when I had the chance, instead a blew it all away. How was I to know I had pushed you for one final last time? I have to face it now, I'm no longer your muse. We spent Summers chasing fireflies, telling our parents lies of our whereabouts. It was us against the world, hand in hand, on the road you and your guitar. The one that got away.

Your Muse

Saturday 5 November 2016