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It's been a little while. I know, I haven't been writing as much outside of work as I'd have liked to, but I write when I can. I'm actually taking myself away at the end of the month for a bit of a writing getaway. I've booked time off work and I hope to get lots of writing done!

I felt inspired to come to the blog and write today because of an amazing experience I had yesterday in the Metro Centre Waterstones shop. I had been out with a really good friend of mine and we popped into the shop. I was after some new queer books! 

I had a little walk around the shop and I found a teen pride section, thought this was really cool, but I was in search of adult queer books. I found a bookseller that almost reduced me to tears.

I approached her and asked if she could show me the adult queer section. I tell her that I'm after some woman-loving women's books,  and could she please point me in the right direction. She turned to me and goes, due to Waterstones policy (I was expecting the worst at this point) we don't believe in segregating queer fiction or queer writers from other writers and books. She explained to me the pride stand was part of a promotion around teen queer fiction with the recent popularity of Heartstopper. She was so lovely, and I rightly so agreed with her, that queer fiction shouldn't be separate, and I felt so seen.

I've always found queer sections in other bookstores and hadn't put much thought into it, but it made me happy that queer writers are among other writers. That is exactly how it should be. I know it was such a small interaction, but as a lesbian and queer writer myself, it was so wholesome and just made my heart warm! 

The lovely bookkeeper recommended me One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston and Delilah Green Doesn't Care by Ashely Herring Blake, and I bought them! I was super happy when she handed me Blake's book. I had been wanting to read it since I heard of its publication at the beginning of the year.

I'm really looking forward to reading both books, and I guess I just wanted to share this little wholesome experience on here because it was just lovely!

 I will be sharing book reviews for these books when I've finished reading them, so keep an eye out and HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!

My Recent Waterstones Experience

Sunday 12 June 2022

Last night I took a coach to London. Being a student of course I want as cheap travel as possible. So 7 hours on a coach to London... oh boy. Barely slept, cramp everywhere but I felt alive with London as soon as my case rolled on the pavement.
We were in London for an hour or so, getting food and sorted before getting on the hour train to Brighton. Which was far more pleasant than the coach, I did my makeup eat wonderful cupcakes we bought in London.  The closer the train was getting to Brighton the more excited I felt.

Leading up to my firsr trip to Brighton, everyone told me I'd love it and it will be amazing. I hadn't quite believed them. Until I stepped out of Brighton Station, and I have never felt so at home in a place I've never seen before. It was love at first sight, and it became even more so when we explored. Wall murials and art on every corner, shops alive with colour and unique qualities. My soul found its home.
We explored coffee shops and food places, we visited The Lanes, which I see myself spending all my time (as well as money) during University. Brighton is like no other place, it wasn't fast like London, it was chilled and welcoming.
I met someone new, another student who I connected with and it felt amazing. With Brighton I'm not that nervous wreck I am in other cities, I'm not that self concious person in the city I've come from, I feel so relaxed and confident and unique. I have never felt this free or good before, I think Brighton may just be the best thing for me.
We visited the pier, and amusements. Pubs and endless shops. We trullt explored today, and as I walked through the streets each step I knew I was home. The hotel is lovely we are staying in, spacious and spectacular. We've been for drinks and just had such a good first day. I can see myself living here for a long time. It's picturesque and the creative vibes radiate through  me, I am so excited for the future.
Tomorrow, on the cards we have University of Brighton applicant day (the main reason we came down) where I will meet other students, the lecturers, and get tours. I am super excited! After this we plan on shopping as well as stroll along the pebbled beach.  Check back in tomorrow, I am having an early night since I haven't slept much within the last 48 hours!

Brighton Day 1

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Life is too short to stay sour, sure bad things happen and friendships end. Memories fade and things get forgotten, but what about the things you do remember? The good times you had, the stupid moments no one else will understand just you and that one friend. The way I see it, you can try and forget all the years between you two or you can drop a message and try to rekindle. Life is too short to try and burn bridges, be thankful they happened and then together reminsce. Even if you both are busy, what harm can a few texts do? If there is someone who came to mind whilst you read this, please give them a message. Not for me, but for you. Don't let a good thing go to waste, plus no one knows you like a best friend does.


