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 Hello, my lovelies, 

I'm sharing some spoilers on my work in progress; not too much, just the vibes. I'm currently writing a feminist, queer witchy novel with three badass lead characters. I have become obsessed with their world. To aid me in writing, I have been creating whole mood boards, playlists, cute little character avatars- everything. 

If I had to say my witchy book was like something, I'd say the OG Charmed X The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. I've always loved witches, magic, and women who are powerful and badass but also authentic. This story won't just highlight powerful women but also women who are genuine, who aren't perfect, and who make mistakes. 

I have ideas that this book will be part of a trilogy, but I need to continue drafting this first book before I even explore the possibility of a second or third. 

Below are some screenshots from my private Pinterest board so I can give you an accurate idea of the vibes of my current WIP. I own none of these images; they're all from Pinterest!

Naturally, I have a mood board and a dedicated playlist that I listen to whenever I work on my witchy novel. I won't share the whole playlist, but I will share my top five songs that capture the vibes perfectly!

Top 5 songs from my witchy novel playlist:

  1. Fleetwood Mac - Seven Wonders (2017 Remaster)
  2. Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful
  3. Halsey - Young God
  4. Blondie - Heart of Glass (2002 Remaster)
  5. Florence + the Machine - Make Up Your Mind
You may be wondering about the progress of the book. The goal is 100K words; I'm at 40,000 so far. I have a long way to go, but I have dedicated more time to writing. My witches' stories fill me with happiness, and I want to share them with the world!

So, yes I'm writing a book. Once I've drafted it, I start the process of searching for a literary agent! I aim to have the book written by the end of the year. Watch this space!

Current WIP

Sunday 18 August 2024

The book I’ve been reading is The Kingdom by Jess  Rothenberg. If you’ve seen this title around you’ll have seen a different cover. I got this version before the final one was published. 

It’s such a magical story, the version I’ve read is the uncorrected version. I really enjoyed this book, it was a break for my brain. A chance to be transported to what I can only describe as fucked up Disney. 

You see a world where it’s scientificially modifier, from hybrid animals to bringing back extinct creatures. The main characters are the fantasists, and you follow the life of Ana. 

In the story you see friendship, love and deceit. It seems like such a happy story as you read through the chapters with the characters, but as the story unfolds you begin to read a tragedy. 

I really loved the characters, all the different princess’ and seeing their capabilities. It reminded me of Disney princesses but maybe modern day and if they were real. 

I really enjoyed the different chapters format, one chapter you’ll get story and it switches between story and court cases and interviews. The court cases are ahead of the story, so you’re constantly wondering what made this event occur. Very captivating. The court cases are somewhat present tense whereas the narrative chapters are dated ‘14 months before trial’. It’s interesting seeing the events unfold this way, watching the consequences without seeing or witnessing the action. Which you don’t find out until the end of the book. 

There is such a brilliant plot twist towards the end of the book, and it was intense and the ending was beautiful. 

This book was captivating, and different from anything else I’ve read. Not a difficult read but definitely a gripping one. I do believe there will be another, at least in the copy I read you’re lead to believe that this is the beginning of a series.

I created a poem inspired by this book, see below: 

