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Today was the last official day of this college year, I am now off for the Summer. With the exception of a few meetings and trips of course, but work wise I am done until September. What a relief it is! However, it feels too good to be true. After an exhausting, and changing first year of college it is suddenly Summer, when did that happen?? I am glad though, no more early mornings and having all the time in the world to myself!

I wanted to do a reflection on the year but I think I will leave it until results day, then I can talk about how I did and what happens next!

Done for the Summer

Wednesday 24 June 2015

I haven't updated in a little while, and whilst I am feeling open minded and quite at ease I thought that I ought to.

Life is treating me fairly well, this week has been pretty good too. All my lessons in college going well, I'm getting a head start on A2 English Literature, by far my favourite lesson. We are studying The Bloody Chamber, incredible! They are abrupt, Gothic, sexual and a very good read I do say!

I have an essay to redraft for tomorrow which I should be doing now... I suppose a little ten minutes won't do any harm, I hope.

Lately I feel so good, happy as if nothing in the world could go wrong. It feels so good, it has been a long time since I last properly felt like this!

Plenty of opportunities are heading my way, trips and visits. Which means I will be uploading posts about them once they happen!

Sorry for this short and quick post, next time I shall be posting more!


Thursday 11 June 2015