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After much contemplation, I decided to stick with the word 'females' in the blog title because I liked the sound of the fricatives. However, I do believe I sound like Martin Goodman- not entirely sure if this is a good thing or bad thing?

Recently I have been thinking about how wonderful women are, and it leads me down the path of considering the character's from the books I have read and how the women in these stories have impacted my life and my own view on the world. Having read quite a bit over the years it was hard to narrow down but I have managed to pick five! 

It was quite the task but I had to consider all of my favourite books and go from there! Some may come to your surprise but others probably not! I hope my list allows you to think of your favourite fictional females! Is there any of mine you agree or disagree with?

1) Katniss Everdeen - The Mockingjay, the absolute gem and my favourite fictional lady of all time. I first read The Hunger Games in my early teens, maybe before, and as one book closed and another opened I remember myself thinking 'What a badass!' A true heroine who I wanted to grow up like. She refused to follow rules and lead a rebellion, we see many women in the media today letting their inner Everdeen roar.

2) Molly Weasley - The mother to all! Admittedly I am not so keen on the writer due to her transphobia but I have always separated the writer from the work. Harry Potter has given me so much light through the years and is still one of my favourite universes in the world, I am not condoning the writer's opinions or actions- I am just ignoring her existence as I don't want her tarnishing the HP Universe. Had to a disclaimer that but back to Molly. I love her caring nature, she doesn't think twice about taking another son underwing, even if he isn't blood-related. I also have kudos to her for dealing with such a big family, especially with jokers like Fred & George. I have mad respect for this lady. 

3) Tris - We had to see this one coming, I love Tris. She is a character I hold very dear to my heart. The resilence of her character and sheer determination puts me at awe. In the first book, we see her almost fail her training for Dauntless, she refuses to let this happen. I think another reason Tris made number 3 is her unjustly death, I have still yet to recover and it just plain angers me. Her brother is a traitor back and forth, and yet she sacrifices herself- you have to respect that but it was heartbreaking. I remember reading the ending of Allegiant and sobbing out loud. My chest hurt and it was hard. I was so angry at Caleb and so heartbroken for Four. Even now when I reread the trilogy I still cry and all those feelings coming back just like they did when I first read them.

4) Mrs Havisham - yes that spinster from Dicken's Great Expectations. An odd one I know, but I cannot help but admire her for how long she can keep a grudge. She is jolted as a young bride which leads to her decay. I love that she just decides to let everything rot, she was done with the world. Refuses to seep back into reality. There is just something so beautiful about her. There was something wicked about her forming Estella into a heartbreaker, it was a very odd dynamic but she wanted Estella to hurt men the way a man hurt her. Not a great thing but lowkey love it and I know I shouldn't.

5) Rosalind - from Shakespeare's As You Like It. If I am completely honest, there aren't many female characters in Shakespeare's plays that I am overly thrilled by. Some are bores or just too soppy. Rosalind is the exception, she is such a wonderful character. It is very rare you see a female character so prominent in a Shakespeare play. She is such a strong character with the ability to subvert the limitations that society imposes on her as a woman. She disguises herself as a young man in order to tutor and woo the man she loves teaching him ways to love and show passion. It's such a fun play and plays with gender is such a farcical manner. 

Favourite Fictional Females (Books)

Saturday 22 August 2020

This is a little idea I just thought of, I do my Weekly Favourites, and well I kind of figured I listen to music on a daily basis. I have songs which I play on repeat and tracks that I am simply in love with. So maybe every Saturday I could post a weekly playlist, this allows me to share my favourite songs and for you guys to perhaps relate or even find a new favourite song to listen to. It would also be lovely if you could recommend some music to me; as I love listening to new things, and who knows maybe they will be in next weeks weekly playlists.

1) Ex's & Oh's - Ella King
2) Beautiful Thing - The Stone Roses
3) Shoulda Woulda Coulda - Trisha Paytas
4) 5 Colours In Her Hair (US Version) - McFly
5) Lionheart - Demi Lovato
6) Ghost - Halsey
7) Bright - Echosmith
8)  City - The 1975
9) Runaway Train - Busted
10) Sally Cinnamon - The Stone Roses
11) Memphis - Justin Bieber
12) The Fear - Lily Allen
13) Rockin Robin - McFy 
14) NO - Meghan Trainor
15) Pour Some Sugar On Me - Def Leppard 
16) Someone - Lucy Spraggan
17) Don't have to take our clothes off - Ella Eyre
18) Manners - We Are The In Crowd
19) Top Down - Fifth Harmony
20) Apology - Bea Miller

Weekly Playlist

Saturday 11 June 2016

This was the outfit I wore on Thursday. My favourite outfit of this week. Black is very slimming, and I felt confident and generally really good about myself!