The Kingdom - Book Review

Friday 21 June 2019

Previous parts (in order)
Hunter of Hope
Wild One

Wave of Lavender

The heart in my chest felt heavy, and my body started to feel limp. I was out for too long, and now it's taking a toll on my body.  I arrived back to the wooden log I called my home, it somehow wasn't how I left it. Nothing was physically touched, but it didn't need to be. It was evident someone or something had been here, evident in the foreign scent they left behind. 
I wasn't afraid to search the house; after all the owner of the household must protect what is theirs. I didn't find anything. Needless to say, it was the first time I had come across such a scent, it was dark, almost intoxicating yet refreshing with a wave of lavender, it wasn't the last time I'd meet the scent either.
I would have been annoyed at the anonymous intruder, the one I'd never met since the scent was new to me, but I was annoyed more at myself for not bringing back good game, instead I allowed myself to get caught up with exploring.
Tomorrow, tomorrow I will bring back the best game, and I won't come back until I do. 
Hungrily I made way into the kitchen, eager to find something, anything to eat. Living alone had its perks, like not having to share or bring back heavy loads of game, instead I just wanted to bring home decent game, something more than Ferrell.
From takings I had a small feast, a few gooseberries, a handful of chestnuts  and half a squirrel, I had eaten the other half on my journey today only now I wish I hadn't. 
I felt the need to bath, even though I was a little more tired. Out back was a well, it was small and made of stone. I hardly used it, due to long the Summer the only water it supplied was warm. For a bath it was perfect, with the small pale made of wood and iron I trekked back and forth from the well to my large tin bath. It took me about an hour to fill it, and even then it wasn't even half full. Returning the pale back to its well I got a waft of the intoxicating scent with the wave of lavender.
Immediately my guard went up, and my eyes searched around my wooden log. No one on the street, no one in the fields. The scent was there and then it was gone. I felt the immediate need to return inside, I shook off the moment and went into my little made up bathroom. 
I stripped myself of my clothing and simply sat in the tin bath. The water was warm as I figured it would be,  it felt almost foreign. For a while now I had been accustomed to cold showers, I say shower I mean a pathetic almost rusted pip that runs up my bathroom wall with a little knob that allows water to spurt out. I positioned the tin bath underneath so I never soaked the floor. 
As I sat in the bath I looked at nothing but the water, I sat for a while before I even began to bath myself. By the time I was done the water was almost cold, but I didn't care. I dried myself off with the smallest of towels, I didn't bother putting clothes on. Upstairs I went and climbed into bed, where I'd lay for the next ten hours.

Next Part;

Hunter of Hope - Wave of Lavender

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Previous parts (in order)
Hunter of Hope

Wild One

The air inflamed my lungs, my body aching as I force my legs to carry me forward. I'm not even running yet the twigged ground beneath me is already make me feel dizzy. This is my first proper outing since I began living on my own, it's only taken me two weeks. It feels like two years, I have been out but only to gather supplies and even then that was within two yards of the house. Today I decided to go out further, mainly to scope the place out, and slightly hoping for better game my recent meals have been a little below par. I haven't seen anyone so far either, this place has been too quiet. 

Since the last full moon things have quietened down, no growls past windows, no blood spattered trees. The only violence I have witness has been inside my own head. I cannot be blamed, it was not my fault I was abandoned.  I expect it won't last long, once the new breeds make their way over this side of the river the violence and the packs will be back, they always are. 

The barks of the trees become darker, this means I am pretty far in. My walk turns into a sprint, and I am searched the grounds for wild meat. Instead of pain it feels lustrous stretching my legs and allowing myself the freedom of the forest. It feels refreshing being out in the wild again, after everything I didn't think I would've made it. The last wild one, Hope Dacia, who knew I'd be the only one left? 

Hours later I allow myself to sit near a stream, take in the rocks and tiny fish avoiding them. The water lamely gushing down the narrow road. Looking around the trees were much darker, and the leaves above were down looking like shadows. It was light and now suddenly it's like darkness has taken it in a flash.

Next Part

Hunter of Hope - Wild One

Saturday 28 May 2016

345 days clean. I would say 345 days strong but I’d be lying, each day I grow weaker. The need lingers and some days I come close to breaking my streak, but I am reminded by the glare. That glare of the foul creature that haunts the sky, the professor that keeps me and my kind in order.   Today is the day I am supposed to celebrate, celebrate my secret. The celebration has not started well, I have been awake over an hour and yet I have not moved my sorry ass out off of this pit I call a bed.

Move out on your own they said, stand on your own two feet they told me, it would do me the world of good. Again I am reminded why I probably shouldn’t accept the advice I receive. I wander across the empty floorboards, barefoot ignoring the cold of forgetting to shut all the windows the night before, as usual. The only noises are my own, cracking of my bones as I lazily stretch to the kitchen.

I cannot help miss the smell of thick grease from grizzled bacon on the stove each morning, or the disgusting waft of vegetables anytime the fridge was opened. It’s different now, no one is cooking me bacon and no one is filling the fridge. Independence is a cruel thing, you hunt for yourself and you provide for yourself. And if you don’t? You hear the consequence as it rumbles through you preventing any possible chance of sleep.

Parts in order;
Wild One
Wave of Lavender

Hunter of Hope

Thursday 19 May 2016