Monday 28 November 2016

I didn't know it would feel this way, I somehow never imagined that this would feel so good. For the first time in my life I have this feeling, a feeling that is so pure and almost magical. No fairytale or young adult fiction book could ever prepare me for this. If someone told me that this would feel just like this, I would have rolled my eyes and told them no not me, never me. I don't even know if it feels the same for anyone else, but for me it feels so good. This feeling chases away loneliness and invites in excitement.

feels so good

Saturday 26 November 2016

Hey guys,
As you can tell by the title today I will be talking about Tinder and the experiences I have had. The first part I posted mid-March here is the link if you wish to read that post first after that post I deleted Tinder and took a step back from it. At least until I turned eighteen (on March 23rd) and joined the 'adult tinder'. Rejoining Tinder as an adult, I assumed it meant something more serious and not wasting my time as much, but well you can see by the experiences I am about to tell you how exactly that went. Get your cuppa ready (Peppermint for me) and read ahead.
The extremely attractive guy
As soon as I turned eighteen I redownloaded the app and excitedly began to swipe. The same day I swiped right on a super handsome guy, it was one of those swipes where you know you have no chance but you swipe anyways, and to my surprise he swiped right too. Instantly I thought I have no chance, but this guy called Nathan messaged me first. I have to say guys I was punching above my weight, he was twenty two built as heck, and studied biomedicine in Uni. So we started talking and that led to getting each other's Snapchat (FYI BAD IDEA) and we began to talk every day, we got to know each other more, however sometimes replies would be hours a part, he had Uni and things so I kind of expected it. It was two weeks into talking, I had kind of hinted we should meet up or something but he didn't bite. Anyways, one night it was late and I was a little messed up and the conversation took a turn, we weren't chatting how we usually, I am partly to blame for this and basically that night we ventured into 'sexting' and that lead to many more sexting sessions in the weeks to come. We sexted more but still had casual conversations but then I noticed he would only ever have fast replies when we were sexting, and of course if that didn't send alarms off in my head other stuff did. Sometimes he would read my messages and not reply for hours and then later be like  'what did you say?' That would annoy me, it wasn't even the once. It was three weeks in and well if you know me personally I kind of get attached easily, can you blame me though? Talking to a person every day and getting to know them and what not. So it got to the month mark, and like we weren't moving forward, with sexting  we added porn into the equation (don't judge) but with me and him it seemed we weren't moving forward with meeting each other, plus his exams were beginning. Admittedly I got a little crazy, he wouldn't reply all weekend and he was going out the night before and hadn't talked to me the next day, in typical girl style I went crazy but not to him, I talked to my gay about it and stuff but it turned out he was at his grandparents wedding anniversary, which I felt bad for but also glad I didn't voice my crazy to him. I was kind of like insecure because why would a guy who can have any girl want to talk to me? It didn't make sense. A week later I decided to ask him what he wanted, and where this was going. It was doing my head in, and I was sick of acting like a crazy bitch, it wasn't fair on me having these thoughts and not knowing if this was going anywhere. So I asked him are we just sexting, are we mates or what I have no clue what he wants. I felt nervous, because even though I wanted the truth I kind of didn't. I had previously messaged him saying if you don't want to talk or I'm being needy or whatever tell me etc. and he told me not to be stupid and that he likes talking to me. He told me that he didn't want anything 'super serious' and that he wanted to just go with it and talk and what not. Which obviously that hurt me a little, it lead to a couple days later removing him from Snapchat, it wasn't out of spite it was just, it felt like I was obsessed with him and wanted approval and I was waiting on replies like a needy girlfriend, and he didn't want what I wanted, so I had to take the plunge for myself. I simply got rid of him, until the next day. He messaged me on Tinder asking if I blocked him on Snapchat and if he had