Holterneck; Primark - I can't remember how much I think it was £3-£6 not too sure though.
High Waist Skinny Jeans; Primark £13 - these are my favourite jeans of all time. I discovered these a little over month ago and I already have several pairs of them, also they make your ass look so good!

Also I am a Primark girl, I haven't expanded to other women's clothes shops yet, I just stick to what I know.

This is my favourite selfie, Demi did my makeup and well as always I loved it. I like to think I went from a 3 to a solid 7. Also my hair looked pretty good too, due to lighting it looks slightly ginger in this picture but I don't mind too much.

I don't know much about the makeup I am wearing, I do know the foundation is No.7 beautifully matte.

Demi is my go to person for make up, whenever we are together she does it. I like it because she knows how to make certain features more prominent, it makes me feel more confident and girlie. It's just a good feeling!

Thank you for reading today's blog, see you tomorrow!! -Lauren

Outfit of the Week

Sunday 29 May 2016

This week, especially this weekend I've been trying out some new things. The pictures show my favourites, if you want the recipe feel free to comment as all of these dishes are incredible!

Healthy Favourites

Sunday 22 May 2016

I'm not sure if it's just me but I have words that I like to use a lot, or I just like saying or stick it in an essay somewhere. Words that are just appealing, I thought it would be a good little idea to share all my favourites words, well at least the ones I can think of off the top of my head. I'm not sure if I have done this before, I think I may have last year but I am not too sure I'll have to check but since then I have many more. Some I will explain but I won't bore you with the details.

  • Pathetic fallacy - it is such a pretty word, since I study Media, Film and English Lit&Lang I get to use this word a lot!
  • Bloated - say it out loud, your lips and tongue replicate the action of bloatedness - need I say more?
  • Picturesque 
  • Painterly
  • Writerly - not sure if this even a real word.
  • Dominant
  • Prominent 
  • D**k Head - Fully aware it's swearing but I have to admit I like to use this word. 
  • Interrogative - Rhetorical interrogative mostly, doesn't just sound devine?
  • Caesura 
  • Grotesque
  • Vlogging - I like the idea of the two words merging of video and blogging - this has a real word but I'm failing to remember it.
  • Timeless
  • Naive 
These are my favourite words, what are yours and why?

Appealing Words

Saturday 16 April 2016

A video/photo summary of all my favourite things this week! Pictures all my own I have put them into two collages! I hope to do weekly favourites at the end of each week!

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 20 March 2016

(Tuesday's Post)

I like to think I have a diverse music taste, I listen to different artitst and I love different songs. My favourite's change all the time, so I am listing twenty songs I have been in love with lately, in no specific order, also some (most) won't be recent.

1) McFly - Five Colours In Her Hair (US Version)
2) Halsey - Young God
3)  EchoSmith - Talking Dreams
4) McFly - Rockin Robin
5) Hoodie Allen - Champagne and Pools
6) Nickelback - How You Remind Me
7) McFly - Pinball Wizard (their cover of The Who)
8) Johnny Cash - I Walk The Line
9) Selena Gomez - Good For You
10) The Stone Roses - Sally Cinnomon
11) Halsey - Ghost
12) Johnny Cash - Cocaine Blues
13) EchoSmith - Tell Her You Love Her
14)  Halsey -  New Americana - Maybe her whole Badlands Album -
15) Ella Henderson - Pieces
16) Grease - There Are Worst Things
17) Grace Potter - Something I Want
18) Bea Miller - Not An Apology
19) Bea Miller - Force Of Nature
20) Justin Bieber - Love Yourself

Comment your current favourite songs!

Favourite Songs

Wednesday 16 March 2016

I'm attempting to update my blog every day to keep writing and well share whatever with you guys. Today I am recommending am album which is currently my favourite, it's all I've been listening to for the past couple of days.
Halsey - Badlands
My favourite  tracks are;
-Coming Down
- New Americana
-Strange Love

These songs are inspiring and well they have sparked some thought and ideas so I will get more of my writing work to you guys.


Saturday 21 November 2015

Do you ever just fall in love with a word? There is no real reason behind it you just like the way it sounds. Every week I fall in love with a word, even just hearing someone else mention the word it makes me smile. This weeks word is;

Pathetic fallacy - is a literary device wherein the author attributes human emotions and traits to nature or inanimate objects. For example, the following descriptions refer to weather and how it affects the mood, which can add atmosphere to a story: smiling skies, somber clouds, angry storm, or bitter winter.

Word of the week

Saturday 3 October 2015