Showing posts with label feel good. Show all posts
Last night, I was getting ready for work. Clothes and what not, and my lovely sister offered to do my hair; and being the ungirlie girl I am naturally I jumped at the chance. I adored how she did my hair, so I did my make-up like I do most days, and something about my having my hair done and my makeup looking better than usual gave me a burst of confidence, which lasted me the whole night. The hair style is below;

 It looks chilled and almost as if I haven't done much yet the braid going from one side to the other shows effort, My sister added come classy clips which gave the hair some OOMF!

I enjoy getting my hair done, styled and what not, it makes me feel so put together. I myself I am not very good with hairstyles, I basically either have it up in a half arsed bun or a masses of curls over my shoulders, my natural hair.

So the hairstyle made me feel elegant, which does not happen often if I do say. I am looking forward to perhaps learning this style myself when I change my colour back to brown.

So once my hair was done, I did my own makeup. And I was so impressed by how good my eyeliner turned out, it a long battle I've bad with eyeliner, we aren't on the best of terms.

But I was super happy, I felt so happy and confident, I love it when hair and  makeup can brighten my mood and make me feel good about myself. Granted, I do not believe in completely depending on them for self happiness, but they are definitely a good boost. I keep it simple with makeup;
Foundation: No7 Beautifully Matte, Oil Free Callico (the colour that matches my skin.
I had taken this at the end of the night.
Eye Liner: Miss Beauty London fine eye liner
Eye Shadow:  w7 Colour Me BUFF natural nudes; colour; dust
Mascara:  Collection Lengthening Mascara: length and definition
Lipstick: Avon no clue on colour.

I got to work early naturally I had to take advantage of the killer lightening in the little break room.
I'm also in love with this Snapchat filter, it has been my favourite from the beginning! So I felt good at work, which is a positive because I am constantly working with people and patrionts, a bit of self-confidence goes a long way. It was good to be as conscious about how I look. My makeup lasted the whole time too, which is always a bonus; reapplying can be a nightmare.

I ended up finishing work early due to technical difficulties, this was slightly saddening because I adore work and for the first time in a long time I felt the need to be seen. I looked and felt good and wanted other people to see that too.

When I got home I was tired naturally, my hair got taken out as I was soon to be heading to sleep. Even with my hair down I was still feeling myself. If anything I felt just as good as I had before going to work. I did not want to take my makeup off at all, I felt sexy and happy. As it happens, I did the thing women aren't supposed to do; fall asleep without wiping their makeup off. I did have intentions too but as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out for the count. I was thankful when I woke up to no stained pillows and half my liner in tact. I did wipe it off though as soon as I got out of bed.

Also - I enjoyed writing this post, I haven't really done a 'beauty' blog post before, or anything related but I genuinely enjoyed talking about this stuff. This isn't a thing I could do all the time but I think if I'm having a special occasion or Feelin' Myself again then I'll definitely be making a blog post about, please share and follow, and would you like more posts like this?

Feelin' Myself

Saturday 28 January 2017

Last night  with my partner we were on a date, an unhealthy one with amazing milkshakes, bowling and then later McDonald's. After bowling we went into the photo booth and took some snaps, and I'm so in love with him and the photos just looking at us makes me genuinely happy.
Until, despite the photographs bringing me happiness they stung me. When the date was over and returned home I began staring at the photograph. Seeing myself, and noticing just how much weight I've gained, I've been feel self conscious lately, and last night I honestly broke down. I can look at the photograph and feel giddy about how amazing he is, and how happy good we are together, but that's with ignoring the fact I'm not happy with how I look.
I want to be healthier, I want to feel and look good and I just want to look in my reflection and be in love with myself like I am with my partner. Sure I can take loads of selfies, and post them to Instagram, but those are of my face. I can't help but notice the parts of me that I dislike in the photographs. So  I was on the phone to him, and telling him my thoughts and I was asking questions about my body and how I see it and if he sees it differently and what not.
He helped me and I've been talking for ages about getting my shit together, and he helped realise it's not too late, I can be happy with myself. I can join a gym and eat better and feel good about myself, and it feels so good to have someone who just wants me to be happy. He's being super supportive, and motivating me. So, as this is going on my blog it makes it official (in my mind) I am starting a health kick, reducing the junk food, adding in more fruit and veg and become reintroduced to the gym.
This is for me and only me, so I can feel better about myself, more energy and life. I want to love my body, and I want to feel confident, I'm not happy with how I am and it's about time I did something about it.
To the side is me now, this is the beginning of my health kick and I am determined to be healthier; physically, mentally and emotionally!

Health Kick

Thursday 26 January 2017

So on my journey of self-love I am beginning to like my body, even when it is nude! I am becoming more confident in my curves and my wiggly bits, maybe I would still make some alterations but I am slowly warming up to it.
We shouldn't feel ashamed of our bodies, it is okay to like exactly how you look, in fact I encourage that!I like to take selfies, not for anyone's else's purpose mainly because if I feel as though I am looking good that day or in that moment I want to capture it and look at these pictures. I do share some of these on social media, it's like a collection of my favourite pictures of myself, I am aware of how self-conceited that sounds but in this day and age, is that a bad thing? Why can't I like and post pictures of myself that I really like? It's good to boost yourself up in every way possible (unless it's drugs that I don't recommend). I have Snapchat which I post things on and why do I do it? For my own amusement, I am the person who reads my Snapchat story the most. I do things for me.
I'm on a body mission, I look at myself every day naked, I really look at myself. I'm getting used to my body and each day I begin to feel that it's actually not that bad. It isn't, we see ourselves much worse than we are. I look at down myself and then in the mirror, and personally when I look down it makes me feel like I look much worse. Yet when I look at myself in the mirror my full body on show I give myself a nod and think I'm not that bad actually. If you're worried about what others see, then remember not everyone is going to love you or like how you look but (prepare for the cliche but true quote) beauty is the eye of the beholder. What that hot guy in the class is attracted to isn't ness scarily what your guy friend is attractive to, don't ever change yourself for others needs. If you want to change do it for you, not for the sake of others, that is a fools game and you will never be happy trying to alter for everyone around you.
So today compliment yourself! There is nothing wrong with being self concieted and giving yourself some love! Love you for who you are and not what you should be!

Love You

Wednesday 17 February 2016