done or said something wrong. I didn't understand because like I am just some girl and I didn't understand why he'd care. But I messaged him back, telling him that I had to, and that I liked him a lot, and that I realise I want something serious and that it's okay that he doesn't want to be serious, and that I kind of have to walk away because I'll be the one who gets hurt and that really it's better now than later. So.. I was expecting a dick reply, because guys generally don't like it when girls kind of you know back off and walk away, but with all honesty his reply made me cry 'Oh I see, I completely understand I get what you mean, I'm sorry things didn't work out, you're a great girl and you'll find someone properly, hope you're ok' ladies and gents he couldn't have been lovelier about the situation, I didn't reply because I knew I wouldn't be able to walk away if I did. So yeah, that was the time I walked away from the hottest guy I've ever seen!
Awkward guy
The next guy, I don't remember his name we didn't talk long and you can see why by the following. We started talking and he was kind of awkward, but that didn't put me off awkwardness happens. We talked for an hour or so and he talked about meeting up. I was like yeah sure but once we get to know each other first, which is a given because I don't want to meet a guy and we have nothing to talk about. It got weird, when he asked where we should meet and obviously I suggested a public place, but he was against the idea of a public place, and the went on to ask why don't I just come straight his house, apparently he is super nervous and doesn't like leaving the house, this set off alarm bells. I was like nope, and stopped talking to him. I understand that perhaps he does have issues but I can't just go to some persons house I don't know, I care far too much about myself to be putting myself in potential danger.
Creepy guy?
The next guy I think was called Mark or maybe Warren not sure. He basically found my Instagram and followed me and told me he was from Tinder, immediate block.
The writer guy
A similar story, I get a message on my Instagram from a guy. We talk, and he's a writer and we talked about writing things, and he then told me he also found me on Tinder (I immediately disconnected my tinder and Instagram so they had no link) and then went on to make me feel a little awkward by telling me I had swiped left, so I'm guessing that lead to him finding my Instagram. It creeped me out, completely. He then went on to tell me how he messaged Demi (my best friend) about her art and doing some art stuff for him, which again I found weird, and we talked more about writer things, I do enjoy talking to other writers so I kind of let the creepy thing go.I did have to set him straight though at some point, he was trying to make things a little sexual and I was having none of it and basically told him if that is what he wants then we can stop talking now, and that I basically only want to talk to him from one writer to another.  We talk still but only briefly, he seems like an okay guy I no longer get alarm bells.
The meet up guy
Jonny, this guy we got talking and he is lovely. We got along straight away, and we talk sometimes. However, he is persisted on us meeting up, but he wants me to travel all the way to Durham. It's pretty far plus I have only been there once so it makes me a little nervous. This guy I think I could potentially date but only if he were more willing to compromise, maybe meet me half way or something, but he wants me to go to Durham on the train and then bus it or wherever. I don't want to travel that far on my own, I kind of want to be somewhere I know and feel comfortable with.
The dickhead guy
If you know me well, you will know that I am very serious about Game of Thrones. In my Tinder bio I had that I was a fan and what not. And well some random guy matched with me and decided to send me spoilers, not only for the next episode but several episodes ahead, I wasn't caught up either. Can you imagine how pissed off I was? I was perhaps overdramatic with this but I replied calling him a dickhead and blocking him.
The current guy
Jordan,this guy I still talk to. I got his Snapchat before I decided to leave Tinder. We first started talking about Game of Thrones, and discussing ideas and  theories, and we still talk now. He is a nice guy, currently about to go off to America for the Summer. I am not sure where this is going with him, and I currently feel like we are just mates at the moment, but who knows what could happen. I'm not overthinking it, I am just going with it. Things are chill and he is a good friend.

