Showing posts with label february. Show all posts

 Spring has almost sprung. 

I'm looking forward to the crisp cold air leaving and for the flowers to rebud and the sun making more of a daily appearance. I've been eager for Spring since Winter started. Granted, for me, Spring brings more than just a change of weather; it brings along with it my birthday and my second solo trip. In a few weeks, I will be turning 26 in Rome. 

I'm really hopeful for the month ahead, but before we dive into that, I want to reflect on the month just gone. 

February was... something. Highs and some really dark lows mentally, but I've come out of it very grateful for my life, the people I am surrounded by and all that comes with life. I don't want to focus too much on the doom and gloom, so I highlight some of my favourite moments.

February's highlights:

  • Dad's birthday: the old man turned 60, and we celebrated it as a whole family, siblings, kids and all, and it was so lovely. 
  • Comedy show: I went to see Chloe Petts with a good mate of mine. I hadn't been to a comedy show in years, which was really cool. Chloe is hilarious. 
  • Best friend's birthday: It was one of my best friends' birthdays; we went for sushi and had the most lush time together. In adult life, you don't see your friends as much as you want. Who would have thought, huh?
  • New skill unlocked: A minor win for some but a colossal win for me. I've finally mastered the skill of using chopsticks. It has taken me longer than I'd have liked, but I am chuffed.

Looking ahead into March! 

I'm really excited about the adventures that are waiting for me. We're only two days into the month and off to a good start. I feel like this month will be about personal growth, self-reflection, and becoming even more comfortable with myself. 

On the first, I took myself on a solo date to the cinema to see Wicked Little Letters. Great film, I have a newfound adoration for Olivia Colman. I then took myself for Dumplinga (opted for Long Bao) at my favourite spot in town and ran into wifey and her partner, which was lovely. I went for coffee and started to read a new ARC (When Love Barges In by Bryony Rosehurst). I was gifted it at my favourite coffee spot. Good start to the month.

In the month ahead, I'm looking to really challenge myself. Do more of what I love and work on habit-building. I started building some habits in February but sometimes found it hard to stay consistent. In March, I must continue showing up for myself and staying consistent.

I still love writing my witchy book, so I hope to do more in March, watch more films, and expand my film knowledge. Reading took a bit of a back seat last month, but with the gorgeous new book I'm reading, that isn't the case this month. I neglected the blog last month, but I've got some posts planned, and I'm looking forward to writing and sharing them with you.

I'm looking forward to Rome; it has been on my travel list for a while, and I'm excited to celebrate my birthday there. Kicking off Aries season in Rome, it will be firey, exciting and adventure-packed. I have been planning like crazy. There are so many incredible places and sites to see!

So, March? We're going to be friends. 

Hello March

Saturday 2 March 2024

 Is February the new January? I ponder as I check my goals from last month, and I have yet to make much of a dent in making them a reality. 

I did have a positive start to the new year; I've seen my best friend for dumplings, watched many new films, read a couple of books, and even made some progress on my witchy novel. I also decided that I will be publishing an e-book version of The Moon is a Lesbian once I figure out how to do that, and I need to write some more poems to add to it, too. So keep an eye out for that.

January was good to me; I had a life-changing epiphany and decided I couldn't wait for things to happen; I needed to be more proactive in getting things done. It sounds obvious, but I had let myself fall into a two-doom hole, and my sister's snap back to reality allowed me to pull myself out of that hole. So, I had the January blues, but I am better for it and have been sorting myself out. 

My January stats:

  • Films watched: 31, my top three being But I'm a Cheerleader, Last Night in Soho and Quiz Lady. I have a Letterboxed account if you fancy seeing what I watch. 
  • Books read: 3.
  • Days journaled: 16 days in total.
  • Words written (witchy novel): 2,000. Total word count so far: 13,000.
  • Meltdowns: The limit does not exist.

I am grateful for the month ahead; we are one month closer to spring. I am over Winter. I need flowers to come back, the sun to be around more and just tolerable outside temperatures. I've set some small goals for the upcoming month, such as reading 3 books, writing 10,000 words for my witchy novel, and writing a few more poems for the new version of The Moon is a Lesbian! 

This post was supposed to go live last week, but I got sick. Thankfully, after much sleep, many films, and lots of Lemsip, I'm back on my feet. I'm writing the first week of February off and starting on my goals on Monday!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend! See you next week with a poem I've been working on!

January... No February

Friday 9 February 2024

It is the 29th of February. this day only comes around every four years. I'm going to be honest with you guys, my time is taken up. Either with college, coursework, family, writing and well just time being used. Well, sometimes in life I am so busy I only know the day of the week I'm at and I don't pay attention to much else in that concern. The only time I pay attention to the date is if there is an event or an occasion coming or even an appointment, otherwise I am pretty much clueless. The whole concept of time kind of bugs me, we only have 1440 minutes in a day, and most of that is spent doing work for college and going about our schedules, eating and sleeping. We get deadlines and certain time to be places, and we actually base our whole lives around time, it's strange but we need it. The only time isn't taking into consideration is through the holidays, where we can freely waste our taste and forgetting what day it is without much consequence, but even then we make plans and fill up our time again busying ourselves so aren't left sitting in our bedrooms bored wondering what to do for the next three and a half hours. We complain we never have our own time, our own time to be free, chilled and stress free. Yet, when this time comes we instantly make plans, granted it is ours to allocate freely as we wish.
And because of the sorting of time hundreds of years ago we are granted with the leap year. The leap year holds traditions, searching I found four traditions;
1. Women can propose to men.  - I am proposing to myself! Love you me!
2. Babies can join a club. - Those born on the 29th have exclusive membership to the The Honour Society of Leap Year Day Babies. - I didn't even know this was a thing!
3. Leap Year Capital of the World. - The city of Anthony, which sits across the border of two American states - Texas and New Mexico - has nominated itself the Leap Year Capital of the World. It holds a four-day festival to celebrate the occasion, including a huge birthday party for Leap Day babies.  - Again I did not know this!
4. Modern Olympics are always held in a Leap Year.This appears to be a fluke - it's a good fun fact. This year's Olympics will be Rio de Janiero in Brazil. A Leap Year also marks the US Presidential elections. 
5. February 29 also marks Rare Disease Day. - There are about 7000 diseases considered rare. Examples include Crohns Disease and Tourette Syndrome - 
Okay so I knew only one of the traditions named above, and that was the marriage one. I feel more educated about today.

Leap Year

Monday 29 February 2016