Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts
-Saturday's post -

On Saturday, I decided to give my mother and her group N.H.A.P (Needles Hooks Angels and Preemie) a help at their charity fare. It was  a lovely day and we successfully made £410, which is amazing. All the ladies were lovely, it was a bit of laugh. There was singing (mainly Abba from Sheila and myself) and there were facepaints which I will be sharing later tonight in my weekly favourites. My sister and her fiance came long, they face painted and it was a good day. We had a cheeky McDonald's afterwards and well when I got I needed a nap. If you're interesting in my mother's group or just doing a little bit to help here is their facebook page link just click N.H.A.P they help babies preemies and angels, they're amazing, and I feel happy to be able to take part and help raise funds and also they send out to over 180 hospitals across the UK. It is amazing and it's a wonderful feeling know that this group (and my mother) are helping so many families! I'm am one proud daughter!


Sunday 20 March 2016

I forget to keep up with my social media, like a lot. I am going to show you everything I have shared across my mediums.

Facebook I shared this hilarious post from Sim Logic page;
I found it hilarious. I am a huge fan of the Sim franchise so I often share a lot of Sims related posts.

On my Instagram it was just selfies which I won't bore you with just follow the link if you must -click on the word Instagram.

On my Twitter I shared my blog posts and little anecdote from film studies -just click Twitter.

Thank you, and I shall be back tomorrow!

Keeping Up With... my social media

Wednesday 16 March 2016

An early post today, I have woken up a little early today. It's good not to have to get up, rush to get ready and leave for college. I can just do things at a normal pace, chilled and stress free. So we are now in the top three days of the countdown. Tonight's film shall be Home Alone 2, I mean I might as well since I watched the first last night.
I'm thinking for New Year I might make a few changes to my blog, layout maybe even content. I just feel as though I need to be more organised. 
I just ate Pizza for breakfast, and now I'm currently enjoying a lovely cup of tea (made my yours trully) and listening to music. Today I plan on doing some writing, I need to sort my wattpad out. It is all over the place, I have so many stories going on it's driving me crazy, I need to prioritize!
Since the holidays have taken over, the strangest thing is happening, I'm using social media more than ever, I've always used it but on Facebook for instance I don't usually post or share anything but damn I've been very active, I usually just use Facebook to be nosey but no I am getting involved with the posting and stuff, it's interesting I believe, I'm not used to sharing or posting stuff on Facebook. I'm only accustomed to sharing something every few months. 
I'm feeling the festivity, the stories I am planning on working on I may even slip in a Christmas chapter, because why not? Nothing like raising spirits! (not literal spirits we all know my fear of that sort of thing.)
So Three days to go, my parents are already out rushing around whilst I'm house sitting, not bad at all. It gives me time to tidy up (or pretend to) and get some writing done! Happy Three days!

3 Days To Go

Tuesday 22 December 2015