So that is all I have this time round, I no longer use Tinder and I don't plan to in the future. I kind of figured that I am only eighteen and I don't need a relationship, I shouldn't feel pressure because most of my friends have boyfriends. I am happy being single, doing my own thing, I'm just taking life head on. And if I end up in a relationship cool, if not cool, I'll still be focusing on me and loving myself and being positive. I hope you enjoyed this, who knows what experiences I will have to share in the future. Thank you for reading, please follow the blog, I post every day! Lauren :)

My Tinder Experience (Part II)

Friday 3 June 2016

I was going to a story time of what happened Tuesday but here's a quick summary before I go into a deeper issue.

I wore the dungaree outfit which is plastered all over my instagram. I was incredibly self-conscious. Went over the best friends where she did my make up and I did my hair and we took a lot of pictures (my discovery was made in her bedroom but will go further into that soon) we chilled and then went out.  Bought tickets to Eddie the Eagle grabbed Bubble Cha and what not and then we waited for the bus. Only it wasn't a pleasant wait, an older guy drunk decided he wanted to check me out well it was obvious he almost stopped walking staring at my legs and looking me up and down, me and my best friend blatantly saw and watched him and he couldn't have cared less and decided to coo and crap and I was creeped out, the thought creeps me out still. I get I had my legs on show but it wasn't for attention, it was to rock a cute outfit and make myself feel better about myself. But anyways it was  a good day. - summary over.

So I was in my best friend's bedroom, she had left to go to toilet so I was on my own. Since she is an art student she naturally has scissors in her room, and other sharp stuff. She keeps a razor there to do her eye brows which she did mine too which are just fabulous, eye brow game was strong. It was triggering. Seeing these harmfull object my thoughts were all these objects she could easily self harm, no one would ever know. How is it not tempting? I'm getting itches just being here alone. It then made me realise that some people are just a lot stronger than myself emotionally, and that not everyone has turned to these things when they're feeling low. And it made me realize that I too am strong, it has been over two years since I last self harmed and the fact I am aware of things and possibilities, but I know which of my thoughts are wrong. It's weird actually putting this on my blog, it is a personal thing and it's difficult but it shows I'm strong enough now to not push my past problems to the back of my mind, I am aware of them and well this here is the only place I've voiced these recent thoughts. I can't exactly talk about this to people in person, and my blog is basically like my own diary. It's just odd that Tuesday the day I choose to be more confident and take the next step of self love that I'm taunted my own thoughts and reminder of self harming, maybe these thoughts were a reminder of how far I've emotionally come and that I deal with things much differently now and I'm not the person I was all those years ago. I am moving forward and I will eventually be where I am meant to be. I am proud of my self, instead of my making my blood pour I pour my emotions into my writing. Maybe I will talk more about these kind of things at a later date, I don't know. I'm just taking small stepping stones into letting my feelings and past experiences onto here. It's risky but it's something I need to do for myself. And if you're someone I know reading this, don't be worried I am fine and I will continue to be fine. Trust me!

Memory Pain

Friday 8 April 2016

(Monday's Post)

I don't usually ( or ever) talk about people I know on my blog, unless it is mentioning one of my best friends, but I never bitch about people, I don't like that type of negativity but I have an experience or two to share with you,about Tinder. I am fully aware I'm not even eighteen yet and it is stupid to even expect something serious from the dating app especially at this age. Tinder isn't bad in fact I have friends who have met amazing people on the world of Tinder, and kudos to them. It does help, it lets you connect with people, and I am not slating Tinder at all. It's just I am almost 18 and well that means since I am under the age of 18 so are all the people showing up, which means most of them are younger than me (which I stay away from) but anyways. I have two experiences so far, and well I thought I would share them, so like a story time. I will not be giving out names of the people mentioned for this purpose let's called them Jane (doe) and John (doe).
Firstly, I am not sure what made me try out the world of Tinder. I like talking to people and getting to know them and what not, but anyways.
There were matches but my first person John was the only guy I began to talk to properly. There were no cheesy pickup lines, no intentions for anything sexual and it was just genuine conversation. We got to talking daily, it was nice.I love the getting to know each other stage, it is my favourite thing ever.  So the more  John and I talked it seemed with both shared similar interests, like for instance writing. We both liked writing, and so when we decided (after much consideration) we were going to go meet we planned to bring some of our work with us to show each other. I was pretty excited, of course I was going to take caution I mean I was essentially meeting someone off the internet, so naturally I got (she insisted) my best friend to chaperone, like come and check this guy out to see if he isn't some creep. So before this meet up I went to my best friends, where she got me ready (makeup and stuff) I was making an effort, I even wore heels (I consider me wearing heels is the girliest I'll ever be). So once we were ready we went to the place and waited. I checked my phone and I was growing impatient, we were meeting at a place I felt comfortable because I wanted to be somewhere I knew, anyways. I checked my phone and well it turns out something came up and he couldn't make it. I was gutted, the weather was crap and dolled up for no reason. It wasn't a completely wasted night, me and my friend made a night of it, having tea and bubble cha and then having a good sleepover. So John was sorry and what not, I was a little annoyed at inconveniance but things happen and life goes and we decided on a later date. Don't get me wrong he was lovely but again something came up, which was apparently out of his control. We had added each other on Facebook after we started talking, and well a week or two after another cancelled date he is in a relationship with another girl. Yeah so thanks mate? Things happen but if he wasn't that into me he could have said, it's not like I would flipped my lid, I just want honesty. I decided to leave it, his heart and head was clearly elsewhere so I just left the whole situation. We didn't talk much after that. So I moved on and continued to Tinder.
My second experience, which is after John.  I got talking to Jane, I found her very attractive and lovely. She was so kind and lovely, like seriously. We talked and talked for a couple of months, and well honestly I felt myself becoming attached at times. I'd send her messages in the morning  like 'Good morning beautiful have a lovely day', I'd send her compliments through the day, I just wanted to make her happy. She was lovely back. Somedays we would go without talking but when we talked it was lovely we talked about interests and got to know each other. Recently it started to get heated like the messages were you know going somewhere. And things were just getting heated but we still had the cute messages between us on top of that. Last week, she messaged do I want to hook up after college, we hadn't talked about meeting yet, but I had things to do so I couldn't if I wanted to. We talked about the whole hook up thing and well it kind of hit me, that is all she wants. And well I recently realised her facebook page was she was in a relationship with this guy. I assumed it was her gay best friend, we had talked about him previously and she told me she was his music manager, she got him gigs and stuff because he sings. Then I kind of noticed it looked more than that, so I straight up asked, I mean I wasn't going to get the answer by thinking about it, turns out she is in a relationship with him, and has been for a while, and she still wanted to hook up. It annoyed me because I obviously was attracted to her and then to find out for months her motive was to just hook up and that's she's already in a relationship, yeah but no thanks. I'd hate to be the other girl or worse the person being cheated on, that's just not for me.
But yeah as you can tell I haven't had the best of luck with dating and Tinder. I don't feel malice towards John or Jane, things happen and we learn from experiences.I think I'll stay away from Tinder for a while at least until I'm 18 then I can deal with adults, plus I've always liked older guys and girls anyways.
If you're on Tinder I hope you're having better luck than I did! And if not then don't worry about it. Maybe these things aren't supposed to be forced and they will happen naturally or whenever really. I am no expert clearly.

My Tinder Experience(s)

Wednesday 16 March 2016

I was going about my normal day, being a Wednesday I had only two lessons which were first thing so it's one of my short days, the best day. But not today.
Returning to my sisters house, we stayed inside due to heavy 5-10 minutes snow. Once stopped, with my sister and one year old niece we went to the local shopping centre for the daily Wednesday shop.
It was different from most of our Wednesdays, firstly we passed funeral cars, which is always sad and very awkward and you never know where to look so you just put your head down. In these awkward serious situations I have a tendency to laugh so I generally had to trap my inner idiot in, for respect of course.
Once passing and out of sight, I let out the sigh of relief. And carried on to the local shop. Which I assumed would be normal and slightly better place to be than near the funeral place. I was wrong.
We were going about, as usual putting items in the little plastic basket. We were going down one isle, and guy, maybe a few years older than myself, stood behind us and we were in his way, so kindly we moved and looking at him he moved in a fast way like repeatedly. I was scared by him if I'm honest, and my sister informed me it was terrex and I understood.
We carried on shopping and there was a commotion at the tills we thought nothing of it. Going around the drinks area we ended up near the tills. The same guy was on the floor having a fit, a shopkeeper was trying to help him. I lost all my senses and cried, as a sixteen year old female in that moment my every emotion heightened and I sobbed. My heart hurt and I was a scared wreck.
I was worried about the guy, he stopped breathing and I couldn't control myself. My sister had to take me to another isle to calm me down, my emotions were heightened.
The guy's airwaves were blocked by his tongue, and ambulance were called. And well if the shop assistant hadn't helped and was at his side he would have died. Thankfully the ambulance came and the guy turned out to be somewhat alright, living.
It made me think, a lot. How something can just happen suddenly and how people act on it. The ambulance were so calm and everything. Everyone was shocked and trying to do what they can and me I mentally froze.
The only time I have ever had such heightened emotions where I'm sobbing and laughing and crying is when my sister read out an abortion poem to me, that time I actually screamed with tears and I couldn't control it.
It's weird how our brain reacts to things, I've never seen something like that before so it came as a shock.
This isn't one of those posts where I want attention or Shizz, it is the truth and I'm just thinking about how the brain works and how everyone reacts and the impact it has on people.
It was one of them heart in my mouth moments, in that moment I was an emotional wreckage.
Once the guy was rushed in the ambulance the shop just returned as normal it was a werlird shift. On the way home my heart was still raising and my thoughts muddled and my emotions heightened.
I kept thinking what if he'd died, or if I'm put in the situation where I'm the only other person around. My heightened emotions could get the better of me and someone could hurt. It got me thinking maybe I should take lessons or something to help in these situations. I want to help and be the best I can without my emotions being involved.
Maybe this was an unnecessary post but I just needed to put it down somewhere. Also wondering if anyone else has ever reacting like this to anything? Or is just me being the hormonal heightened emotional human I am.

Heightened Emotions

Friday 31 July 2015

Pride Squad
Today I went to the amazing Northern Pride, like I did last year and will be probably continue to do so for the rest of my years.

So I met with my girls' in the afternoon, from there we made our way to Nothern Pride. It was Demi's first, she is the one right of me. The vibes were great, everyone was excited. The rainbows were everywhere, everyone was happy and the atmosphere overall was incredible!

Wing Woman 
SO IT BEGAN!! The music was on point pretty much the whole day, there were rides, tents, and many many people. Everyone was so chilled and friendly, it really was the most inviting welcoming event ever!

Lucy Spraggan
We met up with people, the girls' friends. We mingled, danced with strangers, and laughed until it hurt. Demi loved the rides. Irena (on my left) nearly lost her phone, and I was the Wing Woman for Toni (Beanie), in this case I WAS THE DUFF... AWKWARD!! However, I did enjoy the day.

She was amazing 
I met lots of people, I third wheeled and eat a lot of junk food, leggit. I ALSO GOT TO MEET MY QUEEN!!
Since I saw Lucy Spraggan on the X Factor in 2012, I can honestly say I perhaps fell in love with her. Like she was a complete woman crush, she was/is incredible. I still fancy her to this day, I always loved the thought of hearing her in perosn and not just whilst I am sat at home on my sofa.TODAY WAS THE DAY.

I had hesitated coming to Pride this year, I just didn't feel up for it. However, the moment I found out Lucy was performing I knew I had to go. And so I did.

I waited all day, seriously all day. It was so worth it. She is honestly such a beautiful talented human being. My heart melted, and she was looking as stunning as ever! She sounded amazing. I cannot get over it all! It was so good being amongst a crowd, singing, dancing and showing pure enjoyment for Lucy and her music.  It was good, during the music at this time it was just Toni and I. We danced a little with these guys, they were friendly. We got hugs and face kisses, they were young crazy and well perhaps the cutest gay couple (BAES) I have ever met!

Everyone was so alive. She was so good, I was gutted when she had finished. I could have watched and listened to her perform forever.

After her were Bewitched. They are a little before my time but I had heard of them. They played one of their popular songs, which I knew because my older sister used to adore them. When they were performing we were sitting on the grass with some of Toni's friends. And it was like a wave washed over everyone, it was so calm and chilled. People dancing randomly, it was like something hippie like, it was incredible.

We stayed until everything had completely finished, it was nice. After we hung out a little, I didn't get home until ten. It was an amazing day, Lucy definitely was the highlight for me!

I shall be attending next year, with more people and well I will be legal to buy alcohol. So if a sober pride is good, will a drunk pride be better?

Northern Pride (2015)

Sunday 19 July 2015